I’ve been thinking a lot about my babies, and this time of our lives. If I’m being completely honest, this particular season is a HARD one. We are being challenged daily, with things we never dreamed of, and more often than not I question myself as a parent. Am I doing this all right? I feel like I fail my kids (and thus, myself) on a regular basis. And it’s hard. It’s hard to not know. It’s hard to second guess your actions.
But then, I think about the TRUTH. And the truth is this: Yes, parenting is hard. It’s the hardest job I’ll ever have, I’m convinced of it (gosh, I HOPE SO). It’s challenging and different and crazy and pulls at your heart in ways you never knew possible. But it’s also the greatest journey, and one that is so WORTH IT.
It’s worth all of the aches and pains. It’s worth the sleepless nights and loss of hair and loss of abs and loss of sanity. It’s worth it all. Because it’s important. And it’s beautiful.
And also this: we are all doing the best we can. And none of us, not one of us, really knows what she’s doing or has it all figured out. Repeat that to yourself, if you’ve been feeling otherwise lately. I know I have to constantly remind myself of this! People share what they want to share, but deep down, we all have struggles and we all are just doing the best we can.
And there’s so much hope in that. There’s so much relief in that knowledge. Once you let go of trying to “have it all figured out,” THAT is when you get to the good stuff. That is when you see how purely beautiful your life is. In all of it’s craziness, it’s beautiful at the core. So enjoy it. Enjoy the messes and the insanity and the unknown. Because I can guarantee you’re going to miss it when it’s gone. I know I will. I already do.
But I’m painfully nostalgic as it is, so take what I have to say with a grain of salt. ;)
You said this so eloquently, I absolutely loved it. I just had my son in October and this parenting stuff is no joke! Every day it is questioning if you’re doing it right, what you can do to improve, etc. It’s even harder being a stay at home mom wondering if you should be going back to work or continue staying at home. I totally feel you. Thank you for posting this.
Delightfully Dapper
Aw thanks Mariah! :) You’re right: parenting is NO joke. It’s a wild ride for sure, but you’ve got this!
I love love love this, Katie! I have a 17 month old and just gave birth almost 3 weeks ago to our 2nd! My life is SO CRAZY right now. But I’m reminding myself to soak it all up! Also how much value and worth it’s giving me as a person/mom/wife! Enjoy you babies????❤
I’m so glad you love this!! :) Congrats on your new baby- it is NOT easy, but you are doing an amazing job!!!
Hardest.job.ever! Bestest job ever too ???? Mummy guilt is also a killer!
YES. It totally is!! But you’re right: it’s the best.
amen! i don’t have kids yet (got quite a few years ;) but when i do someday i have already seen how important being a parent is & how important it is to invest in your children and spend as much time as possible with them :) <3
That is so awesome to already know that!! It’s so important. <3
Amen! When I find myself feeling “less than” as a mom I know it’s time to step away from social media for a bit and just really focus on being present in the moment. The day-to-day of raising littles can be SO HARD but I already miss the things I thought were hard about having a baby. I know I’ll miss the craziness of my loving toddler some day too, even if he’s driving me bonkers at this age ;)
YES. It’s so important to remember to be present and in the moment, and do whatever we can to make that happen. It can be HARD, though, for sure.
I feel so much identified with your words – it’s as if you read my mind! I have a one-year-old and this past year has been the hardest but also most beautiful of my life. I also sometimes remind myself that I must enjoy it, because time flies sooo fast! ;)
I love that- it’s the hardest but most beautiful thing in the world, isn’t it? Raising little ones is not for the faint of heart! ;)
I love this Katie so true it is a hard season and a wonderfully beautiful season all wrapped in one! I love the mention about the loss of abs too ha ha! I miss mine. :(
xo, Nicole
Haha seriously. Not sure if those abs will ever really come back, but hey. Who needs ’em? ;)
ugh, i already miss it, too! i already miss things that aren’t even gone. because i know how quickly life goes! i literally hate it, the passing of time. so i’m with you!!! i’m enjoying it, good and bad. these are the days!!
Girl, you put that perfectly: “I already miss things that aren’t even gone.” UGH. Such is the crazy ride of motherhood, isn’t it?!