Well, it’s official. My sweet baby boy turned half a year old on the 11th. How this happened, I have no freaking clue. Still trying to wrap my head around it. Time, man. It’s a crazy thing.
So, Sam at 6 months. He loves chewing on his toes, and will just grab his foot and bring it right up to his mouth. I only wish I were that flexible. My little yoga baby.
He loves tummy time, and when we put him on his back, he wastes no time in rolling right over to his tummy and pushing himself up as high as he can go and giving us the biggest grin.
Those grins of his! Oh, they just kill me every time. He stops everything, stares at you for just a few seconds with an oh-so-serious face, and then breaks out in the biggest smile imaginable. And my heart melts every time.
SLEEP! He is sleeping so well lately! I never thought this day would come! ;) He naps 3 or 4 times a day and is usually in bed by 8:30/9 and sleeps through the night, occasionally waking up once to eat and right back to bed. Glory glory halleluuuuu-jah! And! He LOVES his crib now! Sleeping on his stomach is a favorite position. And the cutest.
He sucks on his bottom lip a lot which makes him look like a little old man who took his dentures out. This cracks us up on the regular. [Exhibit A]:
He has started to do this thing where he’ll be lying on his tummy and then he ever so slightly pushes himself backwards. I’m so nervous that he’s going to start crawling any day now! I kind of like being able to set him some place and knowing that he won’t move! Ha!
My little dolly babe. He makes every day good.
p.s. I’m working on making a video of little clips from day one up until now. If you’re interested in seeing, I may share it here! :)
Natalie @ Never Serious Blog
Oh that kid! And of course I’d be interested in a video!
Awesome!! :) It’s a work in progress- the video is coming!
<3 he is the sweetest little thing! I can't believe he's already 6 months! Where does the time go???
I KNOW! I can’t believe it either!!
Ashley @ Saving Money in your Twenties
HAHA you have to capture the old man dentures look!! And I love his smiles in these pictures- he is so freakin’ cute, Katie!
Ahhh I totally meant to include the picture of the old man dentures- I just added it if you’d like to see! :)
Ashley @ Saving Money in your Twenties
HAHA love it!!!
I feel like I just wrote on here how excited I was for you that you were pregnant! He gets cuter every day. You two are so blessed. :)
I KNOWWWW. Time sure does fly! And you’re so sweet- I definitely feel immensely blessed.
He’s such a cutie! It goes so fast doesn’t it?! Can’t believe I have a nearly 2 year old! x
Kerry @ Lived With Love | Mummy, Fashion & Lifestyle Blog
Ahhh I know we’ll be at 2 before we know it, too! It’s so crazy how fast time really goes!
i can’t believe he’s 6 months already! he’s so adorable! yay for sleeping through the night!
Aw thanks Kate! And yessss, sleep is such a glorious thing! I had missed it! ;)
Kelly Mock
Would love to see your cute video! He is precious! Love hiss little “bunny girlfriend”! 6 months though! Really!? That means Hallie is not far behind!
His bunny girlfriend is my faaaaave. And I know! Our babies need to slow it down a little!! ;)
He seems like such a happy boy and his bunny is hilarious. :)
He is so happy!! And omg the bunny cracks me up on the reg. She’s his girlfriend lol
Ashley @ My Food N Fitness Diaries
OH MY! He is just too cute for words. And what a stylish little dude! Love his outfits!
Thanks! He is my little dolly- too fun to dress him up!! :)
He’s SO cute!!! And I love how happy he is!
Girl, me too! Just you wait- your life is about to get a million times better :)
Meghan Comstock
YES POST THE VIDEO!!! They change so quickly it would be so awesome to see :)
Aw, yayyy, I’m working on ittttt! Videos take me so long haha! But I will post it, definitely! :)
STOP. IT. RIGHT. NOW. That picture of him smiling while lying on his tummy? I can’t. Pretty please post that video. He’s too cute for words.
RIGHT?! He is always so smiley on his tummy, and it’s the cutest thing. Especially walking in in the morning and being greeted with that face. :) I can’t handle it.
Would love to see the video! Sam is so cute. I can hardly wait till I have kids!
Working on the video! :) And thanks girl!
He is so adorable! And I love his little outfits :) I am also so happy for you that he is sleeping through the night! Maybe you or Sam could give my babies some pointers lol… Max also loves his belly too, he’s carrying a little extra weight so I think this boy isn’t going anywhere for a little while! I loved it when Jack started becoming more mobile… you will too! It’s such a proud mommy moment :)
Enjoy your weekend <3
I am enjoying the sleep while we get it, because I know how babies literally change their schedules ALL THE TIME haha! I love that our boys are so close in age! :)
Holy cow, he really is the cutest thing! You guys created a cutie ;) I just want to smoosh his face. Wow. Haha.
Haha you’re so sweet!! And naturally I agree ;) His face is mighty smooshable!
Just too cute! He’s got a great smile
Aw thanks :)
He is so precious! And very well-dressed! Can’t believe he’s already 6 months.