This weekend! This weekend was…
Snuggles from my babies.
Matching with my boys- stripes on stripes on stripes. We’re only missing Sophie! But she was napping, and don’t you ever wake a sleeping baby! Don’t you do it!! ;)
Also, I can’t get over Sam’s sweet smile in this photo! It’s so hard to get a good picture of him these days, all he wants to do is GO-GO-GO, so this was a rare opportunity! And to get that genuine little grin?! Also, he looks so grown up these days. I can’t even handle it…
This weekend also consisted of…
No sleep. No, really. I get asked a lot to share how life with 2 under 2 is, and well. To sum it up, I’d say, exhausting. ;) Like, some days the stars align and they nap at the same time and that is just like PRAISE THE LAWWWD! But then there are the days where Sam refuses to nap, and Sophie is super fussy (not often, though, she really is an easy going baby, thank God!), or even better, the days where right when Sam goes down for his nap, Sophie gets up from hers. And right when Sophie goes down, Sam gets up. The days where there is literally NO break? Those are tough. Very tough.
And then also there’s nights like Friday night, where both babies were awake until 1:00 AM, neither of them sleeping, both of them screaming and crying and upset. And both of us on the verge of insanity and delirious. Oh, that was super fun.
So yes. Life with two under two is cuh-razy! And not for the faint of heart. Some days we don’t get out of pajamas until after noon. A couple days last week I didn’t even get around to washing my face and putting on some sort of makeup until 1:00 PM- because that is when they were both sleeping at the same time. Sometimes (most times) it feels like a balancing act. And some days I’m super skilled and have it down, and other days all of the balls come crashing down.
Also, we’ll sleep when we’re dead?
Zack surprised me with breakfast in bed on Sunday morning. When I asked what the occasion was, he simply said, “Because it’s Sunday.”
Well okay then. I’ll take it. Also, I HAVE THE CUTEST HUBBY EVER.
And some flowers from FTD flowers to brighten a dreary and rainy weekend. Continuing my streak of always having flowers in the house. Did I tell you? It’s my new life goal, to always have flowers in our house. They just make life better.
This was just too hilarious not to post. That little pout she gives!!! And the single tear!!! Do you see it?! And this is always when Zack is holding her. ha! He jokes that she totally hates him. But it’s only because I’ve got the goods. Just you wait, tables are going to turn soon enough and she’ll only have eyes for him! That’s just how it works. #daddysgirl
Ahhh. That’s better. :)
And now it’s a new week, and tonight is the FINALE of The Bachelor, OMG!!! Team Lauren!!
How was your weekend?
If you have two little ones (or more!) share your favorite piece of advice in the comments- would love to read!
haha My little one does the same thing when Daddy holds her. Not a full out cry just the lip and teary eyes!
Isn’t it so sad?! haha but hilarious at the same time ;)
Sleep deprivation is something I’m not looking forward to! But you still manage to look gorgeous and comfortable and happy so I’m holding out hope I can too! Love Sophie’s single tear haha, and Sam’s grin.
Oh gosh, aren’t you the sweetest?! Thank you! :)
Two unto has gottttttttta be tough. I have a 13mo old and a 3 year old and some nights are still rough. Crazy how it’s possible to function on little to no sleep as a mama.
It really is crazy!! Like, somehow this is possible. Although, coffee helps a lot. ;)
gosh i can’t believe you have two under two!!! you are a STAR!! and those babies are beautiful! also i always want your wildfox bon giorno top. love love!
Ha! It is definitely crazy! ;) And you neeeeed this top! DUH!
Sarah @ the frugal millionaire blog
Katie you are doing an incredible job!!!! Take it day by day! You got this :)
My two girls are 16 months apart, so I was right there with you for a while. They are 3 1/2 and 2 now, and things are SO MUCH EASIER!! The first four months after my second was born were the hardest. So, so hard haha. But now they get along well and play together and are on the same schedule :)
We did, however, just find out we are expecting baby #3! So, life is about to get turned upside down again! This one was a surprise, too :)
Aww thank you for your words of encouragement!! It’s so nice hearing from other mamas who know how difficult this is! ;) CONGRATS on baby #3!!! So so exciting! You’ll have to give me more encouragement whenever we get there (IF we do!)
I think our babies called each other this weekend to conspire against sleep!! Last night, our kiddos finally went to bed at midnight – only after lots of tears and screams! And the night before, they both decided to wake up at 4 (one to cry and the other to party!). I feel for you, mama!!
Ahhhh mama, at least we aren’t in this alone!! haha
It gets easier! I promise:) Mine are 2 and 4 now, and they play together and can keep each other occupied while I do important things, like check instagram and drink hot coffee ;)
My girl was the same way, but once she stopped nursing, she became all about her daddy. Even this morning, I went in to get her out of bed and she threw herself down and said, “No! Daddy get Emmy out of bed.”
HOT COFFEE- what’s that?! ;) And oh my gosh, I think I would cry if she said that to me!! Which everyone says is going to be my future, so I’ll just make sure Sam is always a mama’s boy to make up for it ha ;)
Chelsea @ Life With My Littles
Life with two under two is definitely crazy! We did it for 6 months, and I’m glad we are past that stage! The good news is that it does pass!!
So good to know the craziness will simmer down a bit!!
Nicole Reed
Hahahah! Oh my goodness, I loved this post so much! Everything was just so cute, funny, & real. Your family is simply perfect & I love the love you & Zack have for one another. What a beautiful couple you are :) Go Team Reyes!
I have two, 22 months apart! My son is 2 and my baby girl is 4 months.. I think sleep is my biggest challenge! I often can relate to many of your posts! It’s hard but it’s so special seeing their bond growing I love the big smile my girl has on her face when she seems her brother