Zack is officially on Summer break- yayyyy! And so, naturally, we figured, what better way to celebrate than to do a very summer-y thing and head to the park?! So we packed some goodies and blankets and a ball and off we went to run around and have a picnic of sorts.
Well. It was fun. And we did indeed run around. But can I tell you something? A picnic with a two year old? Not exactly “picture perfect.” Because what two year old wants to sit down and have a picnic? Not mine, that’s for sure. ;) And then, it was also Sophie’s naptime, so we had a fussy baby.
I’m telling you. Pictures can tell a thousand words, but they might not tell the truth, if you know what I mean. And sometimes I get really caught up in trying to get these perfect pictures and creating “perfect” moments, when really they’re here, all along. The real moments. The moments that capture who my little people are, in their core. The moments that are real and pure and true and not staged or “envy-inducing.” THOSE are the moments I want to have. The moments I want to keep and treasure for always. THOSE are the moments I want to share here.
I guess I’m just saying this to let you know that life is messy and life is crazy and sometimes I get overwhelmed and sometimes I tend to want to be a perfectionist (okay, a lot of the time), but I’m learning to let go of that and enjoy these sweet moments for what they are. Mine. All mine. And I wouldn’t trade that for the world.
Oh my gosh! I was taking some photos today and was a little frustrated that they weren’t ‘perfect.’ This was a perfect post for me to read! Thanks! :)
I can definitely relate to that, girl, all too often!! So glad this post resonated with you. :) We all need to give ourselves grace!!
I always want perfect photos too, but am realizing more and more that I’m just happy to have any photo. It’s so crazy how fast they grow and I’m grateful to have the memories. Sometimes when you’re in it, you forget to savor it, and I love how photos trigger memories I would have forgotten.
Also, I’m trying to get over my self-consciousness about being in the photos. I may not love how I look, but my kids love me, and will love having the photos someday. Plus, when I’m 90, I’m sure I’ll look back at my 37 year old self and realize that I looked great.
YES. Couldn’t have said it better myself- when you’re in it it’s hard to remember to really savor it. I’m guilty of wishing certain things away. I’m getting better at it! And yes, you are so right- your kids will cherish the photos with their mama in them, and you DO look great!!!