I woke up today, looked in the mirror, and was greeted by big, puffy eyes. I was petrified. NOT the greatest thing to see in the mirror, ESPECIALLY two weeks before the wedding. So I went into freak-out mode. I googled. I almost cried, but then realized that would only hinder, not help, the problem. And then I lied on the couch dramatically, while Mr. Hotty Pants got me a cold washcloth to drape on my eyes. I’m still freaking out, since I have absolutely NO idea what the culprit is. Ugh.
How is your Saturday? Hopefully better than mine!!
On a brighter note, today is the Kentucky Derby! Yes, I am Californian and no part of my immediate family is from the South, but derby day has always been a big deal in my family. It’s mostly thanks to my grandpa, who is a cowboy and a complete horse and everything horse-related aficionado. And it is a family tradition to go to my Aunt’s house and place bets (small bets, we’re talking $1-$5, it gets intense), watch the derby, and celebrate my mom and grandpa’s birthday (which just happens to fall on the same day!!) I got my hat and my derby dress, now all I need are my eyes, thankyouverymuch.
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