Well… somehow our house became the Sick House again. Sam came down with a low grade fever and a cold Saturday morning (poor thing- thankfully the fever went away after 24 hours) and Sophie has a cold. We’re washing our hands like crazy and disinfecting everything ok hopes that we stay away from sickness (we being me and Zack, that is) and are praying fervently that our babies get healthy again soon! There is nothing sadder than sick little ones. Nothing. It just breaks my heart. The only good thing is of course the sweet cuddles…
The cuddles that turn my almost-3-year-old back into my baby boy.
We did end up hitting up a few garage sales before Sam’s fever struck, and scored some wooden blocks for $1, so that was a win!
Basically the entire weekend was spent keeping the kiddos away from each other, so that Sophie doesn’t get whatever Sam has (although she’s sick too, so who knows how well that went…), so Zack and I switched off kid duty, with one staying at home with Sam and the other taking Sophie places. Sophie won this weekend, ha! She got to go to Starbucks and the farmers market with daddy, and on walks and a trip to Target (which Zack said, and I quote, “have fun and take your time!” Ha! Don’t have to tell me twice…!) with mama. If you ask Sophie, this weekend was awesome, except for the fact that she didn’t get to hang with her bubba, whom she loves the most. :(
Since we didn’t see much of each other during the days, we made sure to have a little in-home date night on Saturday- mainly because we didn’t have any dinner for ourselves and once we put the kids to bed, Zack decided to order takeout from my very favorite restaurant in town (Sellands, for you locals!) which, I mean, yes I am aware I’m a lucky woman. ;)
So it wasn’t the weekend we planned, but we made the most of it and still got some quality time in with everyone, together and separate. ;)
I’ve learned in life, sometimes you just gotta go with the flow.
And I mean, look at that little smile!!!! Ugh. I have no cause for complaint here. Also, she woke up crying last night and I went in and rocked her to sleep, for the first time in MONTHS. Excuse me while I go turn into a puddle on the floor. I could have stayed in there forever, dead arm be damned!
oh gosh, it’s so heartbreaking when they are sick!! i hope everyone is on the mend!!
They are both on the mend, praise God!!!
OMG that smile made my day!!!!!!!!! SO ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Isn’t it the sweetest little thing you ever did see?! That girl, always making me smile!
love! so hope they get better soon! being sick sucks! xoxo
Agreed!! Thankfully they’re both on the mend now!
Oh my gosh Katie! Our 2 1/2 year old daughter has that same flower pattern on some pants that she has! So sorry your babies are sick! :( Hope they get better soon!
I’m such a sucker for floral!! Give me floral everything!! And thank you sweet girl- they are getting better!
No fun :( Hope they start feeling better soon! That smile is so adorable! Also, where is that rug from? I’ve seen it in a few of your photos and I LOVE it.
Thanks Lauren!! They are getting better, yay! :) And the rug is from Lorena Canals, and it’s WASHABLE- game changer! Here’s the link: http://lorenacanals.us/washable-rugs/bereber-beige.html
Ahh washable is definitely a plus. Thank you!!
Hope everyone is feeling better today xx
They’re definitely on the mend!! Thanks, girl! :)
Hope they feel better! We went through a phase where it seemed like the girls were constantly fighting something. It’s no fun!
P.S. Love Selland’s — it’s one of our favorite take-out spots :)