I’ve been thinking about my mom a lot this week. Just really missing her and wishing she was here with us. I miss talking on the couch with her, I miss her complimenting my outfits, I miss her telling me when I put too much makeup on, I miss sharing fashion magazines with her, I miss her praying with me, I miss her laughter and her smile and her touch. It’s so crazy, I’ll be trucking along just fine and then something reminds me of her and it’s like I’m hit by a bus and instantly the emotions come flooding in. And I like to see the bright side of life, I’m usually a silver lining type of person, but sometimes you just need to cry, you know? So there has been a lot of tears this week, and that’s that. Because, if you were wondering, it doesn’t really get that much easier, and a girl never ever stops needing her mom.
Some good: a birthday party tonight for my cousins. Headed up the hill to hang with Daddio tomorrow and to an event at a winery with him on Sunday. Should be a really fun weekend. I do so cherish the moments we spend with him. He’s a pretty awesome dad, in case you didn’t know. And this weekend will be a great time to live in the moment and enjoy every second we get. That’s the most important thing anyway.
What are your weekend plans?
Tell me something happy! Maybe a favourite quote or something inspirational?
This weekend I will be watching the Iowa vs. Iowa State football game with my dad and husband. Really I could care less about football, so they will be watching and I will be on Pinterest. Then on Sunday my husband and I are sharing some of our infertility story at church. I am a crazy ball of nerves and excitement! I can’t wait to see how God uses it to make much of Himself. Also, the Miss America thing is on t.v. Sunday evening, so I will be watching that with a friend. This isn’t exactly a quote but, it is a link to a song that I love because of the message behind it and it has a part mid song where there are some quotable quotes. It is six minutes long…but so worth a listen. I prayed for you today. Hope this song blesses you!
Sounds like a fun-packed weekend!! And oh my word, thank you so much for sharing that song. It’s so beautiful, and definitely one of my new favourites. <3 I’ll be listening a lot! And the sermon part of it? Wow. It spoke right to me. Thank you for sharing. Really.
I know this isn’t really inspirational or deep or anything, but this is the happiest thing I’ve seen in a long, long time: http://www.eurostylelighting.com/modern-inspiration/b/blog/archive/2013/09/12/animal-inspiration-in-modern-design.aspx
It’s a school shaped like a cat!!! It made me smile. I hope you feel better!!
!!!!! I literally squealed when I saw that! :) It’s just what I needed!
I understand exactly how you feel. I lost both of my grandpas weeks apart from each other this summer. One of my grandpa’s funeral is actually next week. Since his death in early September, I’ve been trying to move on but it’s extremely hard since he was one of the closest people to me. Today is my dad’s 60th birthday and we were supposed to have a huge celebration but per our custom, we grieve for a month –so not big celebrations. Tonight my mom is treating my dad out to dinner and my boyfriend and I will join them. Tomorrow, my cousin is taking my dad and the rest of us out to lunch then Sunday it’s mine and my boyfriend’s turn to take him out. Small gatherings, but it will be special nonetheless.
My favorite quote comes from Maya Angelou: “My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”
Oh sweet girl, I’m so sorry about your grandpas. So nice that you’ll be spending a lot of time with your family- that’s a huge help in times of grief. <3 And that quote from Maya Angelou is so so so good. Love it.
I lost my Mom in November of last year, and was experiencing some of the same things this week. I miss her every minute of every day, but some days and weeks are harder. I agree. It doesn’t really get easier, and a girl always needs her Mom. Just know you’re not alone. {{Hugs}}
Oh sweet Megan, hugs right back to you. <3 If you ever want to talk or just vent, I'm here!
“…a girl never ever stops needing her mom.” As a soon to be mama, and with it being my mom’s bday today, that statement brought me to tears. God definitely knew what He was doing when he mapped things out to be the way they are. 2 people fall in love and have children who call them mom and dad. It really is a beautiful process if you think about it. I don’t give it enough thought or gratitude sometimes. One thing that I think is incredible about your situation is that the people around you get to see how you do life now without that piece of your heart. Without your mom. I can’t imagine life without my mama, and I don’t know how you do it. But you do. Your genuine and honest approach to handing the waves of sadness when they come is so admirable. I know I’ve said it in some form before, but I really do admire you. It’s cool to see the different ways people express their strength without even meaning to. You definitely show yours through your joy and your tears. You’re so real Katie, and that is an incredible thing. Don’t ever stop being real.
Your comment just made me cry. Thank you so much for your sweet words. Everything you said was just so kind and really lifted me up, which is just what I needed. You’re going to be an incredible mom! Really, you have no idea how much your comment floored me. Thank you thank you.
Aww thank you :). I hope to be a good mom. That’s definitely my prayer!
Katie, I know I’ve complimented your strength before and I can’t say it enough that I could not be in your shoes and I don’t know how you do it. I have a little poem/song (it’s just the one guy in the band talking over instrumental music) that I dedicated to my Grandpa and I think it’s perfect to lift up your spirits so here goes:
You’ll never really find those perfect words,
Something more than just, goodbye.
It’s hard to remember the good times when there’s just so much heartache,
But they deserve more than that.
They deserve more than just one single moment of sadness.
So just remember,
That when there’s enough love in our hearts to burst like a freakin’ (I had to change it to a more appropriate word) supernova,
Then there sure as hell’s enough love in our heart, to spark that famous smile.
We all lose someone at some point in our lives,
But don’t ever let go of that smile.
Hold on forever,
Because that’s our final dedication.
Katie-you and your mom are in my prayers tonight. Chin up Buttercup, you’re too pretty to be sad! I’m pretty sure your hubby will agree with that last sentence :)
xoxo Monica
What a sweet poem. I love it. And thank you so much for your prayers- they mean so so much to me <3
I totally understand how you feel. I go through the same thing with the loss of my dad. Sending hugs to you. XOXO
Thanks sweet girl. Hugs right back to you <3
i’m sad reading this post.i miss my mum now..my mum is not living with me..she is in another country and the only way to see her is flying over.yet,air ticket just too expensive sometimes that i can’t afford to see her every months.but i did call her every time to check how she’s doing.everyone needs a mom..and i can truly understand your feeling.i lost my grandma early of the year and i saw my mum missing her every moments..but i knew you will did well,just like my mum.*hug*
Thanks so much, sweet girl. Living in another country is so hard, too, I definitely understand that. Thank goodness for Skype, though! It’s almost like you’re in the same room as them! :) But there is nothing like being able to give your loved ones a big hug. I hope you get to see your mum soon <3
Beautiful girl, I love you. I am so proud of you for posting this. For your realness and your strength. Your mama is for sure extremely proud of the woman she raised. I think you are amazing and I’m always praying for you.
Ohhhh, my love. I just finished writing a post for tomorrow that just seems to echo every word you wrote here. I too feel that there is no silver lining. The pain does not go away. And it doesn’t get “easier.” I keep thinking it must just be me because everyone says, “It’ll get easier with time.”
So, as always, your words and thoughts and sweet heart comfort me as I sit here crying my darn eyes out. I am so blessed to know you through all of this. Love you, soul sister and sending a big hug to you. xoxo
We lost my father in law last fall around this time. My husband has moments like you do a lot. Going along fine and then something just hits and the emotions and whys and what ifs come flooding back. My husband likes to listen to “Always Look on the Brightside of Life” from Monty Python to cheer himself up. It’s kind of silly, but I hope it helps! Feel better, darlin’ :)