This weekend was amazing. The weather was PERFECT- 70 each day, and it felt like SPRING! Ahhhh. We soaked up that sunshine and outside time as much as we could, because the week ahead is bringing with it lots of showers, boooo. This time change is another thing that’s just making me want Spring to be here already!!! And I don’t know about you, but goodness, this particular year really threw me off- I was SO TIRED all day yesterday. Nothing a little coffee couldn’t fix. ;) Some pictures from our weekend!
This girl loves her waffles. And I love her.
We had a friend’s 3rd birthday party on Sunday, and Sophie was SO shy at first! There were a LOT of 3 year olds, Sophie was the youngest, so I think she was just a liiiittle overstimulated. It was a LOT to take in. But once the food was served, she got right in there. Ha! That’s my girl. Food. The great equalizer. And of course, donuts. She literally ate sprinkle by sprinkle. She was actually the last kid left at the table, sitting there happily (and slowly) eating her donut. It was adorable. And hilarious. Just like her.
Just lounging with her cat- the best, most tolerant cat ever. I don’t even want to think about when he goes to Kitty Heaven. NOT ALLOWED.
These two, playing together. Melts my heart! They both loved this little activity, and it was SO easy to make- literally cut a slit in a box and gave them a deck of cards, and they both took turns putting a card in the slot. Genius. And I got to sit for a few minutes. Everybody wins!
Saturday date night! Coffee and shopping and walking and eating and dessert-ing and fire pit-ing and twinning in our Converse. Doesn’t get any better. And now, we are refreshed and ready for the week!
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