First, WE ARE 39 WEEKS PREGNANT PEOPLE. FULL. TERM. I just wanted to write a few thoughts out while we’re here.
I’ve never made it this far into pregnancy before. I had Sam just one day shy of 39 weeks, so this is all new territory for me! I can officially say it is the longest I have ever been pregnant. ;) And boy do I know it! I feel HUGE, I’m uncomfortable, sleeping is getting harder (although last night I slept AMAZINGLY, go figure- I thank our tuft & needle mattress for that one), bags are packed (and packed, and packed again- I swear I keep re-packing ha!), house is in a constant state of clean (not complaining there!), and I am feeling pretty READY for Baby Girl to make her debut!
Hear that, angel girl? We’re ready for you! Whenever you decide to meet us. :)
I’ve had a few “scares”- like waking up at 3am two mornings ago with contractions. I never ever had any contractions at home with Sam (my water broke) so this was new territory for me. They were painful, but not excruciating, and I only had 4 and then they were done. I thought for sure that was it! But… Here we are. Still waiting! We have made our predictions as to when we think she will be born… What do you think?? Comment below- I’m curious! :)
It’s now time for another installment of The Bachelor Man Quotes!
Each week, I watch The Bachelor with my husband, and write down our commentary here. It’s hilarious. I recommend it to everyone. ;) Onward! (See last week’s man quotes here!)
[They show Ben putting his pants on and wearing super tiny tight blue undies]
Zack: We’re getting to know the Bachelor real well here…
Ben: “High school is where I have some of my best memories… First kiss, high school athletics…”
Katie: …That’s it?
Zack: Apparently the dress code was white All Stars.
Lace: “I’m gripping his hand, he’s gripping my hand…”
Zack: I think it’s cus he’s terrified.
Jubilee: “I’m happy right now and I don’t think anyone can ruin the high that I’m on.”
Zack: Welllll… You are in a room with Lace.
Caila: “You said you felt unlovable… Do you still feel that way?”
Katie: Obviuosly not, with all of these women throwing themselves at you.
Ben: “This is my favorite song… Like, of all time…” [deep sigh]
Zack: Ben just wants to slow dance with Amos Lee.
Katie: Ben is fangirling so hard right now.
Zack: Lace might be the craziest person that’s ever been on the Bachelor.
Lace: “I just hope Ben doesn’t think I’m some crazy girl.”
Zack: EVERYONE thinks you are some crazy girl.
Lace: “I have a bold personality.”
Zack: Give him more reasons to send you home.
Lace: “I don’t think that went well…”
Zack: Well, when you were talking to him, you were describing childhood photos…
Girl: “None of us have talked to him, right?”
Zack: So just keep sitting there complaining about it. That should help.
Ben: “And now I have to ask them to leave?”
Zack: No, you don’t have to ask. You tell them.
Katie’s Top 5: JoJo, Jubilee, Caila, Amanda, Lauren B
Zack’s Top 5: Caila, Becca, Lauren B, Leah, Olivia
Who are your favorites?
And leave a comment below with your prediction for Baby Girl’s birthday! :)
So I started watching the first episode last night and my husband came home and wouldn’t watch it with me! :(
I have Friday off so I’m going to watch all of the current episodes while he’s stuck at work! Hah!
Aww bummer!! You should show him these, maybe that’ll change his mind ;) haha!
OMG, your bachelor man quotes is my new favorite thing. This is the first season I’ve really gotten into already and I love it. I feel like I was missing out on so much!
Yessss I’m glad you’re loving the man quotes!! And girl, I can’t believe you’re just now watching! I’ve been hooked for yearsss haha
I definitely have to agree on Caila. How could you not like her?
Right?! She is so sweet!!
But can we please remember that she BROKE UP WITH HER ALMOST FIANCÉ for a man on a reality tv show???? ;)
Totally with you on your top 5! Where is that dress from? I need maternity dress ideas!
The dress is from free people! Here’s the link:
First, OMG that bump! You are adorable.
Second, I’ve never watched The Bachelor, but these quotes always crack me up.
Third, Good luck with everything. You’re so close!
GIRL. I am in awe at your never having watched The Bachelor! It really is an addiction, so I say good for you for steering clear haha ;) But I’m really glad you still enjoy the quotes! Makes me very happy and feel like I’ve accomplished something ha! :)
I LOVE your dress!
Aw thanks! :)
Fingers crossed for baby girl –
Looking forward to the photos!
I was cracking up during the love lab. Lace is totally bonkers – I think she’s making Ashley I and Kelsey from Chris’ season seem normal in comparison!
Haha she’s seriously making all the other crazies look wayyyy less crazy. Except maybe Kelsey. That girl was INSANE.
You look gorgeous! I say you will have her early next week or over the weekend! I am so excited for you guys! Sending prayers for a healthy baby and safe delivery!
Thank you so much girl!! I seriously CANNOT wait!! Eeeek!
Lace is like one of those crazy girls from a lifetime movie who ends up being a total stalker and then kidnapping the guy who rejects her and tying him up in her basement. Crazy pants.
I like Caily, Lauren B, and Amanda, Olivia is soo annoying. Can’t wait to see the drama she brings.
Baby girl’s birthday will be…1/18/16
Good luck Katie can’t wait to meet your sweet baby girl!