So, my girl Stephanie came over the other day for a workout date. We alwayyyys talk about having them, but this is the first one we have managed to actually have, although I see many more in our future. We popped in a Jillian DVD (30 Day Shred! It’s no joke!) and went to town. It was awesome. And hilarious. And so tough. And my arms are still super sore from it. But as I’ve said time and time again, working out with friends is so much better than by yourself! Plus, the laughter is an added ab workout, so that’s just a bonus. ;) The best part of doing a Jillian workout with Steph was when we were both yelling back at Jillian. It wassss pretty hilarious.
Hey! It’s Friday! Happy weeeeekend! We’re celebrating Zack’s grandpa’s 90th (!) birthday tomorrow with a pizza party and family time. And cake will be involved, which is always welcome. Yeah, working out is great and important, but so is treating yourself with delicious desserts. Life’s short. You know how it is.
Do you work out with your friends?
Have you ever done any Jillian DVDs? Which is your fave?
SHES AN ASS KICKER! When I lived with roommates I always forced them to do Jillian with me! :)
YES she really is!! Love Jillian.
i’m too chicken to try anything by jillian – though she is super inspiring. i do love me some biggest loser and she is hardcore!
Girllll you gotta do it. She’s awesome. SO motivating!
Yay for friend workouts!! I try to do them, but it’s hard finding an available time for the both of us. And yay for pizza and cake!! I’ve been craving both, and thinking about creating a cake ice cream as well. Anywho, back to the birthday, 90???? Congrats to him! Not many people can say they had a grandparent live that long!! Happy Birthday to him :) Have fun tomorrow!!
That’s exactly why it’s taken us so long to finally do a friend workout- hard to find time!! And omg a cake ice cream?! Yes. Yes that sounds amazing. And yeah, he’s pretty special! :)
I work out with my friends when we can –it’s a lot easier with them. If I’m alone, I have no motivation to go workout haha =\ I have a 2 story gym in my apt building, but since I don’t lift weights, I only take advantage of the treadmill and elliptical. The only video workouts I’ve tried with my friends is the Victoria Secret’s Angel Workout. We were seriously hurting afterwards! Have a wonderful weekend and happy birthday to Zack’s grandpa :)
I love how much more motivating it is to work out with friends! :) It’s pretty much the best. Your gym sounds amazing! I would so be there all the time!!
Yay for friends to workout with! It always makes the workouts go by so much faster :-)
I agree!! Working out with friends is the best :)
I own and have done both 30 day shred and killer buns and thighs and I like them both. I have to mute Jillian on the 30 day one though. She drives me insane. Killer Buns and Thighs is fab though and I need to start doing it again soon. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, Katie!
Oooh I want the killer buns and thighs one! I’ll have to add it to my collection some time :) Haha Jillian is hilarious, I like yelling right back at her. Happy weekend, girl!
I’ve never done a work out byJillian . Have you done more than just this one? Do you reccomend any others for the embarrassingly out of shape?
I loooove Jillian. I own the 30 day shred and No More Trouble Zones (here: and they are both so great! No More Trouble Zones is INTENSE and you will definitely get results!! I love that she always has modified moves to follow, too, if you aren’t ready for the full-fledged stuff. I’d say the 30 day shred is great for all levels, since there are three different levels from beginning to advanced!
I really like Jillian’s dvds because I feel like I get a really good workout in a short period of time. The 30 Day Shred is a killer though! I also really like her Yoga Meltdown dvd.
They’re my fave to do when I’m low on time, for sure! And I have been wanting her Yoga dvd for some time now. It’s next on my list of ones to get!
30 day shred is my favorite.