Big bowls of fruit.
Skype dates with my brothers and sis-in-law.
Afternoon workout sessions with my husband.
Not being able to hold a plank very long because said husband is making me laugh.
New music.
Old music.
Knowing people are praying for you.
Knowing people are thinking of you.
My new softest-blanket-in-the-world from Costco.
Date nights.
Planning meals.
Failing at planning meals and making something super random and quick instead.
Staying up way too late talking about everything.
Good news- finally good news. What seems like the first good news in a very long time.
Pretty words.
Reading until my eyelids won’t stay open any longer.
Laughing until the tears fill my eyes.
These are some things that have been keeping me happy this week. And now it’s Friday, so add that to this list!
What are some of your happy things?
I got the go ahead from my doc to start working out post baby. Now if I could just convince my scrawny hubby to work out with me. I like having a workout buddy!
Aw yayyy for working out! And your baby is SUCH a little cutie!! :) I was admiring your pictures! Now get that hubby’s booty to work out with you! ;)
Love this!!! My workout sessions, they have been. A place of peace for me, and fruit! I’ve been eating a ton of it lately, simply because it taste so good and it makes me happy. And of course my morning texts with my brother, feels like forever since I’ve seen him, even though we talk through social media, it’s been nice. Especially since I miss him tons!
I love what you said: workout sessions are a place of peace. A to the MEN. Aw yay for morning texts with your brother, so sweet :) Brothers are pretty awesome!
Aww I love this! Hugs friend!
Aw hugs back!
i’m happy for you happy thing is home-cooked food by my i wish i can eat home-cooked dishes daily..xo
Yummm home-cooked meals are the best! I just came home yesterday to my hubby cooking enchiladas! The best!! :)
Walking outside into the cold air–which feels refreshing after the gym.
Sending packages to relatives and friends.
Writing hand-written mail to relatives and friends.
Work-out headbands.
King Arthur Gluten Free Brownie mix—better than any of the from-scratch recipes that I have loved for years.
ELF make-up at Target because most of it is better than Clinque.. and ELF=$1-3…
Muddy buddies or puppy chow.
New books.
Music–The XX, Alt-J, Flume or AVICII (for working-out), Daughter, Philip Glass, Iron and Wine, Calvin Harris, Imagine Dragons, This Will Destroy You, Explosions in the Sky.
Earrings and scarves and more earrings and more scarves.
Cookie dough.
Chinese food.
Powerade Zero.
Art museums and The New Yorker and Project Runway. And PSQ.
Giving something that you love to someone else.
You are in my thoughts; I loved your list. Keep pushing through to the other side.
I absolutely LOVE your list. Thanks for sharing!! You made me smile! :) I have to especially agree with “Coffeeeeee!” and ELF makeup- yes yes yesss!! You are the sweetest. <3
Not a lot is making me happy right now but I’m trying to get there.
I am so glad that there is finally good news in your life. You deserve good news. Love you!