Hey guys! Welcome to my Saturday Series, “Some Things I’m Loving!” If you want to join me, feel free to link up below and we can all share with each other what we’ve been loving this week! :)
Song: “Autumn Leaves” by Ed Sheeran. His voice is so pretty and easy to listen to. And I have loved his ginger music-making self for a long while now. He continues to be a favorite of mine.
TV Show: I’ve finally started watching Downton Abbey Season 3! I know, I know. Fiiiinally. I missed it so. Just that opening song got me SO excited to be back at Downton again. Also, I have gone this long without hearing any major spoilers (somehow!) and then lo and behold, we’re watching “Jeopardy!” the other day (as you do) and Alex reads a clue with a freaking HUGE spoiler. Like, are you kidding me?! Really, Alex? I know it’s a year later, but stiiiiill. I feel like he should have prefaced it with “SPOILER ALERT!” or something. I mean, where is his tact?? Ugh. So that was frustrating, needless to say, but I will not let it ruin my viewing of season 3. I will not. I will try to pretend like I didn’t hear it. And also, let this be a lesson to everyone (especially Trebeck): Nobody likes a spoiler alert.
Workout: Running! It’s been the perfect weather to run in lately (besides the super windy past few days we’ve had) and I have been looooving getting out there and breathing in the fresh air and seeing the changing leaves and feeling the sun on my skin. The best.
Something that made me shake my head: We were watching a show on Food Network and the lady pronounced chiptole “chipot-leee” and I was just like, no. Nope. That’s not it. Don’t dooooo that. Not acceptable.
Excited for: I’m going to add another element to my Fall Fashion Series (in case you missed it, see Day One here!) in the form of videos! Kind of like an “outfit in action” type of thing. I don’t know. This is new. We’re experimenting. What do you think?
Verse: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.” -Matthew 5:9. This one just makes me smile, is all. Be lovers, not fighters, people! Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate!
Wanna link up with some things you’re loving? Just add your link below! :) Please link back to me in your post! Grab the link-up button too, if you’d like. (To grab button, simply click in the box below and copy all of the html, then paste into the html part of your blog post!)

My boyfriend’s mom and sister Love Downttown Abbey! I’ve never seen it, the bf doesn’t like it, so I just took his word for it hahaha. I’m pretty sure if I had heard someone say Chipotle that way, I would have been confused, and immediately said “Uuuummmm, WHAT?”. Haha some people, the nerve, jk ;). And yay for fall weather!!! I haven’t been able to get a run outside yet, due to how early I get up everyday, but one day! I always feel like the feeling of the cool weather and the warm sun against your skin, it just puts me at peace :)
Oh, don’t trust your boyfriend. Zack won’t even give Downton a try, despite my constant begging haha. Boys just don’t know sometimes what they’re missing! I love how you described running in this weather: perfection. You’ve made me want to get out there today!! :)
I love running in cool weather! It has been so hot here. It’s suppose to be 90 today. I’m so ready for boots and jeans!
Whoooa 90?! That is hot! Hopefully it cools down a bit for you soon!! :)
As always you look so pretty in your picture! I will be running during my lunch hour now because since it’s been getting dark out faster I don’t want to be running and run into (no pun intended haha) a bear or a coyote. After reading the verse you wrote I think you’ll appreciate the one thing I wrote in my link up that has to do with being good to others.
Aw thank you love!! :) Excited to read the verse you included!
I love this song, and this idea!!
Isn’t it so good?! All of Ed Sheeran’s songs are amazing. And thanks! :) You should link up with meee girl!
i neeeeed to get into downton abbey!!! i’m going to, i am going to once and for all!!
Girl. You haaave to watch it. Seriously, it’s amazing.
I love Ed Sheeran! Autumn Leaves is great. One of my favorite songs by him though is Lego House. I can’t wait for another installment of your fall fashion series :) I’ve never watched Downton Abbey but was considering starting it on Netflix.
I looove Lego House! Have you seen the video? It’s got Ron Weasley in it! :) You’re so sweet! And yessss I think you should absolutely start watching it on Netflix! Downton is my biggest TV obsession. That and PLL. Super different, but both so good.
I adore Downtown Abbey too – if you like that show, you may enjoy Call the Midwife. Set in 1950s East End London.
Oooh I’ll have to check it out! Hopefully it’s on Netflix or Amazon Prime! :)
I am SO behind on Downton Abbey… like still on the 1st season! The weather really has been the best for running, I love it so much, and it sucks that soon the time will change and I won’t be able to run anymore once I get home from work :(
Ahhh I could not watch the first season fast enough!! I was hooked. Love that show! Aww you’ll just have to get creative somehow with running!
Cute post!
Aw thanks love!
I went for a run outside today and it was amazing! I love fall in Sacramento!
Girl. Meeee too!
Oh how I love running! I am so excited for my first 1/2 marathon next weekend!
Ahhh that is SO exciting!! Rock it, girl!
I used to get burrito bowls and save half for lunch leftovers. When I did, my office mate would say “ah, gotta love Chipolte” , reversing the ‘l’ and the ‘t’. The first time I heard it, I didn’t know how to respond. The second time, I said, “yep. I love me some Chipotle”
Hahaha ohhh that is too great. I’m always caught off guard, too. Like, did they really just pronounce it like that? And whyyyy? Love your response.