You’ll notice that some of these items can be found on Amazon– my favorite place to create a baby registry! It has everything you need, is so easy and fun to create your registry and you can always add or remove items and BONUS: you get up to 15% discount when you buy any of the items on your registry! Also, they offer very easy 90 day returns on registry items, which comes in very handy. :)
You guys. This pregnancy has been SO DIFFERENT from my first. When I was pregnant with Sam, life was a breeze. I had energy! I never got sick! I didn’t even really feel that pregnant!
I was the worst.
This pregnancy, I’m experiencing more of what you would call a “typical” pregnancy. That is, I am feeling all of the sickness and nausea and discomfort that you frequently hear about. So if I had made a list of my first trimester must haves the first go around? It would have looked slightly different. But now that I’ve experienced all sorts of “fun” pregnancy things… Well. I feel like my list is pretty comprehensive. And thus, I present to you, my First Trimester Must Haves.
1. Coconut Oil
I use coconut oil as a lotion, hair mask, in a DIY body scrub (mixed with brown sugar, sea salt, a little vanilla extract, lemon juice and some olive oil- amazing!), and I even cook with it. This stuff can do no wrong. But the best part? It is so moisturizing. Lather it all over and you not only smell incredible, but your skin is silky smooth too. We find ours at Costco. And, I know stretch marks are like majority genetic (sucks, I know), but I attribute coconut oil to my getting virtually none. Just sayin. An ounce of prevention…?
2. Vitafusion Pre-Natal Vitamins
I did a lot of research on vitamins that don’t make you nauseous (which is a common side effect of pre-natals) and I found that these were the best. Prenatal vitamins are amazing for your hair and your nails, and seriously are the perfect vitamin for women, pregnant or not. I will be taking these forever, thankyouverymuch. The only thing these are missing is iron, so I just take an iron supplement and I’m good to go! Plus, bonus! They taste like candy!
3. Water Bottle
I am a water FIEND when I’m pregnant. Always thirsty. ALWAYS. Thus, I must have a water bottle with me at all times, and the cuter the better.
4. Coffee
Oh, the exhaustion of the first trimester. It was especially brutal this time, since I have a toddler now, too! I honestly live for my cup of coffee each morning (err.. sometimes afternoon). I cleared it with my doctor, and she said that one-two cups of coffee every day is just fine and will not negatively affect the pregnancy in any way. I drank coffee all through my first, and am happily doing the same this time around. And it is my saving grace some days. Can I get an amen?!
5. Bralette
I love these super cheap and comfortable bralettes. They’re soft, stretchy (leaving room for the inevitable growth!) and basically all I wear while pregnant. Real bras be damned.
6. Belli Skincare
It’s a whole line of pregnancy-and-nursing-safe products for the skin, and I loveeee it. The belly oil is so soft and luxurious, the anti-blemish facial wash is sensitive and actually keeps that dreaded pregnancy acne at bay (UPDATE: after using this the entire first trimester, I have seen a VAST improvement in my skin and I can happily say it really has made my acne so much better! Highly recommend!), and the line is unscented (important for mama-to-be’s!) and safe for Baby, too!
7. Crackers
Every morning, I woke up and felt nauseous. Now, I actually only threw up once (TMI?) (and also, hallelujah!) but that queasiness was there every. single. morning. without fail. And the only thing that I found to help keep it at bay was to eat a couple of plain-ass crackers (technical term) ((I recommend non-salted since it’s healthier, plus the more plain the better)) before even lifting my head from the pillow. Yes, it results in a multitude of crumbs in the sheets. And yes, it’s worth it.
8. Body Pillow
Okay, now, this body pillow is AMAZING. However, I tried to sleep with it, and I got a major crick in my neck, so I personally don’t suggest it for sleeping. But also, I could just be a really particular sleeper (I am). For lounging around, watching Netflix on the couch, and those days you just can’t do anything but rest? This thing is a God-send. My husband even steals it, when I let him. ;)
9. Ginger Chews
Ginger is so good for helping with nausea, and these chews from Trader Joe’s are my absolute favorite. I literally pop ’em like candy.
What would you add to this list? Anything you just loved your first trimester?
I am so excited for you! Love these updates!
Yay! :)
I will add vitamin B6 and unisom, the combo of the two helps soooo much with nausea. I wish I had known about it during my first pregnancy and then was so thankful my doc told me about it during the second pregnancy. Unfortunately I ended up needing meds for the all day sickness during the third…and final, thank you very much, pregnancy :)
Yes, I’ve heard of that combo helping a lot! You poor thing, I’m amazed that you went through that three times!! You deserve an award! :)
Pinning this for future use! Also, what is your recipe/ratio for the coconut oil body scrub?
Yay! I don’t really have a recipe, I just eye it… But it’s majority coconut oil (like a cup?) and about 1 Tbsp brown sugar, tsp sea salt, and dashes of the rest. -ish. haha ;)
Haha! I just needed an estimate :) Thanks!
Also super excited for you! I hope the nausea eases up and you’re able to just enjoy that little baby you’re gonna have sooner than you think!
Thank you!!! And I know, it feels like a million years away, but I know this baby will be here in the blink of an eye!! EEP!!!
Coffee!! All the coffee! And when you have a toddler and newborn, it’s even more necessary! Love your must-haves! :)
I took those prenatal vitamins and snacked on crackers before getting out of bed too haha. I had “morning sickness” all nine months of my pregnancy, so my nightstand consisted of a water bottle, vitamins, iron, and a box of crackers! Hope your nausea eases up soon!
Sorry you’re not feeling well! Pregnant thirst is insane! I always have to have water with me. If I don’t have water, anger mode can creep in quickly.
Yes to all of these! Especially the gummy vitamins! These were the only ones I could keep down! I also would add a large purse for snacks. I never left home without a sleeve of crackers and usually a granola bar or almonds.
Since my hubby and I are currently working on getting pregnant with our first baby, I am so going to need to remember this post!
Preggie pop drops are seriously amazing! You can find them on Amazon. I was literally sick all day and now I’m able to function :-)
We will be trying for baby #3 soon & you are making me want to try tonight! Lol!! Love how you make it seem so exciting even with the occasional discomfrt & nausea. Cannot wait to find out baby’s gender ;)
I actually can’t swallow large pills so when I was pregnant I found Bellybar chewable prenatals and took those even 5 months after my pregnancy! They tasted pretty good, didn’t make me feel any more sick than I already did (6 weeks of all day sickness oy!) and they have iron so major bonus!
Thank you for these!! I am nearing the end of my first trimester (we just finally announced, and when you first announced it hit alllll my heart strings because it has been SO hard to hold it in…which is why I’ve been blog-lagging so hard lately), but these are all helpful!! Can we look forward to a second trimester list soon? :) and congrats, mama!
Haley @
Thank you so much for this post! I am also in my first trimester and I’m taking the same prenatals! Also I may have to get this face wash. I do not have anything safe for my face yet and oh my goodness I’m breaking out. The only thing I do have for my skin is coconut oil and I’ve been putting it all over since I found out I’m pregnant. I use it under my eyes as well since I always look so tired (which I am, always). Congrats! I’m looking forward to any other pregnancy posts :)