Happy Friday! This week has been absolutely BEAUTIFUL here, with literally the most perfect weather imaginable. Naturally, this means we’ve been spending pretty much every waking hour OUTSIDE and loving it. November, I ain’t mad at you.
Let’s get into my favorites from the week, shall we?
one || My Thanksgiving month chalkboard. Makes me happy. :) We moved it into the kitchen from the hallway, where it was dark and not easily seen, and I love it so much more here! It’s a great reminder every time I’m in there to be grateful for everything I have! I found the chalkboard at Ikea and painted it, in case you were wondering. Super affordable! High five for IKEA.
two || I’ve been playing Christmas music, and I don’t care who knows it!! This week has been rough, for everyone in America, no matter which “side” you may be on. There has been so much negativity and so much anxiety and fear and craziness, I think it’s safe to say we have ALL been feeling it. SO. Christmas music it is, to bring some cheer and joy into our crazy world. :) Also, hi, nothing like getting into that holiday spirit!
three || Along the same lines of Christmas music, I am getting reeeeeal antsy to start decorating for the holidays! I think I’m going to convince Zack to let me do it earlier than usual this year. My babies need the magic of Christmas for longer than just one month!!! Who’s with me?!
No, seriously. Please leave a comment convincing my husband to let me decorate early. Thank you in advance.
four || My babies, playing together. Absolutely melts my heart!! Sam was so sweet all day yesterday, just randomly giving her kisses. I want to bottle them up as they are, right here and now, and never ever lose it. It’s just too perfect.
five || If you’re looking for a delicious recipe to make this weekend, especially if it’s cool where you are, you haaave to try Zack’s chicken chili recipe! SO GOOD. And warms you from the inside out. :)
Happy Veterans Day to everyone who has served or is serving. Thank you for all that you do! I hope you enjoy your weekend, friends!
Christmas makes everything better. I’m studying abroad in Paris for the semester and as there is no thanksgiving here, as soon as halloween has passed, CHRISTMAS IS EVERYWHERE. And it is fabulous and happy, and I love the christmas spirit. It has been hard in America lately, why not do everything we can to spread some cheer? I personally have been listening to Christmas music for a few weeks now!!
Ahh I studied abroad in Paris, too!!! I’m so jealous of you right now! ;) I hope you’re having the best time ever! And I definitely remember that- I mean, it makes sense. Christmas is the next holiday! Enjoy the city of lights, ma belle!! :)
THANK YOU!!!! I am with you 100%! And I totally made Zack read your comment. ;)
Yes, yes, yes to Christmas!! Too much negativity this week. Bring on all the cheer of Christmas through music and decor!!
Yesssss, thank you!!! I agree! Bring. It. On!
Zach, this is your aunt… Listen to your wife. You know she’s right! Love you all!
Haha THANK YOU, Aunt Kathy!!! Love you!
Yes to decorating early! Target is killing it with the Christmas decor this year as always! So I treated myself to some new decor and could not wait to put it up! I told my husband it was for the kids as well! :)
Yesssss it is totally all for the kids. ;) Always.
I’m all for decorating early for the holidays!!! I asked my husband when the earliest I could start listening to Christmas music was and he caved, so I’ve been listening it since November 1! I believe in putting up the tree ASAP because, like you said, the Christmas decorations should be up for month than a month. In the past my husband has said “the day after Thanksgiving,” but this year we have a BUSY Thanksgiving weekend so he obliged and said we could put it up before Thanksgiving, so on November 22, the tree and decorations will be up! So count me in on convincing Zack.
Yayyyy for Christmas music!!! It just makes everything cheery and happy, and during a hard time or in the midst of chaos/stress, some extra happy never hurt nobody. :) Yay for your husband caving and saying yes to Christmas a bit earlier this year!!! I think I’ve convinced mine, as well!
Whaaaaaa?! Nooooooo!
Sorry Katie! I just can’t handle Christmas so early! Maybe decorate with some Autumn/Winter style things but defo not Christmas yet! :-) I’m in the UK so we don’t have Thanksgiving, but we won’t be thinking about Christmas until 2 weeks before at the earliest! :-)
Whaaaaaa?! Nooooooo!
Message to Zack: It’s waaaay too early to start thinking about Christmas decorations! Avoid!
Sorry Katie! I just can’t handle Christmas so early! Maybe decorate with some Autumn/Winter style things but defo not Christmas yet! :-) I’m in the UK so we don’t have Thanksgiving, but we won’t be thinking about Christmas until 2 weeks before at the earliest! :-)
Hahaha! Noooo don’t tell Zack. ;) But I do get where you’re coming from- I have ALWAYS said no Christmas before Thanksgiving… I’m slipping, though. ha!
Haha. Yes! I was watching Elf this morning and looking on pinterest for diy Christmas decorations. I usually wait until after Thanksgiving, but this year I think we can all use Christmas a bit earlier.
Right?! I don’t know what it is, but I am not at all upset about wanting Christmas earlier this year, too! And I’m usually more of the “not before Thanksgiving” mindset! :)
We started the Christmas music last week too. My husband thought I had lost my mind and if we weren’t hosting Thanksgiving, the decorations would be going up this weekend. We all need a little Christmas cheer right now!