Yesterday was a doctor day in our household. Sam had an appointment in the morning, and I had one in the afternoon. We were exhausted after a rough sleep night, but we miraculously made it to both on time and with a mellow baby! Score! Sam’s was an important one- they did some x rays to make sure his kidney was all good (while pregnant, an ultrasound showed some swelling on one) and it’s completely cleared up! We’ve got ourselves a perfectly healthy baby boy! :) Mine was my “6 week” postpartum check up” but at 4 1/2 weeks instead, because that’s just how it worked out schedule-wise. We brought Sam, because my doctor had me promise that we would when he was born. I’m a-okay and all healed, and she gave me the green light to start working out again! Her exact words were “you can do anything!” That’s what I wanted to hear!
So. With that said, I will be starting the Tone It Up Bikini Series today! And I couldn’t be more excited and ready to get back into working out. I’ll still start slow and listen to my body, as I always do, but I am just soooo glad to know that I can work out without being nervous about injuring myself. So yay. I’m excited. Anybody else doing the Bikini Series, too?
shoes: nike
Today is another day where Zack is at work and it’s just me the Sam Sam. He is currently right next to me in his little bouncer, happy as a clam. :) I took him on a walk the other day in his carrier (we have the Ergobaby with infant insert and love it!) and I plan on doing that again today as well. It’s fun going on little mama/baby walks around the neighborhood. Plus, I mean, we can’t let cabin fever set in. That’s no joke.
And then there’s also this. Our family Mother’s Day selfie:
Nailed it.
p.s. I am working on Sam’s birth story, and it’ll be up next week! Better late than never, right? I’ve been a little busy. ;)
Yay! I loved hearing those words that I was cleared and could workout again. Have fun with your workouts! And great news about Sam’s little kidney! :)
It was the greatest feeling finally working out again today! I felt like myself again! :)
Tone it up! I love those girls!! I just did the first Bikini series workout I saw, man it was tough! Good luck getting back to working out, and beautiful pictures as always :)
Their workouts are sooooo tough and so good!! I love it! :)
I am doing the Tone it up bikini series and I actually have been getting my fiance to do the workouts too. It’s funny but we’re having a good time! :) I can’t wait to read about Sam’s birth story and maybe if we’re lucky, you’ll sneak in some pics of the nursery? ;)
Ahhh that is so awesome that your fiancé is doing the workouts with you! Zack has done a few with me too- it’s the best :) I am planning on doing a whole nursery tour post too, but it’s not quiiiiite done yet. I’m waiting on one piece that my friend is painting. :)
whoop whoop! Glad you can get back to workouts as usual! I’ve been doing most of the bikini series workouts and whooooo they are killer ;)
Aren’t they so hard?! I just did the first one today- the new total body workout- and it was SO tough but I felt amazing afterward. :)
I love Sam’s little wink and wave in the mother’s day family selfie:)
Isn’t it so cute?! He’s a little silly boy :)
I love the tone it up girls! I have not been doing their series because I’ve been in various stages of training for marathons and half marathons, but I love those girls! Great, and so pretty!
I love those girls too! Their weekly workout schedules are my favorite!
that’s great news that little Sam is healthy! And so awesome you can join the Bikini Series! I’ve been loving it!!
Yayyyy I’m so excited to finally be able to join the Bikini Series! :)
Congrats on your’s and sam’s good report cards at the doctors! Welcome to the TIUTeam again, I am totally loving this bikini series :D And the ‘nailed it’ is hilarious!
Aw thanks so much, Lindsay!! And it’s good to be back! ;)
Hooray for being all healed up and for his kidneys being all good. I hope you enjoyed your mommy/baby day! :)
Thanks girly! And we did enjoy our day! :)
So, so happy that Sam’s kidney issue cleared up on it’s own and he is healthy! There are no better words to hear from a doctor. And YAY for being cleared by your doctor!
cutest family ever.