Life with two is a challenge most days. And I think I’ve done a good job at keeping it real around these parts, and making sure to not only paint it as this perfect picture. Because life just isn’t like that. As much as I love to stay positive and share life’s greatest moments and the things that make me happy, I also love to be raw and share real life with you.
And I get asked a lot about life with two. So I’m going to make a point to share more about what life with two really is like. And so.
Life with two little ones? It’s hard.
It’s hard to get everyone ready for the day.
It’s hard to just leave the house.
It’s hard to wrangle two babies.
It’s hard to get anywhere on time.
But I’ve realized something lately. I’ve realized the days that we do get everyone ready, the days that we do manage to get out of the house, the days where we have wrangled our babies and are off on an adventure (even just the tiniest trip to Target, hey, anything counts!), it’s worth it.
It’s hard, but it’s all worth it.
And it makes for a happier mama. And happier babies.
And this weekend, we did just that. We got out of the house. We headed to a friend’s little girl’s 3rd birthday party. And it was hard. The night before, Sam was dealing with contipation and didn’t feel like eating dinner, and thus didn’t go to bed until 10pm, and then woke up at 3am, hungry. Of course. So to say we were tired that morning was an understatement. But we guzzled our coffee and wrangled our children and we all got out and went to the party. We may have been 45 minutes late, but we made it!
And it was hard. Sam isn’t used to being around a lot of kids, and most of the kids were older than Sam, and were running around and yelling and- you know, being kids- but it was overwhelming for our little Samuel, and so he cried and we took him out front and hung out there for most of the party. He played with toys and ran around with his daddy and it was not what we had pictured, but that was our reality. But then he calmed down and we went in the bounce house and had some cake and socialized with our friends, and it was actually fun. Hard, but fun. And worth it.
So the moral of my story? Do the hard things, because they will end up being worth it. And get out of the house, because it will save your sanity. It won’t be easy, but it will be fun- as long as you have the right mindset. I promise.
And it will also totally wear them out, and your car will look something like this on the ride home:
And really, isn’t that the goal of every parent, ever? ;)
Great Pictures, love that you keep it real! Your a great Mommy!
Aw thanks so much for saying that, Amanda!!
Yes! Sometimes you plan things and they go completely differently than you had imagined, but they are still fun in a different way! We tried to go to a drive in movie with our littles once, and my daughter cried through most of the beginning of the movie, and my son wouldn’t sit and watch. It was rough, but once they finally calmed down, it was a good time!
YES! It always ends up being fun- especially with a positive attitude! I think that makes such a huge difference, the attitude that you have during those difficult times. Gotta keep a sense of humor ;) ha!
Such an honest, heartfelt post! I can only imagine how difficult it is to have two young kiddos, but it’s wonderful to hear how worth it everything is in the end! Hope you have a wonderful week!
Aw thank you Alison!! I really is worth it. So very much worth it. :)
Whew. It was a rough one in our house today. Just wait until sweet little Sophie learns to walk and climb and get into all of big brothers things! I have two girls and my littlest is almost two and she is becoming a tiny terror. But she’s super sweet and adorable, if only she would not stand on top of the kitchen table eating markers while I try to put a load of laundry in. And big sister is 5 and only asks about 638,738 questions a day about everything! I was really really ready for bedtime tonight! Lol. But you are right, these little people are worth the time and effort! No better job (or harder one) than being a mama. :)
Haha I think the terrors are also the ones that are extra cute and adorable… Gotta balance it all out ;)
Love the dress!!! And the realness with having two. We’ll be there soon. Kinda personal question, but I always stray away from spaghetti straps when nursing bc what bra to wear? Would you mind sharing what works for you? I’d love a tip bc there are just so many cute dresses and tops in that style!
So weird that someone’s email address showed up in my comment!
Hey girl! So I LOVE my nursing bras, but the straps are too thick to wear with this type of dress, so for spaghetti strap dresses or strapless ones, I either wear a cute bralette or a strapless bra. Now, strapless bras are admittedly NOT very supportive, so if you have a lot to work with, that might not be the best option (I’m pretty small, even while nursing, so there’s that…). With this dress, I’m wearing a lace bralette from American Eagle that I LOVE! Free People makes them too! I just put in nursing pads and I’m good to go- and the lace is so pretty peeking through. Hope this helps!