Well, we did it! We went on our first real date night post-baby! And we kept it super classic: dinner and a movie, of course. And I just have to say, it was weird. Real weird. Like, the entire time there was just this baby-sized hole, you know? I missed Sam Sam. We both did. And it was so hard for me sitting through the entire movie- I started thinking about Sam and how he was doing at home and how I hoped he napped okay and wasn’t crying and gosh, did I pump enough? and blah blah blah about halfway through the movie. Ha! ;) But we got through it, and it ended up being so good.
Gone Girl was amazing. It was twisted and sick and kept you on your toes, just like the book, and we both loved it. Also, word to the wise: Go to the movies on a week day at 4:15 if you can. We basically had the entire place to ourselves. WIN.
We hadn’t had sushi in foreverrrr, so this was much overdue and oh soooo good. I don’t do the raw stuff, but I still count it as sushi. Purists always give me a hard time for that. ;)
And no night is complete without dessert. Coconut macaroons will always be my favorite.
Thanks Nana and G-Pa for babysitting our little Sam! A date night is just what the doctor ordered. :)
What was the last date night you went on?
Natalie @ Never Serious Blog
So y’all did read the book?! I loved every second of the book and movie!
I read the book- Zack didn’t. We both loved the movie! :)
loving this! so proud of you guys :) I remember our first date night post-baby and it was HARD. I don’t know why, but I was so nervous to leave our little one, even though they were in the super capable hands of grandma and papa. We did the same – dinner and a movie. I don’t remember what movie or where we ate, but I can tell you it was probably the BEST movie and dinner ever :) Keep the dates going, girl!!
It was definitely hard leaving Baby at home!! I kept feeling like I was missing something! And I started worrying about little things halfway through the movie, but then I just made myself let it go and ENJOY and know that he was in good hands! :) And it was so fun!
aww yaaay!!! i could nottttt do it for the longest time haha! and we still haven’t seen a movie! i can’t sit still that long anymore!!! anyway, doesn’t it feel so weird at first!! it gets easier the older they get, too. :) so nice to have family to help!! yaaaay date nights!
Girl. Halfway through the movie my mind started trailing off to worrying about if he napped, and thinking a million little things about Sam, but then Zack whispered to me to NOT worry and enjoy the movie and I did just that! And it was so nice :) Even though, yes, it felt SO WEIRD being away from him.
Ashley @ Saving Money in your Twenties
awww yay for date night! I definitely want to see Gone Girl after reading the book- I’m sure it will be so good! Buuuut I’ll prob wait until it comes out on redbox, haha. PS I am totally a cooked sushi eater too! My bf can do the huge hunks of raw fish and I’m like NOPE. give me california rolls all day!
YES to California rolls! My faaaaave! :)
Kelly Mock
Looks like a fun night! We still need to do this! I am so terrified of leaving Hallie for that long though!
Aw don’t be terrified! It was so fun and a nice little break- you could even just leave for an hour to maybe get a bite to eat or something. It’s weird to be away from Baby but so nice, too!
You guys are the cutest. This is the perfect date: dinner & movie. I can’t wait to see this movie (hopefully this weekend)! I hardly remember what happens in the book hahaha, which is probably for the best because then I can slowly remember and piece things together and not be hung up on the details like I normally am (ahem, harry potter, etc.) hehe.
Haha yes I was the same way with Harry Potter! They left out one little thing and I was like OH HELL NAH. Not the case with Gone Girl though- the author wrote the screenplay, so you know it’s true to the book! :)
I’m glad you liked the movie! I did, too. They did a great job with it and I can’t believe how much I liked Ben Affleck as Nick. Date nights are the perfect way to recharge, so I’m glad you finally had a real one!
I know! Ben Affleck was the perfect Nick! So so good!
Lisa @ Life as Lisa Knows It
I can’t wait to see Gone Girl! Those macaroons look DELICIOUS!!
I hope you see Gone Girl and eat a macaroon soon! :)
How fun! I’m dying to see that movie! I loved the book and am trying to get The Hubby to read it too so he’ll have a heads up on the movie. Yum sushi for the win!
Yessss you must see the movie! It’s so good! And Zack loved it without reading the book, so you know. You don’t HAVE to wait. ;)
Ashley @ My Food N Fitness Diaries
Well, you guys are just the cutest!!! So glad you got to get out and have a date night together. Those are so necessary. Of course it’s difficult being away from Sam, but I think it gets a little easier as time goes on. :)
It was so rejuvenating getting out of the house just the two of us! I see many more date nights in our future :)
Aw! I’m so happy for guys! So glad you guys got to get out by yourselves.
It was so fun just us two! :) Date nights are the best!
Good for you for getting out and having a date night! My husband and I have weekly date nights, but I know that’s going to go right out the window when we start having kids. :P