Just some photos that make me happy that I don’t want to let slip through the cracks… :)
There is absolutely zero doubt in my mind that this girl is 1000% in love with her daddy. And the feeling is definitely mutual. He makes her laugh like no one can!
And yes, in case you’re wondering, I am 100% framing this picture.
Zack is innnnn for it! ;) He is wrapped around her tiny little finger forever!
Sooooo this happened. I turned on the monitor and watched it happen and then I literally RUSHED into the room to this huge grin. I meeeeeeean. Sweet girl!!! And yes, we immediately lowered the crib. ;) I mean, after taking like 50 pictures, of course.
I just love these people so much. My little family! Gosh I’m lucky.
Sophie swing pictures are quickly becoming my favorite thing to take. Look at her face! So much joy!!
I’ve been doing the 31 day challenge from Tone It Up, and LOVE it!!! Seriously, it’s so great. It’s daily workouts and “bootycalls” every morning (just means working out first thing in the morning) and honestly that’s always been the biggest struggle for me, but now that little miss is an early riser, it forces me to get up and going early, too, so it works perfectly! :) I get up, feed Sophie and then she plays on the carpet while I play with her/ workout right next to her. She loves watching me and I get my sweat on before the day begins! The challenge also has a meal guide with it, that I’m following mostly, but adding some calories because of breastfeeding, of course. Anyway, it’s kind of awesome, and you should follow along on my fitness Instagram, @katiedidwhat_tiu!
Annnnnd that’s all I got. Just some images and thoughts that have been making me happy and keeping me smiling lately. I hope they made you smile, too!
chelsea jacobs
That first picture of her smile…SWOON.
Right?! Her smile brightens up my days!!!
Katie do you have a workout routine here in your blog for pregnancy? I would love to know if you have any tips. I’m currently on my first trimester!