I am currently buried underneath a pile of Kleenex (no, okay actually it’s Puffs, if you want to get specific) and cups upon cups of hot tea. My whole body aches, I haven’t seen the daylight in days, and I have zero desire to do anything but lie in misery and wallow. I am being so Scarlett O’Hara right now. [Read: dramatique].
So, that is what I’ve been up to… Oh, and also taking care of my bébé, who is my little ray of sunshine. His happy demeanor and smiles are what have been getting me through the day. And also my mother-in-law’s homemade soup (minestrone loaded with veggies and chicken!), because it is de-li-cious. (Thanks Lucy!)
leggings: kohls (they are seriously amazing, go get them, now)
[photo from my snapchat; username: katiedid_what]
SO. With that being said, this is my sick #OOTD. ;) Rockin’ the leggings/oversized sweatshirt/messy ponytail look. What do you think? Nailed it?
Also, I haven’t been sick since before I got pregnant (I KNOW I AM AWARE AT HOW LUCKY I’VE BEEN) so I feel like I’m being even more dramatic about all of this than I would if it were more common. Does that make sense? Like, this is all so foreign to me right now, and so I’m being even more of a wuss than usual. Or something. Either way, it sucks. Thank God for a husband who takes care of me (and the baby!) and also thank God for Netflix. Amen.
And this is my life right now! Exciting, I know.
Any cure-all sick remedies you swear by? I’ll try (almost) anything at this point.
Natalie @ Never Serious Blog
Ha – you look WAY cuter sick than I could ever hope to! And I can’t believe how cute and cheap those LC leggings are!
Ha! Oh, Natalie, you’re too sweet. I do not feel cute in the least bit, I can assure you. ;) And the leggings are the best ever. No joke. They’re thick and comfy and totally not at alllll see-through, which is the worst with leggings, you know?
Kelly Mock
Aww! Feel better! How do you look so cute even if you are sick? lol
Hahaha Kelly, you are way too kind, my dear. <3
Lindsay @ Lovely Life Styling
So sorry you are sick! Being sick with a babe is so hard! Love those leggings!
It is SO hard! Hopefully this sickness leaves SOON!
Brittany knoll
First of all… I’m getting those leggings STAT!
Second- the other commenters nailed exactly what I was thinking. You look cute even while sick!! I look like the walking dead is upon us when I’m sick.
Third- lots and lots of vitamin-c and D. Also tea with honey and lemon.
Feel better soon!!
GIRL, you seriously need the leggings. They’re so thick and cute- they’re almost like pants. But the most comfortable pants ever. SO GOOD. And thank you, you’re too kind to me. I definitely don’t FEEL cute. I’m drinking tea with honey and lemon like it’s going out of style!!
Kelsey R
BAH the sicks are going around here too! I was sick last week for the first time in over a year – so I completely get the foreign sickness feeling.
I wanted to chime in with my $.02 – when I’m sick, I pretend like I’m not and I still go out for a run. For some reason, running while I’m sick is AMAZING. It takes a few minutes to get into it, but it’s the only thing I can do while sick and feel…NOT sick! I’m a firm believer that getting outside and moving while sick halves the time I feel like crud. I hope that helps!
Ummmm I love that you said that- I’m totally going for a run today (for the first time since Friday!) and I’m nervous, but you gave me the motivation I needed, so THANK YOU for that! :) Wish me luck! ;)
Aww hope you get well soon lovely! I am sick myself and I am also rocking the baggy top and messy hair look haha ^^ have you tried taking any multi-vitamins? It’s good that you are trying to fight if off naturally, i usually have really spicy food and sweat it out, you gotta show the germs who’s boss haha <3
New follower, love your blog and your lil family!
That soup looks delish. But being sick is the worst, especially when your body feels SO tired and achy. I hate feeling like I have zero energy… but I hope you’re feeling better soon! Btw, you look teeny tiny!!
Jessica N
Being sick sucks! Feel better soon! And that everyone take care of you, because then hopefully you will get better quicker!
oh goodness, i hope you feel better soon!! the only thing worse than being a sick girl is being a sick girl with a precious baby to take care of AND keep healthy!! so hard!!
Melissa @ Loving Life Moore
You’re probably the most adorable sick lady ever! But seriously…echinacea tea is always a lifesaver for me when I’m sick…that, and vick’s vaporub under my nose :) feel better!
Boo for being sick. Hope you feel better soon!
Must. Have. That. Soup. That seriously looks amazing…just sleep, sleep, sleep, pretty girl!
Claire @ Fashion + Feathers
Girl, I WISH I looked that good on a normal day, let alone a sick day. Hope you feel better!!
Awww, you do look fab for being sick, but hang in there! Can I ask what size leggings you bought? I’m torn and maybe if I have an idea I can go from there :) P.s-do they come up decently high or are they kind low-rider his-ish? I know, my style lingo needs help!