This post is sponsored by Blue Diamond Nut Thins.
Some photos and thoughts from our summer so far, now that we’re nearly halfway through! Starting things off with a photo of me and Baby at my happy place.
Walking along the beach on our vacation in Sea Ranch a few weeks ago and dinners al fresco every night. My aunt and uncle invited us to go with them on their family vacation, which was so unbelievably generous and kind of them! Sea Ranch holds so many great memories for me, as it’s where my family often would vacation in the summer. We’d rent a house and all stay in it and go on beach and trail adventures, play tennis and swim, and it was just the greatest time. It’s a big part of my childhood, and I was so happy to be able to share that with my hubby and baby! Sea Ranch is actually where I celebrated my first birthday, many moons ago! Pretty cool.
I’ve been craving mostly unhealthy things this pregnancy, totally the opposite from with Sam! It was allllll apples and fresh fruit and veggies and WATER with him. This time? French fries! Tacos! Chips and salsa! In N Out! Coke! Ugh. So I’ve been trying to make myself eat healthier, since I am growing a human and that little human needs lots of good nutrients to grow! SO. We’ve been making sure to stock up on healthy snacks that are easy to grab and devour (since I am hungry ALL OF THE TIME, seriously). Things like apples with peanut butter, avocado toast with tomatoes and red pepper, watermelon by the bucketsful, cheese- lots of cheese, celery and carrot sticks and nuts. Also, I was sent these new Artisan Nut Thins from Blue Diamond annnnd HI. They fit the bill perfectly. They’re healthy and easy to snack on. I even put them in a little baggie and make sure they’re always in my bag when we’re on the go. Because, like I said, HUNGRY ALL THE TIME over here. Welcome to pregnancy. And then also post-pregnancy. Food is my friend.
SHOPPING. Like, what else is new, but there has been a lot of shopping going on this summer. I mean, my birthday falls in the summer, so I always have extra moneys burning a hole in my pockets in July, thus shopping is always inevitable. PLUS PLUS July just seems to be the month to shop these days, what with Prime Day being yesterday (where I scored these sweet Asics for running that I have been wanting since, I don’t know, FOREVER, on a killer deal- I got the “beach glass/silver/pink diva” color in case you’re wondering- by the way who came up with pink diva? I mean, really?? That’s the best they could do?) and then that tiny little thing called the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale which every single annoying blogger has been hounding about for the past week- LOL I kid because I’m also going to be annoying and I’ll be sharing my picks tomorrow! ;) But seriously. Okay, so tomorrow the sale is finally open to everyone (before it was “early access” for card holders- which I am not, okay) so I’m pretty stoked to pick up some things, of which I will be sharing with you all! Tomorrow! So come back! And try not to be annoyed. If you are, at least don’t bother leaving a comment saying you are. I’ll just assume. Ha ha. Kidding.
Anyway. I’m annoying myself now. SUMMER! BEACH! VACATION! BABIES! FOOD! SHOPPING! YAY!
How has your summer been so far?
Sounds like such a fun summer for you so far!! Mine has been great as well! We went on a week long vacation with my bf’s family last week and I’m kinda bummed that it’s over already– i’ve been looking forward to that for SO LONG (like, since last summer) and now it’s over! wahhh!! At least we have lots of summer left :)
Awww what a fun vacation!! Sounds like it was a blast. The best ones always leave you longing to go back! :)
Where is that top from you are wearing in that last picture?
It’s from Riffraff! I just added the link to it :) Use code katiedidwhat for 10% off!
Thank you!!
Vacation sounds amazing! Although I haven’t gotten to go anywhere, this summer has been amazing. I welcomed my little boy on June 13th and then my daughter’s first birthday was on the 4th of July. It’s been pretty eventful, but full of amazing blessings.
Awww congrats on your new baby boy!! :) Enjoy that little squish!
Lets talk about this whole being hungry ALL THE TIME thing. Constantly! And I crave mostly fruit… which is good. BUT THEN all the bad things… Donuts, chips, tacos, wings… pasta! Oh my. I’ve already gained more weight than I thought I would. (Dr is okay with my weight… me… eh) Exercising is still super difficult for me. I stopped almost my first entire trimester because I was EXHAUSTED working full time- third shift and being pregnant PLUS all the nausea. The fiance and I go on almost daily walks… walking 2-3 miles a day. So at least there is that… My TIU workouts… dwindling. Which makes me sad.. but usually after working 8.5 hrs my body hurts and I want sleep! ha. I still can’t believe I’m growing a human in my belly. So amazing!!!
Haha CONSTANTLY hungry!! It’s crazy. I’m right there with you. And yeah, workouts have been few and far between, but now that I’m in the 2nd tri, I’m fiiiinally getting a little more consistent with them, which is making me feel a bit more normal! It helps! ;)