Zack and I had a “date day” yesterday. That’s what I’m referring to it as because we literally spent all day together, and it was fun. Yes, we ran errands half of the day, and we were even doing some work-related stuff, but somehow, it didn’t seem mundane or like “work” at all. Somehow, everything I do with him is just fun, even if it isn’t supposed to be. Does this make sense? I think this is how I know that I married the right guy.
What I’m trying to say is this. Find someone who makes you smile. Find someone who makes you laugh. Find someone who you can be your true self around. Find someone who you don’t feel the need to make excuses for. Find someone who can turn an every-day day into something fun and beautiful and so much more, and you’ve found someone worth keeping.
Just my thoughts from an ordinary-day-turned-extraordinary.
Do you know someone who makes everything fun? Do tell!
such a sweet post. you too are adorable :)
Aw thanks Ariel, glad you liked :)
Aww, cute photo. I love date days & look forward to them every week.
Me too!! :)
So sweet & true!! Love the picture!
Thanks girly! :)
words i needed to hear. i just broke up with my fiancee because he wasnt any of these things and your post helped me realise I did the right thing
Girl, you will never regret that decision!!! I’m proud of you for realising it wasn’t the right situation and getting out of it. Hugs to you.
love that y’all do this! michael and i had a movie/ fire night last night and it was so perfect!
Aww that sounds so fun!! Those nights are the best!
This really is so sweet :) You’re one blessed lady! I can’t wait until God decides to send me my someone that can do all of this for me, just as Zack does for you. Sometimes waiting is tough though, I’m impatient for my Happy Ever After.
Aww I just know God has someone so special just for you!! Waiting is very tough, but God’s timing is perfect :)
:) Love the picture, Katie.
And yes, that totally makes sense. Doing nothing and having fun are the best dates and the best ways to know you married the right guy !
Thanks Jena girl! :) We got ourselves some good ones!
Cuties :) Do you both work from home?
Thanks Liz! :) Yep, we do both work from home, but Zack also teaches at an elementary school part-time!
My husband and I have date days, too! It doesn’t matter if we’re running errands or cleaning the apartment, as long as we’re together, we’re happy and having fun. :)
YES, I love that! It really doesn’t matter WHAT we do as long as we’re together. So sweet :)
GOSH, Katie!! This is absolutely perfect and I love it because I feel the exact same way about my husband! It’s so nice and encouraging to see other married couples so happy. Thank you for sharing this, I’m going to go kiss my hubby now!! ;)
Aww yay. We are truly blessed, aren’t we?! :) Go make out with yo’ man!
This post was so adorable, Katie! You have such a beautiful life and a wonderful life ahead of you with motherhood! I have a wonderful husband too but he’s away with the military and I miss days like these! Cherish them! :)
Aw thanks so much, Chelsea! Life is what you make it! I hope you get your hubby back in your arms soon :)
So true – find someone who makes you happy even when you’re in yoga pants looking like a hot mess doing chores. It makes it so worth it when you’ve found that person :-)
Haha I love that. I think he prefers me in my yoga pants, actually! ;)
This is so true, I know exactly how you feel. It’s at the end of the these days that we feel so blessed :)
x. Sabrina | Simply Sabrina
YES, amen to that!! :)
This is really adorable. James actually came home yesterday and was like ‘Let’s go to the movies!’ So we had a mini-date night randomly in the middle of the week (call me old, but that’s CRAZY for us!). It was really sweet and totally made my day. It’s great to keep someone like that around. ;)
No, you’re not old, that’s totally crazy! And so spontaneous and adventurous and FUN!! I love it! :) It’s little things like that that make life so special!
Date days are the best!!! I don’t get many with Kyle because of the Army but take advantage of them when I can. :)
Aww that just makes the ones you do get that much more special!!
aww, so fun, you guys are adorable!
Thanks Jamie!! :)
Aw your guys are so freakin cute!!!!! Your relationship reminds me very much of mine with my boyfriend. We love going out and doing errands, we just have too much fun together. Whether one of us is sick, or we’re just sitting there doin homework. And unfortunately I know it’s going to be a while before me and him get to get married, buuuutttt I’m too happy to just be able to know that I get to spend the rest of my life with me :) <3
Awww that’s so sweeeet!! We’re pretty lucky girls, huh? :)
Agreed :)
You two lovebirds melt my heart! You both are going to be the best parents!! Keep up the day dates….even if they involve a little work time and errands!
Aww Shanna!! :) Day dates will never end, I promise that!
Date days with you are the best! Actually every day is! :)
You make me blush :)
I definitely found someone worth keeping in my husband for all the reasons/examples you listed and more! What a sweet post :) Also, you are the most gorgeous pregnant lady!
Aww thank you so much, sweet girl!! And I’m so happy you found this, too! Yay for love and happiness!
Hey lovely Katie! And handsome Zack…
I was away for my birthday and now I am a bit depressed. I miss being with my husband so much. I am connecting with your post big time!!
Zoárd is sitting in my lap being cute… Makes me feel all warm inside. He is my anti-depressant
xoxo, Eszter
I always consider those date days with my fiance. Whether we’re going grocery shopping or doing things around the house together or out doing whatever it is that we need to do that day, as long as we’re doing it together it’s fun and they seem to be some of the best days that we have! I always hated “dating” because you feel like you have to force some fun activity to do together, but even since the start of our relationship things like this were easy. Before we even started dating & were just friends, I made him go grocery shopping with me because I didn’t want to go alone and he made me crack up the whole time. The boring task became one of my favorite memories :)
Jamie @
The Growing Up Diaries
I love that- everything should just come EASY. You put it perfecly!! :) And yeah, grocery shopping is one of my fave things to do with him too haha. Love it.
Love this post! And love that photo of you two. Baby Reyes is going to be adorableeee