Hey friends! I hope you’ve had an amazing start to the new year! I definitely overindulged during the holidays and all of the parties we had (cookies! Snacks! Bread! Booze! Yes to all of it!) and by the time the new year came, I knew I needed to do some sort of detox to get RID of all of those disgusting toxins that were weighing me down (physically AND mentally). Enter: my fave workout girls at Tone It Up (no this is not sponsored, but wouldn’t that be awesome lol). I get a lot of questions about my workouts and daily diet and whatnot, and I’m always sending people to Tone It Up, because it’s what I follow, believe in and love!
A little about the nutrition plan first: I am a member, paid for the plan and HIGHLY recommend it to anyone who asks! It’s a totally doable program that makes sense. It’s not a “diet” (ew, I could never do that forever!), it’s a lifestyle. It’s about making smart and healthy decisions, but also having fun from time to time. For example, they’re big proponents of “wine not wednesday”- exactly what it sounds like. And enjoying a glass or two a few times a week. Chocolate is encouraged. It’s okay to have a burger every now and then. But it’s ALL about MODERATION. AMEN AMEN AMEN. Anyway, that’s my two cents on the program, in case you’ve been thinking about it- I’m a big fan. :)
OKAY. So on to my New Year detox. I have been craving a detox, for the mind, body and soul. And of course, my girls at TIU were on the same wavelength, and actually created this 5 day detox that I started on Monday! You can still sign up for it and get it all FREE! Join me! They lay everything out: daily meals, a recipe guide, a grocery list and of course daily workouts! I’ve been following the daily workouts and meal guides to the “T” and am feeling so great already. It’s just an easy, no-brainer way to reset my body and get rid of all of the toxins I was putting into my body during the holidays. I mean, no regrets, don’t get me wrong, but there’s something about a fresh start in the new year that is really appealing to me. I’m sure you agree.
– One of the rules is to drink 90+ oz of water a day! NOT easy. (Also be sure to never be too far from a bathroom). But one way I’m making this easier and more enjoyable (because let’s be honest, plain water can get real boring) is by substituting some of it for sparkling water! We just discovered THIS strawberry sparkling water and it’s become a staple in our house. SO good!
– Drink TEA! At night, to curb any sweet cravings (which, by the way, yes there is DESSERT on this plan! I prefer dark chocolate), I make a big cuppa tea and sip it. Bonus: this adds to your water intake! ;)
– My number ONE tip? MEAL PREP! Seriously, do this! Make time, whenever you can, to prep as much as you can for the week. It makes each day go soooo much smoother. A few people have asked how I do all of this with two kids and being super busy. Prepping as much as I can is the key! I make my chicken for the week in a crockpot and shred it, then it’s ready in the fridge to add to anything I need it for! SO easy! I also roasted a huge batch of veggies the other night, also for various meals throughout the week. Having as much prepped and ready to go as possible is definitely something that helps me stay on track and just makes life easier!
Be sure to follow along on Instagram– I’m sharing daily meals that I create and my day-to-day thoughts! Would love to know what you’ve been doing to re-set and detox yourself!
Next up: Detoxing my HOUSE. I need more order! Ha! I’ll share what I do there too.
Here’s to a HEALTHY and happy new year!
I could not swipe up to see where you got your cute K initial necklace, where did you find it? Thanks!! It is so cute!
Aww I know, I love it too! The initial necklace is HERE!