Well. I feel like a freaking broken record over here, BUT. It rained again this weekend.
*Cue the shocked faces*
I KNOW. What a surprise… But really. I’m not going to complain about it, because yay for rain and all, but jeeeeeeze does it ever get old when you have little ones who A. Need to run around outside or else they’ll go stir-crazy, and B. Are sick all week/weekend long. That’s the boat we’re in. Both kiddos are going on day 546 of The Black Death of 2017. I may be exaggerating, but it sure does feel that way.
Send help.
And wine.
Praying and believing in their FULL recovery soon!!! I don’t know how much more of this any of us can take! It’s the most heartbreaking thing when they’re sick. Sophie is just over here pleading me to take the sickness away and I’m like, “I know, baby girl. I would if I could.”
And I full-heartedly believe we are all going just a taaaaaad stir crazy. So some photos! From our rainy days! Because there was a lot of goodness too, amongst the snot and smoker’s coughs. Promise. ;)
I hope your weekend was sunnier! If not, it’s bound to be eventually….? Right….?!?!?
Your photos are SO cute! sometimes i prefer rainy days as they help me slow down my schedule and take a day to relax.
Aw thanks girl! :) And I agree, sometimes rainy days are very much needed!