oh, hi there! happy weekend! hope it’s treating you well. mine started off really great. it’s been kind of cold and blustery lately, and i’m kind of liking it. i’m thinking a fire in the fireplace is in order anyyyy day now, and i’m excited for that.
i finished “harry potter and the half-blood prince.” and, i don’t know how i did it, but i managed to make it all the way up until now to find out…. well, see, now i don’t want to spoil it for anyone who hasn’t read the books yet (i say “yet” because if you haven’t read harry potter, you really need to.) so, yes, i won’t spoil it for anyone, but let’s just say, i am left extremely sad and pissed off. and if you’ve read the books, i believe you should know why. i know of four books that have actually made me cry- like real tears- “of mice and men,” “the help,” “gone with the wind,” and now “the half-blood prince.” i was, no joke, UGLY crying. like, sobbing. it was terribly sad. and then, after i was sad, i got mad (again, i will not spoil it for those who have not read it- seriously, go read them already.) zack and i are watching the movie tonight, so i can start the last book. i texted my little cousin and my sister in law (both huge hp fans) and vented about my sadness. and my sister in law (holla, christina!!) said she had to wait a WHOLE YEAR to find out what happens, and that made me feel a little better. i mean, i get instant gratification here. i can borrow the kindle book (for free! yay amazon prime!) right away! so. that soothed my heartache a little bit.
okay, i just devoted a post to harry potter. i am an hp nerd, i admit (hence the glasses up there). sorry if you aren’t, and didn’t get this like, at all. if you did, any and all condolences will be greatly appreciated, thank you.
and that’s my saturday!
I bought that book at midnight the night it came out, and read it all the next day. I recall it being about 2am the next morning when I was finishing it while laying on the couch at my parents. I started sobbing so loud it woke my mom up and she came to check up on me. So don’t feel too bad about crying over it! Just wait til you watch the movie, bet you cry then too!
OMG i am SO GLAD i’m not the only one who sobbed at that book!! it’s just not right, you know? like… HOW could that happen?! i’m so confused, but i know that the next book will have answers for me, which is why i am sooo antsy to watch this movie and then read it! i will absolutely have the tissues ready! it’s gonna be a good saturday night, haha!
I can’t believe i’ve only read the first 2 books! I really need to read the rest haha. Actually…I should probably read the first 2 again too because I don’t really remember what happened lol
girllll! you NEED to read them all! like, omg, i am OBSESSED. SO good!
I was the exact same way!! such a sad sad ending, i almost didn’t watch the movie because of it, i didn’t want to relive it!! hope you enjoy the last one!!
i know, i am definitely a little wary of watching the movie and reliving the sadness, but i know it’ll be so good, i just have to!! i’ll have my big ole’ box of tissues on hand! :)
I cried when I read Of Mice and Men too. It was so sad. I also cried during a hp book, but my tears were for the character who died during the order of the Phoenix…my favorite character by the way.
awww yes! that was really sad, too :( why does hp have to be so SAD?! NOBODY told me this before i started reading them!! haha
I MADE my 12 year old nephew read them and he was majorly against it for like a year but he got sucked in once I offered him money to read 100 pages haha.
But yeah i was like “consider skipping the last book because it leaves you in a dark place buddy” I walked around really sad after I read that one. Poor Weasleys. That epilogue that showed us the future couldn’t make up for what she did.BLEH.
ackkkk i haven’t read the last one yet! so i have noooo idea what you’re talking about! but i will soon enough! :) and i LOVE that you paid your nephew to read it! haha that’s awesome. so, did he end up liking them??
oh no! I haven’t read them in awhile so forgot that the last one is deathly hallows not half blood prince!
So erm,…..bye and sorry =(
haha don’t be sorry, girl!!!! you gave nothing away! unlike me, who totally gave away what happened to my husband who had no idea why i was crying… and i was so determined to not tell him until we watched the movie!!!! whoops.
:x haha
I am an HP nerd too. I missed the whole childhood growing up with HP thing. But last year in the spring I decided I was going to read all the books and watch all the movies before the final film came out. And I did it! DH part 1 is the only movie I hadn’t seen when the last movie hit theaters. I seriously fell in love with the books(I chose to read them first before the movies)and they are now in my favorites of all time. And I bawled. Endlessly. I cried on books 4-7. Order of the Pheonix is one of my favorites but like the tears don’t end. It is like people you know are dying! Don’t even get me started on Deathly Hallows. I was like crying throughout. Best book ever.
And I babbled AGAIN. I could go on for hours. Us bloggers need a Harry Potter nerd party haha
YES, let’s have a harry potter nerd party! i love it!! that’s so crazy, because i did the EXACT same thing as you- i just decided to read the whole series this year, and never read them when they were coming out and whatnot. i’ve been reading a book and then watching the movie right after with all of them, though, so a little different than you did. i love this!! you put it so perfectly, too: it’s like people you know are dying!! THANK YOU! i’m so scared and anxious and also excited to read the last one! thank you for preparing me a little. ;)
I can’t believe how long that comment was. It was basically a novel. Sorry!
haha heart you!
Ok. I am leaving a third comment. Crazy lady over here! But you will have to let me know your thoughts on Deathly Hallows when you read it. Siriusly(see what I did there). Warning: GET TISSUES. LOTS OF TISSUES.
OMG I LAUGHED SO HARD: “Siriusly.” and i will definitely let you know my thoughts when i’m finished!! :)
i love harry potter – but sadly, i saw the movies first and never read the books. i have a hard time reading books after i’ve seen the movies already. but still that does not diminish my mad love for Harry!
awww yeah i know what you mean about it being difficult to read the books AFTER seeing the movies, but seriously. you should. haha. it wouldn’t ruin anything, and you know what they always say (which is true!!) is that the book is always better than the movie. ;) yayyy for harry love!
I totally cried when I read that book! The last HP book is my absolute favorite, but I haven’t seen the movie yet :-)
awww i’m about to start the last hp, and i am sooo excited! everyone’s been telling me how good it is! :)
i read all the books last year (or the year before) i don’t remember. but i totally cried. several times throughout the series. the movie made me sob.
awww i sobbed, too, girl!!!! SO SAD. glad i’m not alone. :(
You’ve waited a long time to read / watch it! Love HP!!!!!!!
i knowwww!!! i’m really late to the HP party, but hey! at least i got here ;)
Where did you get your glasses in this pic? I love them and have been looking for a new pair!
aww thanks, girl! i got them at forever 21 last year sometime! uo has good ones, too!
oh my goodness! i’m new to ur blog and have to say u’re just WAY too stinking cute!! not just the clothes, but i wish i could pick and pull cute things and tie them all together, but i’m such lost cause! my little sis is just like you, i say she stole all the style genes…lol. :)
yayyy!!! i’m so glad you’re here, girl! and THANK YOU for your sweet words!!! and that is too funny about your sister “stealing” the style genes- i highly doubt that, though! ;)
Be prepared to cry a whole lot when you read the last book. I didn’t so much cry the first time I read it because I just wanted to know the ending. The second time I read it to pick up on all the details I missed and whoa.
Eeek I am so torn: I’m of course looking forward to reading it because I looooove HP and want to know what happens, and I know I’ll love it so much, but I will also be soooo sad because it’ll be over and because of all of the crying… I’m definitel bracing myself!!