Oh, the sippy cup. It’s been a slow process with this one. Sam is much more interested in chewing on it than actually extracting any sort of liquid from it. Plus, his favorite (and sole) liquid up until now has been milk, and so this strange mysterious clear liquid has him all sorts of disinterested. Like, What is this imposter? You want me to drink this? Um, no. Give me the good white stuff, thanks.
I’m pretty sure that’s his stream of thought.
So we’re giving him a sippy cup every day. But just nonchalantly. Like, oh this old thing? We just sit it on his high chair at every meal, and hold it up to his mouth. Sometimes he actually drinks some water (the slightest, tiniest sip!) and then the majority dribbles down his chin and he grins. And that’s how the sippy cup introduction has been going! But! It’s going! And with everything aux bébés, it takes time.
Patience is certainly a virtue, I’ve learned, as a mother. And mostly, I’m pretty good at it. Mostly. ;)
With that being said, how cute is this sippy cup, right? It’s got a penguin! Holding balloons! And I’ve teamed up with Avent today to give away a penguin sippy cup to {5} separate readers! YIPPEE!
To enter, just leave a comment letting me know when you introduced the sippy cup, or when you plan on doing so.
And hey, any advice is welcome, as always.
Good luck! Winners will be chosen one week from today!
EDIT: Congrats to Megan W, Dominique, Heidi, Jessica N and Meghan C! You will be emailed shortly! :)
That little Sam..he is just so stinkin cute!!! Our little man is due 5/27 which is coming up so quickly and I just love reading about your life as a new mommy. I’m not sure when we’d introduce the sippy cup but I can imagine that our little one would love one as cute as that!
What a sweet little boy:-)
My two girls (4 1/2 & 2) took a sippy cup with no issues (after being exclusively breastfed)
My little man (1 at the end of the month) is a completely different story. He does the same as Sam, chews on it throws it around. I’m lucky if any of it gets into him.
I’ve heard great reviews of the Aventi cups
Love your blog all the way in cold cold canada!
I think we started with the sippy cup around 10.5 or 11 months, but our son actually preferred just stealing sips out of my cup. I think because he wanted what mommy had.
We started both girls on sippys at 6 months just for fun, now the youngest is 9M and shes got it down! And we use the Avent ones too!
We plan on introducing the dippy cup next month when our son is 9 months!
Our little munchies is almost 7 months old, so we’re starting to introduce new things and sippy cups are on the list for next month. It’s so fun to watch someone experience everything for the VERY first time! Even if it’s a struggle or a huge mess (i.e. green beans), we’ll figure it out together, right?
this is perfect timing! my 10 month old has been very bad about drinking from the bottle the past few days, so we tried a sippy cup yesterday and it was mostly a mess! haha We would love to try another kind :)
I’m scared to introduce the sippy cup! My twins will be five months tomorrow, and we’ve JUST started getting the hang of foods. I don’t know if I can handle another wrench in the routine via the sippy! As you say though, patience is a virtue. I’m just not very good at it! ;)
we’ve been doing the sippy cup with formula. he chews and drink at the same time. we’ve done a straw cup for water, but he much prefers when I give him water out of my straw. sigh. babies they just want to be little adults i guess.
I plan on introducing Ellie (3 mos) to the sippy cup whenever the pediatrician says I can start giving her juice. I plan on giving her the juice through the sippy cup instead of the bottle.
Talk about hilarious! I was just researching online about best sippy cups! This would be awesome my little man is five months but needs more fluids so we want to try giving him water.
As a first time mom to an almost 5-month old, I have NO idea when I’ll introduce the sippy cup. But…I’m obsessed with penguins and am therefore positive that my son needs one of these cups! :-)
Baby #1 makes her debut in 13 weeks! So, as with all things baby, I have no clue.
We introduced the sippy cup around 6 months. It’s still just for fun/learning and some days, drinking :)
We are introducing the sippy cup now, around 10 months. He has to be drinking from it at a year for daycare so I need it to work haha!
My baby hated and never took a bottle but when we introduced a sippy cup at 9.5 months, he actually loved it. It took him a while to actually figure out how to actually suck the liquid out but now he’s a pro. Just keep offering it to him & let him explore it, he will figure it out and drink from it when he is ready :) love the penguin sippy!
George is coming up for six months and is exactly the same as Sam with the way he treats his sippy cup and any fluid that isn’t milk!
Rachael xo
We introduced the sippy cup a few months ago but he didn’t really start taking to it until we got his new car seat. It has a cup holder and I set the sippy in there and he grabs it and drinks and chews on it for the duration of our ride. Sam will figure it out. Just needs some time to adjust.
At my daughter’s 6 month appointment last Monday the doctor actually suggested introducing the sippy cup! We haven’t yet, but I’m excited to try and see how she reacts to it!
I hope to introduce a sippy cup around 6 months or so.. Id like to give my baby breast milk smoothies & I don’t want it to clog up the nipple on a bottle! :)
Love your blog posts!
My little guy is 4 months so I haven’t thought yet about introducing a sippy cup (especially since bottles are hit or miss around here). I love reading about Sam as he grows, know my little one will be doing some of the same things soon!
I introduced a sippy cup to my daughter around 6 months! She of course just liked to chew on it!
We’ve been introducing the sippy cup for two months now and are still having trouble with our now 10 month old. We haven’t tried these sippy cups before and it would be great to win these and test them out. So enjoy your blog and reading about all your adventures in life. God bless!
Introducing new things is so much fun! My LO started playing around with a sippy cup at 5months. He’s 6 1/2 months now and is finally getting used to the idea of it and drinking juice and water… YAY!!
We have been using a similar approach with the nonchalant “oh here is a sippy cup sitting here” thing while Colin is hanging out in his high chair. So far it gets chewed on, or generally treated like a toy. If I hold it up for him he does drink some water from it, but just like Sam, not much.
I’m hoping like all things baby it just ‘clicks’ one day, and it’s not like there is a rush for him to get it.
My goodness, he is so adorable! My sister’s daughter is 14 months but has down syndrome and is just starting on a sippy cup. I’d love to have her try one of these!
I want to introduce a sippy cup this month! My little one has never taken a bottle, so the doctor suggested starting a sippy cup. I’m nervous/excited!
10 months :)
I introduced the zippy cup to my son around 6 months or so, but he still mostly just chews on the top of it too, and he gives me the same reaction whenever he does actually get some water. I love it! ;)
10 months about we started!!
My son just turned 7 months old and is getting the hang of solids so as he starts to eat more we will introduce water in a silly cup. No exact plans this moment though
Hahahah oops sippy cup
How cute! We are going to start trying at 6 months, and try to be casual about it to.
my son wouldn’t drink the water from his sippy cup until I literally sucked from it and showed him how. “Fake” drinking it or putting it in his mouth did nothing, but he watched me do it one time and he was golden! I think around 6 mos.
We introduced a sippy cup in December…so around 8 months. Bhas it down pat, she doesn’t even take a bottle at daycare. She drinks out of a sippy with her meals and snacks. Her favorite game is dropping it off her high chair tray and saying “uhuh”.
We are currently in the middle of introducing a sippy cup (9 months old) so far no luck. Haven’t tried the avent ones yet.
hope i am not too late!!
we have introduced the sippy.. around 6.5mo. two months later and she still doesn’t really care for it! she’s with sam… warm milk only!!
we introduced the sippy cup when my son was around a year old.
Your little munchkin is just too cute! I love reading your updates on his progress since I’m a first time mommy too but my little girl is a lot younger. I get a little preview of what’s to come!