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The holidays were amazing, but there is nothing like that fresh, clean slate of a new year. Can you believe 2021 is almost over?! Fastest year ever!! As the year ends, I’ve been reflecting on goals for the new year, and one that has been so important this past year, that we will continue into the new year (and beyond!), is living a cleaner life, with less toxins, and getting rid of anything that doesn’t serve this mindset. We are loving our new Levoit Core 400S air purifier– it completely purifies and refreshes the air in our home in just minutes! Plus, it’s sleek and actually doesn’t stick out like a sore thumb, but in fact even goes with my aesthetic. ;) Bonus points for that!
Living in California, we have a ton of allergens and wildfire smoke getting into the house, and monitoring and cleaning our air is very important to us. I’ve also been focusing on a healthier lifestyle recently specifically within the home. We’ve been ditching harsh chemicals, toxic air fresheners, etc and it has been so freeing and amazing for our family! Just knowing I’m doing all I can for my loved ones is everything to me. And the more I learn, the more I want to do better (know better, do better)! We are so grateful to have found Levoit, a company that stands for creating clean and comfortable atmospheres, so that every space can feel like home.
The Levoit Core 400s air purifier is unique in that it has a 3-stage filtration system- a pre-filter, an H13 True HEPA filter, and a custom high-efficiency activated carbon filter- each designed to capture, trap and neutralize airborne particles unseen by the human eye! It also has WiFi and Bluetooth compatibility to get updates on your air quality wherever you are via your phone in the free VeSync app! I also love the user-friendly display, with live PM2.5 readings and color-coded, AQI (air quality indicator) rings to let you know what the air quality of your room is. It’s also SUPER quiet, so we can run it all day/night, while watching TV, reading and sleeping, too!
I read this awhile ago and it really stuck with me: WE are the gate keepers of our home. We get to decide what comes in and what goes out. It’s all up to us, as mothers. Isn’t that incredibly empowering?! It’s the basis of this whole lifestyle change we’re in the process of, knowing it’s all up to us. Switching out the nasty toxic products for natural ones that help our bodies instead of hurting them. To protect our home. To nurture our family life. To keep out toxins as much as we can, to support our precious bodies and protect these sensitive babes I’ve been entrusted with. To create the life we’ve always wanted. Leaning on nature to guide the way as much as possible. Trusting that God provides us with what we need. It’s here, it’s waiting. And I am 100% up to the challenge.
Now we can continue our journey to cleaner living and breathe easy (get it?) knowing our home is a safe haven for our family!
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