It was 107 degrees all weekend. And it will continue to be 100+ degrees all week. Google told us that it will be 117 degrees on Wednesday. I really hope Google is lying. Please by lying, Google. I feel like I’m literally melting, and yes I may be just a tad dramatic, but no. Just, no. This doesn’t work for me. With that being said, spending as much time in a pool- any pool- is a necessity. So, that is exactly what this weekend consisted of. A lot of pool time.
Also, can we talk about how good McDonald’s french fries are for a second? I hadn’t had them in literally YEARS, and Zack brought some home on Saturday, when I was feeling some after-effects from Friday night (it was my party and I partied) and holy cow. Those fries hit. the. spot. Also, he surprised me with an Oreo McFlurry! If I hadn’t already married this boy, I would sooooo marry this boy.
Speaking of heat waves, I have found it extremely hard to work out in this heat. Runners, how do you do it?! I don’t have a gym membership and I don’t like running in ridiculous heat, so. I guess I know what the “magical” solution is, and that is to wake up early. Like, really early. I know this. I just am finding it really hard to do. Meh. Wish me luck, if all goes well, I will have woken up at 6am this morning and ran. Or more than likely, I will have woken up to my alarm at 6am and then promptly hit the snooze button 10 times before just turning it off completely. That’s much more likely.
How was your weekend?
Any other ridiculous heat waves happening?
Tell me one thing you did this morning! Any early exercisers?
p.s. Have you entered my Shabby Apple giveaway yet? There’s just a few days left!
The heat sounds good to me right about now , lets swap? haha fries from Mc d’s is always sooo good . Loving the pics.
Ugh YES, let’s swap, pretty please!!! ;)
Ah, the pool! I need to get my butt in a pool ASAP. It’s going to be 100+ all week for me :( Meh. I agree, I’m literally melting. No such thing as being dramatic when it’s that hot! For running, I will run on a treadmill inside, and if my mind is insisting on running outside, then early run it is lol and really hydrate the day before and after the run! No workout for me yet, 8am is my time, gym time to hit some weights :)
Mehhhh I’m so sick of this heat! TOO much! I don’t have access to a treadmill (boo) so yeah. I need to get my butt up early!!
The pool! I’m headed to Florida for the 4th and cannot wait to chill poolside and oceanside for a week. :)
Ahhh that sounds absolutely heavenly! :) Have fun, girl!!
I need another day at the pool. 117?! What?
I KNOW. It’s ridiculous!! I’ll just be over here, melting.
I haven’t had Micky D’s french fries in forever. They sound good, though! That was super sweet of the hubby to bring you french fries and McFlurry :)
And I am sooo jealous of your pool party time!!! I wish I knew someone with a pool.
Pools are absolutely necessary! I am such a fish, if I could I would LIVE in a pool during the Summer!
This is so much fun! Aw, summer is just the best :) I love it!
Aw I agree! Summer’s my fave :)
107?!? I’d be living in the pool!
EXACTLY!!! It’s unhealthy to NOT live in a pool in this weather! ;)
I actually broke down and got a gym membership because of the heat. However, prior I did the whole waking up early thing. And it’s not really my “thing”. I hate waking up early. But what did help when I was getting up early was, sleeping in my running clothes, setting 2 or 3 alarms, going to bed earlier. Good luck and stay hydrated!
I hate waking up early too!! But I really want to try! Sleeping in your workout clothes is SUCH a good idea!!! I’m definitely doing that! :)
it’s really unfair that you must always look this cute.
hahaha ohhh Helene, it’s unfair how nice you are to me.
I completely hear ya on the extreme heat. Vegas was 117* this weekend and won’t break below 110* for a few days. Seeing our family is in the low 90s in Texas right now made me want to take a last minute roadtrip out to them! I still might… ;)
I don’t run (wish I did, but yoga is more my speed) but I found that spray painting in the heat also doesn’t work. I really wanted to finish a project so I woke up at 5:00am since it was 95* then, while at 11:00pm last night it was still 108*. Yuck yuck yuck. I’m sending prayers that ya’ll don’t get 117* this week, too. Nobody deserves that sort of punishment.
Holy heat!! I would definitely visit your family if I were you! haha and thanks for those prayers. We’ll need ’em! ;)
French Fries are my weakness and McDonalds fries really are good, they are the only fries I will eat without ketchup. If you find any tips about the whole running thing (besides waking up early) let me know, I haven’t ran in a week because of the heat!
They’re the only fries I’ll eat with no ketchup too! SO good!! I’ll let you know for sure, but basically just waking up early is what I’m planning on doing.
Yes, pools are definitely necessary! It is way too hot! Happy belated birthday as well! xo
Agreed! And thanks girl!! :)
Haha, looks like a lot of fun. I had a great girls’ weekend two weekends ago and we spent all of Saturday afternoon at the pool. It was so darn nice and so refreshing. :)
Earnestyle | Urban Decay giveaway!
Ahhhh sounds absolutely heavenly! :) Girls weekends and pools are the best combination!
We’ve had records temps here in AZ as well…it hit 122 on Sat!! So ya, I haven’t been running at all!! It’s such a bummer but it’s impossible! So running is on hiatus for now. I’m seriously debating on a gym membership just for a treadmill…and I hate gyms..and treadmills!! :(
OMG 122?! That’s just absurd! Yeah, I don’t blame you for debating getting a gym membership! How frustrating!
Pools parties are definitely the best!!!!
Pool parties are my faaaaavourite! I’m hoping to have many more this Summer!
Girl, I feel ya!! It was CRAZY hot this weekend, thus hitting the water park yesterday!! :) We actually got a “cold” front today and it’s only in the 80s. Praise the Lord. Stay cool and CUTE!!! :)
Ahhh you are so lucky! 80s sounds absolutely perfect right now! A waterpark also sounds like fun! :)
I started running back in September, so I could get away with running whenever. But in May, I broke down and got a gym membership so I can run whenever I want regardless of the weather. It sucks, but I work early in the morning so I don’t even have that choice to run early. Good luck though! At least after you run in the morning, it’ll be done and you can enjoy the rest of your day. Haha.
Ahhhh it would be SO nice to have a gym membership right about now!! Instead, I will power through and wake up early- I need all the luck I can get on that one ;) haha
Ohhh, the heat this weekend!!! The other night, I went for a run around 6pm and it was brutal. I have a difficult time breathing when it’s that hot out. Right before sunset is better or, your plan, getting up early :) P.S. I just love your style ;)
Ugh, I have difficulty breathing when it’s that hot out too! It’s definitely not a healthy thing to run in such heat! P.S. I just love you!
If it was that hot here…well good luck getting me out of the pool! You and Zack are cuties!
Xo, Kelsey
Haha yeah we were in that pool for HOURS!!
Pool time! How fun! Looks like you guys are making the most of the heat.
It’s 108 at my Moms house, thats haute!
=) Brooke
Ugh, yep, that sounds like here! Too. Hot!
Your blog is adorable! It was so lovely meeting you and your hubby at the Sac Bloggers Mixer. Hope to see you two again soon. And happy belated birthday!
Aww lovely meeting you too, Gina!! :)
We are currently having a heat wave right now. I say this as it is still over 80 degrees after 10 at night. Not fun at all. and I just had French fries with dinner. Anyway, your pool party looks fun. I would give a lot to go swimming sometime soon.
Ughhhh staying hot at night is the worst. It’s so annoying, like okayyy you can cool down now, thanks. And I would give a lot to go swimming again soon, too!