This: My dad and I were cruisin’ in the mini and blasting the soundtrack to Les Mis the other day. Because, my friends, that is how we roll. For my mom’s 45th birthday, we saw the Broadway production and I fell in love instantly and have been obsessed ever since. My dad was quite impressed by my knowledge of every single word of every single song. What can I say. It’s good stuff. Now, to get my little booty over to the movie. I know, I know, it’s bad that I STILL have not seen it…
That: While watching The Bachelor this week, Zack referred to what Chris Harrison deemed as “quality time with Sean” as “Sean time.” And then he continued to say “Sean time!” every time a girl was with Sean. I love my husband.
This: I have been rockin’ my workouts all week, and am absolutely LOVING it! I can already feel a huge improvement and I’m a much stronger and more confident person than I ever have been before. I am determined to be the healthiest person I can be. It’s good for not only outward appearances, but for the soul, too.
That: Just found out that Trader Joe’s raised the price of 2 buck chuck to $2.50. So…. do we call it 2.50 buck chuck now? #deepthoughts
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Awww you must see the movie. We normally don’t like going to the theater but this was a must. It was amazing.
Ok, ok, I knowww! I need to see it! Hopefully I’ll get to the theatre before it leaves!
I keep hearing great things about the Broadway version of Les Mis but so good things about the movie. I may have to see the movie first then Broadway so I’m not so disappointed with the movie!
Good for you with working out, I’m also rockin’ it, seeing results and I’m feeling great in the process…can’t beat that!
not* so good things about the movie
haha good idea- movie first, then Broadway. I’m perfectly aware that the Broadway version will be way better, so I’m going into it with not-so-high expectations. Problem solved! ;)
I still haven’t seen Les Mis either!! *gasp* Shame on me. But I’m dying to go!
Hey girl, we’re in this together!
If you love the soundtrack… you’ll hate the movie. Trust me. I wanted to walk out :-(
Aww really?! I adore the sountrack! So much!! I’m just going into it with not crazy-high expectations, then I can’t be let down too much. ;)
Obviously I need to crawl out from under my rock and go see Les Mis!! I have been dyyying to go but havent for some unknown reason!!
I also need to figure out a way to get some “Sean Time.” I’m convinced he finds no one on the show and ends up with me… haha right.
hahaha oh yes, girl, you need to get yourself some Sean Time. You are way prettier than all those girls on the show.
Super cute post!!! What a darling.
Love from South Africa
Aw thank youuu!
Two buck Chuck is now $2.50?!?!?! For Shame!!!!
Love Les Mis!!!!
my thoughts EXACTLY.
The movies is amazing! A must see, for sure.
I can’t wait to see it!
“Deepthoughts”… awesome!
You’re such a workout stud! I’m super impressed. I have the hardest time working out at home, just can’t get into it.
haha glad you caught that reference ;) I think it’s all about just DOING it. Don’t give yourself time to think about it, just go for it and working out becomes more of a habit. I can’t imagine NOT working out every day now!
Super random, but your make up always looks so natural and pretty. Would you do a post on your make up routine?!
Aww Chelsea!! That’s so sweet of you to say! Of course, I’d love to do a makeup routine! Thanks for the idea! ;)
I haven’t seen Les Mis yet either….I feel like a failure at life.
Hahaha then we are both failures together. ;)
I wish we had Trader Joes… :( Nice work on the workouts!
Ahh no Trader Joes!? Sad face!! I’ll mail you stuff ;)
You go girl with the workouts!
Wooo! ;)
I’m totally with you on the Les Mis part…I haven’t seen it either! UGH!
Lol, and ‘Sean Time’ on the Bachelor..TOO FUNNY! That show is a guilty pleasure of mine and the girls just crack me up (where do they even find them?!). I’m glad I found your cute blog and am looking forward to your posts in the future (now following!).
Enjoy your day!
♥ Talia
Oh that show is the GUILTIEST of my pleasures, I think! haha and aren’t you the sweetest!!! So glad you found me!!
i just saw les mis last week and it was so good! of course, nothing can beat the original on broadway but this took it to a whole different level. i loved this version of it!
I know, I’m going into it knowing that it will not ever be as good as the original, but still SO excited to see a new take on it!! :)
good job with your work outs!! it is such a rewarding thing when you do :)
THANKS girl!! Yes, it so is!
That is hilarious about the $2.50 Buck Chuck. ;) They should have thought of that!! Also, I’ve been working out hardcore and I am really loving it!!
haha right?! I swear, if they change the name to that, I am suing!! ;) and YAY for working out!
Just found you through Sincerely Shannon……..what a cute meme. I may have to participate one Thursday. Love meeting new blogging buddies and especially those that love the Lord. Blessings!
Yes, I’d love for you to link up with us!!!! :) So glad you found me!
You HAVE to go see the movie for Les Mis! Do it now! And I’m glad my dad and I arent the only ones to blast some showtumes. Lemme just say my dad has mad skills at some Annie songs (maybe because that was my favorite musical as a kid).
haha I love your dad’s love for musicals!!! YESSS. Our dads are the coolest! ;) And I know, I know, I need to see Les Mis like yesterday.
I love two buck chuck! how can they change the name? greedy greedy wine makers
haha well they didn’t change the name, just the price. The name will probs be next, who knows.
The Movie is amazing! I love Les Mis and can sing along to every song too!!
Best. Soundtrack. Ever.
It seriously is. I swear I listen to it practically every day. And don’t trust the people who say the movie isn’t amazing. Because it is. It’s going to be different than the onstage version because its a movie but it’s still fabulous. And becuase it’s a movie the set is wayyyyy more extensive and detailed than an onstage version ever could. The barricade scenes are amazing.
You just got me that much more excited to see the movie!! :)
your hair is SO gorgeous! new reader. xoxo
Aw, you are too sweet! Thanks, girl! So glad you’re here :)
Love Les Mis! I haven’t seen the movie yet, but if it is even 1/8th as good as the theater production, I will love it!
Your newest follower,
Agreed!!! The play is so GOOD! And yay, I’m so glad you found me!