So. Mustard. Let me tell you something about my relationship with mustard. As a condiment, I have always despised it. Like, no. I am a strict ketchup-only kind of girl. Mustard must never be touching any morsel of food if you expect me to eat it. Always has been this way, always will be. As for mustard the color, it used to pretty much be the same thing. I just was never a fan. But then, I don’t know. Then I saw these mustard tights, and I pictured them with a fun dress, and some boots, and I was like. Hm. Okay, then. Maybe mustard and I can have a relationship after all? I mean, I was never really very fair to the guy (the color, not the condiment. I’ve given the condiment plenty of chances, trust me.) And now look at me, with my mustard tights. My heart has changed, friends.
In other news, when I posted my hair tutorial vlog, I asked for suggestions for future videos, and NicholeRae suggested that Zack and I do a Q&A! And I thought, what fun! So, I kind of need your help, guys! I need some questions! ;) Please leave a comment with questions that you want the hubby and me to answer. They can be silly (because so can we) or serious or crazy or intense. Whatever. Ask away! :)
Im glad you got the tights because they look so cute on you! I hate mustard on my food to is so GROSSSS! Anywho on to some questions
1.) what was your first impression of eachother
2.) Your favorite memory with one another
3.) silliest story together?
Aw thank you Kiki!! :) haha glad to hear you don’t like mustard either! ;) And thanks for the questions!
Ok the tights look so cute on you. I could never pull that off….ever. haha. :)
Aw you’re so sweet, Jen! YES, you could totally pull off the tights!!!
Look at your skinny little legs! You are adorable. Love mustard and navy together!
xo Emily Beth @ Inspired Attire
Aw you’re sweet, Emily!!! Isn’t it a great color combo?! I was surprised how much I liked it!
ahhhh i wish you would re-consider your relationship with the condiment.
it’s never been anything but good to me.
love the tights!
Haha heyyy, to each his own. The way I see it, more mustard for you!! ;)
Such a cute outfit!
Thanks, babe!
I love this! I just did outfit pics yesterday in mustard tights…..they go with EVERYTHING!
Awww I will have to check out your mustard tights! YAY! :)
So SO adorable! I’m passing this along to my SIL who is a lil mustard yellow obsessed ;)
I LOVE this color!!! And mustard the condiment too :)
Hehe I agree with 50% of your comment ;)
So stinkin cute! I’m loving the color combo & the long cardigan over dress! Pulled off adorably as always dear :)
Aw thanks Angela!!! You’re such a sweetheart! :)
I hate mustard too. My husband lives to eat it with crackers then try to kiss me with his stanky mustard breath. Gross.
I am always amazed at the outfits you put together. I would have never bought mustard tights, but now I see how they might work.
You look so cute, as always.
Ewwww mustard and crackers?! I am so sorry, girl. I feel your pain. I never thought I would have bought mustard tights, either, but they work!!! :)
Haha! Yeah, mustard is sooooo gross :P
Ooh! What an awesome idea! :) hmm… Questions…
What are y’all’s favorite Bible verses?
Favorite movie?
Favorite book?
I can’t wait to see your next video!
Blessings <3
Haha glad you agree with me on the mustard thing. And thanks for the questions!! :)
Mustard is wonderful on you! and here’s a “?” :)
+what quality do you appreciate most in one another?
You are sweet, Casey!!! Oooh I like that question… ;)
I love this outfit! You are rocking the tights girl! Question for you and Zack: Do you ever feel a little less close than usual (for example, maybe you had a small fight), and if you ever do feel a distance between you, what do you do to reconnect? (The wording was terrible on that, sorry!)
Aw thanks, girlfriend!!! Haha that’s a good question! Not terrible wording at all!!
Yeah, I’ve never been a fan of the color mustard or any shade of yellow (or orange), but it’s good to try something different. I mostly wear blue, purple, pink & black.
Exactly! Trying new things that you might be wary of is fun! And in this case, resulted in a cute outfit!! ;)
Gorgeous outfit and I would never have bought mustard tights but they are very nice on you xx
Aw thank you Angela!! :)
Omg. I love those tights!!!!
Aren’t they adorable?! They’re like sweater tights, too, so suuuuper warm! :) Thanks, girl!
I’m with you on mustard-the-condiment… yuck! I, too, have mustard tights and I LOVE them, but haven’t broken them out yet this season… you’ve inspired me!
haha yes, booooo for mustard-the-condiment! ;) Aw you’re sweet! I wanna see what you wear them with!!!
Love the mustard tights with the blue dress. So pretty together! :)
Aw thanks so much! :)
what a cute look! i’m seeing mustard tights everywhere and i love them :)
C’s Evolution of Style
YES, love the mustard tight phenom! Hehe It’s so fun! :)
I am also a strictly ketchup girl, but I gladly welcomed mustard into my wardrobe. I’m wearing mustard skinnies right now!
I have some mustard tights, too, and will have to remember your fabulous ensemble here for future inspiration. :)
Oooh mustard skinnies! Must. Have! I’m glad I could inspire you a bit! ;)
I’m really not a fan of mustard either. now, honey mustard – that’s another story.
a question for you two: what is you favorite date you’ve been on?
Hmmm even the honey mustard, I can’t handle. Oh, well. ;) Thanks for the question! That’s a fun one!!
I’ve never had anything mustard colored either, but I recently bought a mustard yellow sweater that I’m pumped to wear! It’s a very season-esque color!
How did you get your start in blogging? What made you want to do it?
Oooh I bet your sweater is gorgeous! :)
I could never pull off those tights but you look so cute! I did just order a pair of patterned tights and that’s totally out of my comfort zone! Hopefully I like them :-)
Oh, Giselle, you would look gorge in anything! I definitely want to see the tights when you get them!! :)
“what’s the strangest thing you’ve ever fought about?’
hubs and mine is how to properly make a pbandj sandwich…i know, i know
Hahahaha omg I love that!! So… I have to ask…. How do you properly make a pb&j?
well of course to put the jelly on the OTHER piece of bread. so funny what we fight about when there’s really other underlying reasons
bahahah that’s amazing. I agree with you, definitely.
Love love this look! I just bought those exact boots–cute!
Omg they are my FAVE boots!!! LOVE!
Totally a fan of the mustard tights. My mustard skinny jeans get lots of wear! So…I’ve been thinking…. Are you up for doing a guest post after the first of the year?!? I would love to have you!
Thanks, girl! And, yes of course, I’d love to do a guest post!! :)
I am not sure we can be friends if you hate mustard that much. I JOKE I JOKE. But me? I have a wonderful relationship with mustard. When I was younger my aunt once gave me and my sister a 5 gallon jug of mustard because we ate it so much. Mustard sandwiches aka bread and mustard? yes. Mustard on any kind of potatoes? yes. mustard on burgers or hot dogs? yes. I <3 mustard. Obviously since I wrote the longest comment about it.
Anyway, questions for you guys
Where did you go/what did you do for your first date?
Who is the better cook?
If you could have ANY celebrity for a best friend, who would you choose? Both of you have to pick someone.
Would you ever go on The Amazing Race together?
I hope those were good/silly enough!
Yikes, that’s a big container of mustard!! Hey, to each his own, I say. ;)
What is non-bloggy Katie like?
What are yalls (feel free to say yalls on your vlog) bad habits/querks?
Do yall ever go to bed angry?
Any pet names?
How long does it really take Katie to get ready?
What’s the most romantic or most thoughtful thing you’ve done for each other?
Thanks for the questions, girlfriend! :) This will be a fun video to film!
Love love love the mustard tights….i bought my first pair and am having fun plotting what to wear with them :)
YAY! Mustard tights are the best- have fun with them! ;)