So, my birthday. Ohh boy, where do I even begin. I cannot put into words how much all of your comments/tweets/texts meant to me. I cannot put into words the emotions that I felt. I was a rollercoaster of them, let me tell you. Is that how it’s going to be from now on? Happy, but not fully 100% completely happy? Smiling and then crying the next moment? This isn’t to say I wasn’t happy on my birthday. This isn’t to say it wasn’t an amazing day! Because, it was! It was the best it could have been! I got the sweetest comments from all of you and the nicest words, which made me smile so much and made my heart so happy, and some of which made me cry instantly (but a good cry, I promise). I would describe that day as very “full.” I was full of emotions, and kind words, and loving thoughts, and sweet messages, and so so so much LOVE. So, thank you. Each and every one of you. Thank you for making me smile. Thank you for making me cry. Thank you for filling my heart so full of love it could burst. Thank you for being here- it means everything to me.
The morning started with Birthday Starbucks, as it does. I love my husband.
I then opened my card and present from Zack: a Garmin Forerunner 10!!!! :) I am officially a runner! And then, of course, this was followed by a run with Zack. Perfection.
Daddio came over around noon and we went to my favourite pizza place for lunch. I cried at his card (“you are a light in my life”) and we spent most of the day back at our house, enjoying it.
My dad brought cupcakes, which of course were all delicious. We cut them all into 1/4ths so we could sample each one. The chocolate mousse was my favourite. YAY lunch dessert!
We had a Skype session with my brother, which was awesome. A direct quote from Jeremy: “I like your OOTD.” Best. Thing. Ever. Also, I had opened the gift he sent me: “Les Miserables” in French!!! It’s like the length of the Bible and I am so excited to read it! It will more than likely take me a few years to finish, but je suis déterminée. Merci, mon frère!
Thank you all for making my birthday really, really special. I can’t say it was the best, but it sure did make me feel extremely loved, and that’s the most important thing in the entire world.
Happy Happy Birthday Katie dear!! It looks like you had a great and amazing day!! All that food and sweets looked delish!! And wow, reading Les Mis in french!!? That is crazy awesome!! I wish I could understand another language, good luck on that fun little reading adventure :) I loved your last comment about “turning 6, not 26”! lol! Sometimes I feel that way because I TOTALLY still love kid movies!! :)
Thankkkk you sweet girl!!! :) Zack loved my turning 6 comment too hehe but it seriously does feel like that some times! And I’m more than okay with it :)
Definitely looks like a wonderful birthday! :) Hugs!
Thanks Jen!! It was a good ‘un :)
Glad you had a good b-day. Mine was the 28th. Cool that our b-days are so close.
Aww happy late birthday to you, my dear!! Yay for June birthdays! :)
aw, looks like a very special and fun birthday, friend!
It really was! :)
Great post and Happy Belated Birthday!!
Thank youuu! :)
Happy belated birthday! Do you have a tutorial on how you do your hair?
Thanks girly! I do! :) It’s in this post:
So Happy for you!! I remember how happy I was when I got my Forerunner, bet you were just as excited :) Mmmm those cupcakes look delish! Nothing is better on a birthday than some kind of treat!! I know tons of people have probably already told you this, but I’m going to say it too, it’ll get better, just takes time :)
Girrrrl, you KNOW I was SO excited!! :) I love my garmin already! And thanks- I know you’re right, it’s just hard to believe a lot of the time!
What was in the tiffany box?!
Ohh, haha, nothing actually! It’s decoration :) I got a tiffany’s charm bracelet a couple years ago, so that’s what WAS in it!
Happy belated birthday!!! It seems like the people of your life treated you so well on your special day. Beauty and the Beast is my all-time favourite!
Love from South Africa
Arum Lilea
Beauty and the Beast is my favourite tooooo!! :) Always!
So glad you had a nice birthday!! I am sure t was an emotional day, some seasons are just like that. But still you looked beautiful!
Thanks Heather girl <3
Aww looks like a wonderful birthday!! Looove the cupcakes :)
They were so delicious!! :)
Glad you had a wonderful bday! Love your dress…I have it as well! ;) hehe.
Yay for cute dress twinssss!! ;)
Well aren’t I just the latest commenter in the world! I am glad you were still able to have a good birthday. Sorry I haven’t sent a card. I am so behind on everything – I still have a grad gift that was supposed to be sent out in May. Ooops.
Zack’s handmade cards are adorable and that pizza looks amazing.
Aww things happen, I understand! And yeah, Zack’s handmade cards are my favourite. Always.