This is a little list I’ve compiled from my extensive baby registry list research. There is so much information out there, though, it can all be very overwhelming, lemmetellya.
1. Bumbo Floor Seat – I mean, how cute, right?! Just imagine a little babe “sitting” up in this thing. I die.
2. Sophie the Giraffe Teether – I mean, duh. This is on everyone’s list, ever. It’s like a given, right?
3. Baby Caps – Because, ears.
4. Temporal Thermometer – This was actually high on Zack’s list, which I thought was cute. :) But hey, it’s an awesome idea and sooo much better than trying to stick a thermometer in our poor little guy’s mouth, or worse yet, his… Well. You know.
5. Puj Bath Tub – Because we don’t have a lot of room to store big bulky extras, and this fits perfectly into a sink! Yay!
6. Aden + Anais Swaddle Blankets – Oh. My. Gosh. Seriously every single baby list I have seen mentions these. It’s always Aden + Anais this and Aden + Anais that, so apparently it’s worth the moolah. And we all know I’m a sucker for fads. Ha! But really, apparently these are super soft and great for baby. Plus, they have the cutest animal prints. I’m sold.
7. Miracle Blanket – Apparently the name don’t lie. Kind of like my hips, so we can relate. Ha ha. Ha. And I’m sure we’ll get to the point where we’ll be praying for some kind of miracle, so I guess this couldn’t hurt.
8. Britax Convertible (and Infant) Car Seat – I have been instructed by multiple people that for car seats, Britax is where it’s at. While he’s a baby, there have been numerous reccomendations to get the B-Safe Infant Car Seat, and then graduate to this convertible car seat for his toddler years!
9. Boppy Nursing Pillow – With a cover, too, of course. I’ve read a lot of great reviews on this particular pillow, so hey! On to the list it goes!
10. Fisher Price Cradle ‘N Swing – Apparently this thing is a lifesaver. I’m down for that.
11. Crane Humidifier – Good for breathing, allergies, dry skin, etc. Just good all the way around.
12. Blabla Cat Doll – Because, cats. But really, all of their dolls are so sweet.
13. Beatrix Potter Complete Tales – A necessity for every nursery, in my opinion. LOVE these books.
14. Diapers – Because you can never ever have enough of these! Woo!
15. Solly Baby Wrap – How sweet is this little striped baby wrap?! I plan on baby wearing often, and this one is not only cute but I have heard raves about it!
16. Elephant Mobile – I can’t even handle the cuteness. Just, yes.
17. Freshly Picked Baby Moccasins – Oh gosh. Don’t even get me started. I don’t think I need to say how adorable these are. Plus, like mama like baby! We gotta sport our moccasins together! ;)
18. Pottery Barn Crib – There are a lot of cribs out there, and I’m not necessarily hooked on this particular one, but the look of it is just spot on with what I want. White, pretty, simple, clean. You get the idea.
19. UPPAbaby Vista Stroller – So after my debating back and forth between Bugaboo/Stokke/UPPAbaby, I thiiiiink I’ve decided upon this one. I looove the bassinet option. But you know. My mind could change in a second. Thoughts, anyone??
We have officially registered for Baby at two different places.
Target– for those few people who prefer to shop in store, and for the little things.
Amazon– for bigger items and stuff that isn’t at Target.
Have you ever registered for anything, i.e. wedding or baby or…?
If you are a mama, what are your top must-register for items?
Taking all questions/comments/concerns/and especially suggestions in the comments below! The research is never done! ;)
Jess Beer
Just a quick thing to think about – I’d rethink the infant seat. It came in really handy when transferring Abbie from home to car, to stroller…I would not have wanted to have to unstrap her from her seat every time – especially when she was sleeping! There were many times she fell asleep in the car and we were able to just click out the seat to bring her in and she kept sleeping.
Plus, it was easy to bundle her up from the cold – babies can’t wear coats or lots of layers in car seats (messes with the safety of the seat), and we were able to strap her in, then layer blankets on top to keep her warm. Just something to think about. Abbie was in hers until about 7.5 months – and we only switched her that early because she’s so tall! I seriously miss that seat sometimes!
Oh my gosh, didn’t even think about that!! Thank you so much for your suggestion and input!!! Seriously. I love that you can click baby in and out easily with an infant seat. Definitely rethinking that, and I actually put the infant seat back onto my registry thanks to you!! :) As for the convertible car seat, is it much more difficult to remove from the car? I’m sure car naps still happen when they’re older too, right?
Jess Beer
They do still happen…but you just do the best you can to not wake them up. Abbie’s on a pretty good schedule at this point so we just kind of work around her naps!
Chiming in because I had the same feedback! I also heard that the convertible seats, while great for fitting baby from little to big, take up so much room when they’re rear-facing (which you want when they’re the littlest). I am also going with an infant seat (even though I wanted to just grab a convertible!) and Britax makes one compatible with their stroller, which I thought was great (even though I wanted no no no stroller patterns or prints, lol.. I got over it!). ANYWAYS, the more you know, right!
All good info! Thanks for sharing! :) And I am with you on the no prints or patterns. Black, please! lol
Ooh okay good to know!! Yes a sleep schedule will be a nice thing although I’m far from that right now haha ;)
Swing, yes! Swaddling blankets, yes! Humidifier, KEY!
Yayyy! All good to know! Thanks Carly :)
So FUN Katie!! We’re registered for a lot of the same things :)! We did Amazon + Target too, but then I added Land of Nod for kicks, because I just am in love with their crib sheets (and everything else…)!! It’s crazy how generous people are for little ones on the way! It makes me so excited to turn around and do that for others! Babies just bring something out in a person + everyone wants to be a part!!
Land of Nod has theeee cutest things!! :) Babies really bring out the best in everyone, and bring so much happiness and light into this world! I’m just so excited! Hope you’re feeling well, friend <3 You need to post more baby stuff and pictures!! I miss youuuu!
Yes, you definitely need a bumbo. It was so long ago for me being a new Mom (my daughter is 6 & 1/2). Baby monitor. We used it for the 1st 6 months to a year, but after that not so much.
Ooh yes, a baby monitor is on our registry! :)
We decided to get an infant car seat for our primary car and a convertible car seat for our other car. This way when he grows out of his infant seat, we already have his convertible seat. If the primary car is gone, I still have the convertible car seat to use. (Our extra car seat base was going to be $90, so we just put that towards his convertible car seat).
Good idea! We only have one car, so that wouldn’t be an issue, but I do like the idea of an infant car seat, after reading what everyone has been saying! :)
Samantha Bayer
Love the list! We are not finding out what we are having (I’m only 12 weeks) but I get so frustrated with the lack of gender neutral clothes! I suppose I will hope people are generous after the baby is born : )
Aww really? I’ve found tons of cute gender neutral clothes!! They’re my favorite anyway, I much prefer the neutral over the strictly boys or strictly girls clothes! :) Gap has lots of super cute gender neutral!
We LOVED the Miracle Blanket. It worked so much better for our girls then SwaddleMe’s. We also have a thermometer that runs over the forehead and it’s much easier then making them wait a minuet and half while you try and get their temp. But that stroller is amazing. I have a 2 year old and a 9 month old and we’ve been looking at getting an UPPAbaby Vista because it can become a double!
I have only heard good things about that Miracle Blanket! :) And so good to know about the stroller! It just keeps sounding better and better the more I hear about it!
The swing will save your life I promise! For months that was the only way my nephew could stand to be put down! Oh and Sophie the giraffe is great too! There is one the has rings on both sides of her that is easier for younger babies to hold onto rather than the original Sophie.
Haha my friend said the EXACT same thing to me about her baby and the swing! Awesome! And I didn’t know about the Sophie with rings on either side- I’ll have to check it out!
15 and 17 are my favorites! I love the wrap and I think you would be so cute with your little baby in it :) Also I cannot get enough of moccasins! I just ordered my first pair of minnitonkas for myself so you better believe I’ll be getting my “someday baby” a pair :) Have a great weekend Katie!
I seriously can’t wait to hold my precious baby in that wrap :) And yayyy moccasins are the BEST! Minnetonkas in particular are golden! Great choice :)
Hey Katie – So, I’m a seasoned mama. I’d definitely recommend a co-sleeper if you plan on nursing. The forehead swiper thermometer is awesome and the only one that ever worked for my kids. The wrap for baby wearing is a necessity and will make your life so much happier – you’ll probably end up with many different types of baby wraps ;> (The ergo is great too). Before I had my kids, my friends said to forego the wipe warmer but I think those wipes are so cold and horrible on a baby’s bottom – I’d recommend getting a warmer ;> The nose aspirator thing is great too, as babies have crazy booger issues at first. Baby shoes have a tendency of falling off and you’ll lose them and be annoyed — kind of a waste (same goes for socks, actually too) — just sayin. I’m excited for you. What a great time of life. Congratulations. xo
I have read about co-sleepers, so I’ll look more into those! Any one in particular you recommend?? I’m excited to baby wear, it just seems like such a natural and sweet thing, to keep baby close :) So funny about the baby shoes. I know it’s ridiculous, but still. I can’t help myself- they’re too dang cute! ;) Thanks SO MUCH for all of the awesome tips, Nicolle!!
Amy Harley
Just think you’re gonna be one hott mama, girl! Although not a mom myself, I know from friends that the Bumbo is the shiz! ;) what’s the countdown til u guys get to meet the little one? (cz u know it’s all about countdowns : birthdays, Christmas, vacations, and of course babies!!
Aw thanks sweet girl!! He’s due in the end of April- Easter to be exact!! :D
so fun :) baby registering & researching is fun stuff! And your list looks a lot like ours did. The bumbo seat was awesome and Sophie the giraffe is STILL a life saver 15 months later ;)
We had a “rock and play bassinet” that we LOVED. it was small and easy to move around and Avery really loved being in it. So we would take it to whatever room we were in and she would be content in there. And it was especially awesome for night time to have her right by our bed
Ahh thank you for that tip on the rock and play bassinet! Such a great idea! I love hearing other mom’s experiences with different things, too. Good to know! :)
I was going to say the same thing about the infant seat! You do NOT want to wake a sleeping baby! An infant seat gives you extra time if they are still sleeping when you get to your location! It’s definitely great to have a seat that hooks on to your stroller. Britax is an excellent choice for a convertible car seat. I used the Arms Reach co-sleeper and it was great for night time feedings and doubled as a travel bed into toddlerhood.
Great book choice! Consider Sandra Boynton board books as well. :)
THANK YOU so much for all of your awesome rec’s! I have since added an infant car seat back to my registry, after everyone telling me the same thing you did, basically! I didn’t even think of that- call it first time mom cluelessness! ;) I have been eying that Arms Reach co-sleeper, too.
I love baby stuff. I like to wander the baby aisles at stores because I am so fascinated by everything. And baby shower gifts are SO fun to buy. I am making a list of things I need to buy for whenever my sister and bro in law decide to have babies and they make me an aunt. I am going to spoil those kids rotten.
Those will be some very lucky little ones!! :) And I agree, baby gifts are way too fun to buy!
I am 18 weeka today and just found out it’s a girl (Yay!!! Because I already have 2 boys). I have picked out and fallen in love with a lot of the same things. Aden + Anais is a must and the humidifier….love that brand. I did decide on the Bugaboo Donkey over the Uppababy mostly because of the extra basket next to baby and all the accessory options. Plus you can get an adapter to attach another brands infant car seat to it. :) Happy baby stuff hunting!! So happy for you sweetie <3
Aw congrats to you, mama!! So exciting to be having your girl! :) Baby stuff is just too much fun, isn’t it?!
Leah S.
Thanks for sharing. I loved reading your choices for baby! So fun!
Aw yay, I’m glad you enjoyed!! :)
1 and 2 were a damn life saver for me!!!!!!! LOVE. With your stroller, my daughter actually HATED laying flat for the first months of her life so I never got to use the bassinet option and wasted my money :( But I have no idea if that is normal, haha. I’m going to go check out all your registries because that is one of my favorite things to do! Also, my best friend is currently in labor RIGHT NOW so I need another gift idea!! Thanks!
Hahaha good to know that those were lifesavers! I’ve heard nothing but good things about them! :) And we got the bassinet, so hopefully our little one likes it! I love looking at others’ registries, too. So much fun.