This post was sponsored by Brita but opinions are completely my own based on my experience. #FuelWithBrita
Living a healthy lifestyle is so important to me. I’ve noticed, after having Sophie 4 months ago, that it has been a biiiiit trickier this time around losing the excess baby weight. I think that definitely has to do with my gaining a bit more with her, and also it’s a lot harder to find the time (err.. make the time) with two little ones. Harder, but NOT impossible! Yesterday, I literally had to do my entire workout holding my 16 pound baby (see above photo), because that is just what had to be done. And you know what? I felt incredibly strong afterward! Like, if I can do that, I can do anything, basically!
SO. I’m not allowing any excuses for taking care of myself. It’s important, it is a priority, and therefore it’s just not something I can let fall to the wayside. Plus, I am a MUCH happier person when I’m taking good care of myself, both physically and mentally!
I’ve gotten a few questions, after having my second baby, about how I’ve lost the baby weight and what my workout regime is. Well, first of all, I laugh at the phrase “lost all the baby weight” because, girlfriend, I haven’t. Not even. Trust. BUT. I am making my health a priority, making a change for the better, and am proud of how far I’ve come already!
A few things I’ve implemented:
1. Move every day. I know I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it over and over again. Getting up and MOVING each day makes the biggest difference! There are some days where all I want to do is just lie on the couch and be super lazy, and thus I feel sluggish and lousy all day long. But when I actually get up and move- get out of the house or simply put on some music and have a dance party in the living room- I feel energized and better all day! It’s simple. But it is something I make sure to do each day. Plus, having a very active toddler definitely helps with this! I honesly am never allowed to relax on the couch all day, even if I wanted to. ;) #norestdays.
2. Eat Well. Recently, I even got my husband on this bandwagon! ;) You ever notice how much better you feel when you’re fueling your body with proper nutrients and not weighing it down with junk? Your energy is up. Your body feels tighter and lighter. And you just feel better! Working out is hugely important in being healthy, but if you don’t fuel your body with the proper food, there’s no point.
Some examples of meals: Chicken with tomatoes and veggies on the side. Egg white omelette with cheese, spinach, tomatoes and thyme. Spinach salad loaded with whatever veggies you have. My favorite salad dressing is just some olive oil mixed with balsamic vinegar and a squeeze of lemon- it’s the BEST and so healthy! For a midday snack, I love almonds, walnuts, coconut flakes and dried cranberries mixed together into a homemade trail mix. I like to measure out my food so I’m not mindlessly snacking out of a bag- portion control is very important!
3. Drink water! Every day. All day. Water, water, water. I fill up my large water bottle with water from my Brita® filter, and refill throughout the day. I make sure it’s always near me, and have even stopped drinking soda or anything else. Really, I just drink water (and the occasional glass(es) of wine some evenings). (OH, and of course coffee. Gotta have my coffee). Water is so good for your body, your energy levels and even your skin! DO IT. Chug chug chug. This is huge!
I got my Brita filter from my local Safeway, and have been using it every day! I absolutely love that I know I’m drinking cleaner, healthier water that is nourishing my body! I feel great giving it to Sam, too. And I can tell the difference in the water I’m consuming. It just tastes better. And straight out of the fridge, it is cool and refreshing. Seriously the best. We had been buying bottled water, and this is saving us so much money, too! So yay for that!
We’re giving away (1) Brita Filter Pitcher!
TO ENTER: Visit my twitter and retweet the most recent tweet (about this post) and then leave a comment below with your Twitter handle!
No Purchase Necessary. Ends June 10, 2016 at 11:59 PM EST. Subject to complete Official Rules.
All I drink is water too. As a New Year’s Resolution, I gave up pop for an entire year once. After that, I just decided to give it up forever. I still crave MD, but I know I’ll never drink it again. I love my Brita and would love another one! My twitter handle is @katemarina
I Retweeted
My twitter handle is @tinawoo21
I love your shirt, where did you get it? :)
Thanks! I have it linked right under the first photo! :)
My handle is @lykaboss
We’ve had our Brita for a couple years now. Absolutely LOVE it!
ps loving your shirt ;)
I just retweeted! My Twitter handle is @elizabethshurt.
Congrats girl!! You won! You should be getting an email shortly!
Awesome! So excited. Thank you!
I just re-tweeted! @ErickaMarie87
Great tips! For me I’m always healthiest when I wake up and workout! That way my workouts done with and I can’t make excuses later in the day, it also motivates me to eat healthy throughout the day!
Im so bad at drinking water! I drink an iced caramel macciato from starbucks like everyday and then forget to drink anything else until dinner time! Great tips!
Ha! It’s definitely something you have to remind yourself of- get a cute water bottle to carry with you everywhere, that might make it easier! ;)