This: We are going to watch “Moonrise Kingdom” tonight. I’m pretty excited, as I’ve heard lots of good things. The description on the movie sleeve even describes it as “quirky.” I think that’s pretty much a given that I am going to love it. I likes me some quirky things, you know.
That: As promised, I have more quotes from the madness that was The Bachelor this week! I missed out on the first one, unfortch, and have yet to get to my DVR to watch it, but hey it still felt like Christmas, watching the Bachelor on a Tuesday! And I can assure you, the men I watched with felt the same. ;)
Sean: I can see myself with Catherine.
Zack: …and Sandy, and Mary, and Jennifer….
Dad: …and I can see myself with… all of them.
Dad: I wonder how much they get paid to be on it, besides all their clothes and trips… (He is convinced that they are all paid actors).
Sean: I don’t want to have any more drama like the last date.
Zack: Well you are cus you’re going to put them in 10 degree water and kill one of them.
Dad (on the polar bear plunge): That’s… dumb!
Selma: They’re like “This is a once in a lifetime opportunity” and I’m like, “No it’s not!” (LOVED that she said that!)
Me: The smartest girl there.
Zack: This girl is on the wrong show!
AshLee: “I’m so proud.”
Zack: “We’re all proud of you.”
Sean: I want to help but I’m clearly not a professional.”
Zack: Clearly. I may look like a doctor…
Dad: No, you’re not Sean. You’re far from it.
Zack (about Tierra and her hypothermia): Tell her she’s going to the hospital. She’ll feel better immediately.
Dad (in a sing song voice): They are acting, they are acting.
Zack: Throw her back in!
Dad: You have to know how to cry on this show.
Zack (when Sean is about to propell off a mountain with a girl): I did this with another girl, just off a building. It’s okay.
Dad: She’s probably done this 100 times. A professional mountain climber. That’s what you don’t know.
Dad: She climbed that tree so easy. She’s a professional tree climber. She’s gotta be.
Dad: That’s quite a sweater there, Sean.
Dad: A bug just flew on him.
Selma: I had to bring out the big guns.
Me: Yeah, you did. In more ways than just the kiss.
Ahhhh! I want to read this so bad but I haven’t seen the second episode yet! I’ll be back :)
hahaha you have to get on that! ;)
For some reasno, I’ve been such a slacker on these Bachelor quotes. Ummm your dad sounds like the funniest guy EVER. Love it!
He really is hilarious!!
I’ve heard a lot of good things about Moonrise Kingdom, can’t wait to hear what you think. :)
Me too!! I’m excited to watch it!
Dad: That’s quite a sweater there, Sean.
Dad: A bug just flew on him.
^Those two are my favorite. ;) Your dad sure is a funny one.
Haha those were some of my favorites, too!
hahaha i love Selma’s “no, it’s not!” comment about the once in a lifetime popportunity! i am rooting for her, but i thought their kiss was super awkward! ha.
Ha yeah her comment was for sure the best one from any of the girls. I was like “EXACTLY what I would have said!!”
hahahaha!!! there was a bug on his face! & i liked your “big guns”! i mean, dang! did you see those things?! you three are great together!
hahaha yessss! It was too funny. Like, you can’t kiss a guy but you can bare that much skin?! Ummm yeah, okay girlfriend. ;)
This literally made my day. All those quotes! Dying over here.
Your dad & Zack’s commentary is better than watching the show
Ha! I absolutely agree!!
Lol love the quotes , laughing for days.
Right?! I sure am!
haha this is great! I loved Selma for not doing the plunge…but yeah, what’s with it being bad for her to kiss him but showing off her boobs is clearly not…??
I love hearing Kevin’s thoughts through this show too…so funny!
hahaha exactly my thoughts on Selma!! Boys have the best reactions to these types of shows!
I don’t even watch The Bachelor (I am weird, clearly) but who needs to when we have Katie & the 2 sidekicks giving a review! Love it :)
XO, Kelsey
Aww haha I love that! :)
haven’t been watching this season’s bachelor but these quotes are hilarious! i love that the men in your life watch it, too! too cute!
Right?! It is too funny listening to them during that show.
Hahaha I thought watching the bachelor with my fiance was entertaining. I need to get my dad’s thoughts on these pressing Bachelor issues
YES, trust me, it is the best thing in the world.