Time for another little “life lately” update. Just some photos from the past few weeks that I haven’t shared here yet!
Little sunshine girl. She seriously makes everything better. She’s 1000% sass, don’t get me wrong, but goodness I love that sass so much! And her kisses are everything.
Zack and Sophie had a little daddy/daughter date to the zoo on Monday. It was ADORABLE. I love their relationship- it’s so special. Nothing like that connection. As a daddy’s girl myself, I love seeing Sophie being the same. :) Also, Zack picked out their matching stripes. ALL of the heart eyes.
We met up for lunch at a local ice cream shop, where Sophie said “Hi!” to every single person who walked in and out, and insisted on “cheers!”-ing every bite of ice cream (see my “kids” story highlight for a video!). She is too much.
We had a Frozen themed workout class, and we literally have NOTHING Frozen in our house (we’re just not there with the whole character/movie thing yet… And I’m perfectly okay with that lol, I’ll stick to cats for now), so I got creative and threw her fur vest on and decided she was Sven the reindeer! ;) It worked, and I basically won for creative points. Also, Sophie eating donuts is basically ME.
Love my people.
Annnd ending with my new favorite shoes. HOW CUTE ARE THEY, AMIRIGHT?! Obsessed.
Loooove those all pink Converse! I may need to add those to my well, full collection lol! Your kids are the most precious!!
Aren’t they SO stinking cute?! I’m obsessed! And girl, you can NEVER have too many Converse! ;)