As a new mom, with two under two, it is really easy to let my needs go behind everyone else’s. These babies rely on me (and my hubby) for literally everything, and it’s not only our job but our responsibility to take care of them. And sometimes this involves me letting my own needs and basic happiness fall to the wayside.
You know, like a shower? ;)
I mean, don’t get me wrong, being their mother is the most important thing I’ll ever do- I believe this wholeheartedly- but I’ve realized that to be the best mom I can, I must also take care of myself. A few days of completely drowning in motherhood taught me that lesson!
Life isn’t always glamorous (hello, spit-up on my clothes, blow-outs in my lap and dark circles under my eyes!), nor is it ever perfect, and it can be easy to get hung up on the imperfections, but I’ve realized it’s important to find the beauty in the imperfections. To find the perfection in the imperfections is something I strive to do, and to stop and really soak up and enjoy the small things.
I’ve found it’s just as important to take care of myself and have self-love as it is to take care of my family, and finding the balance is a constant challenge, but one that I am up to. And I’m slowly finding the little ways that I can do so…
Getting up a little earlier in the morning to wash my face and put on some makeup and a cute outfit always makes me feel confident and more productive during the day.
Getting in a shower (such a luxury for a mom, I know!) every day. That 5 minutes to myself is like a mini vacation!
Taking care of my hair and keeping it in great shape so that I can feel my most beautiful and confident self. I have been using Garnier® Whole Blends™ Hydrating line of shampoo, conditioner and treatment with coconut water and vanilla milk extracts. Not only do they smell amazing, but they leave my hair soft and vibrant, giving me confidence and making my hair routine simple and quick- something that’s very important for my busy life! I literally wash the night before, sleep in a braid and I’m good to go the next morning!
Getting in a workout every day. I notice if I miss a workout (admittedly, always because I was too busy with the kids), I am irritable and irrationally angry towards them! And how fair is that?! Not. At all. To anyone. So I make sure to get some sort of workout in every day, even if some days that means simply going out back and running around with Sam. Hey, I can work up a sweat doing that! ;) He’s happy, I’m happy, and everybody wins!
Those are just a few of the things I make sure to do every day to fill my cup.
What are some things that you do for yourself that make for a happier you?
Kathryn C
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Kathryn C
#SweepstakesEntry- comment
now that the weather is warmer, I sneak in as much time as possible lounging in my hammock outdoors, reading magazines or a book or just lazing about
Tabathia B
I always take a few minutes to read just to relax
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Tabathia B
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Rajee Pandi
Love to swim with kids
Rajee Pandi
Barbara M
I like to go for a swim and sit in the whirlpool at the YMCA for some me time.
thank you
Barbara M