Samuel Zachary Reyes was born at 6:39 PM on Friday, April 11th. 7 lb. 2 oz. of absolute perfection. Both mama and baby are doing great and Zack and I couldn’t be more in love with this little one already. We came home yesterday and have officially begun our lives as a new little family. :)
Thank you all so much for your support and love throughout my pregnancy! I’m so excited to start this new chapter of life!
CONGRATS! He is so beautiful!!!
Congratulations Katie! He’s a gorgeous little boy! Enjoy these special new days.
Congratulations! He is so adorable!
Luisana Santana
I thought we were expecting him later this month. It don’t matter #TEAMARIES…congratulations! many many good wishes. You look great…as usual.
Simply Sabrina
Congratulations Katie! I didn’t realize your due date was so close, i’m so happy for you!!!
x. Sabrina | Simply Sabrina
Congratulations! He is just a little bundle of perfection! SO HAPPY FOR YOU!
xo Ashley
What a perfect little nugget!! Congratulations to you all and ENJOY!
so so so sweeeet!
Congrats! I enjoy your blog and wish you all the best! My Samuel Joseph just turned 5. He’s my baby, my 3rd, and he is the sweetest, funniest, sassiest boy! I also teach high school, and all of my Sams have been awesome students! What’s in a name? A lot, I think! Congratulations again!
He is super cute. Congratulations! So happy for your.
Love you and your sweet family so much! Samuel is just perfection. So much joy for you and Zack!