We had the annual Super Bowl party at our house this year, to make it easier on us. God bless those in laws of mine! ;) Zack’s mom brought everything- and by everything, I mean all of the food, which as you can tell by my sweatshirt, is kind of the most important part of the Super Bowl… And it was delicious. And oh yeah, there was also a football game. Honestly, it wasn’t that good this year. Kind of “meh”- but! Yay Broncos! I like Peyton Manning, and it’s his (more than likely) last year, so good for him. I also like Cam Newton, but he’s young and they’ll probably win the Super Bowl next year, so yeah. OH, also. The commercials sucked this year? That was a total bummer. Buuuuut like I said. At least the food was good. And I had this cute little angel baby in my lap the entire time. Can’t complain!
Also he’s cute. :)
So are they.
And now for this week’s episode of Man Quotes! In which I watch The Bachelor with my hubby and write down our commentary! Let’s get to it!
Olivia: “I felt like people hated me in the beginning.”
Katie: Because they did.
Olivia: “I want to talk smart things.”
Zack: You talk smart things?
Zack: Welp, she brought out the tears. She’s staying.
Zack: Why do the girls try and convince others to stay when they freak out and say they want to go home?! Let them go – better odds!
Caila: “I think I love you. But I’m afraid of breaking your heart.”
Ben: “I’m sooooo confused.”
Katie: I think we all are. What did Caila just say?!
Olivia: “She’s young… She’s like a bird.”
Katie: ….. HUH??
Caila: “I’m a confusing person.”
Katie: No, really?
Caila: I feel like I’m understood when I’m with you.
Zack: Well, it appears that he doesn’t understand you at all.
Zack: Some of these girls need to dye their roots.
Zack: OMG I want to see someone get eaten by a pig.
Zack: Can you feed pigs hot dogs? Is this legal? How did those pigs get there? So many questions.
Ben: “Today, I could have been a little more discreet about talking to each girl. But it was hard.” Zack: Because you were all in the water. Surrounded by pigs.
Zack: Olivia is just a terrible person.
Leah: “Like your name was brought up? I didn’t say anything.”
Zack: OMG liar!! Are you kidding?!
Leah: “I don’t want to sit here and talk bad things about Lauren.”
Katie: Yes you do.
Zack: Gosh, all of the sudden Leah is as bad as Olivia.
Ben: “The more Leah talks, the more I realize there is a disconnect between us.”
Zack: YES!! Go Ben.
Zack: This is amazing. She literally went to his room just to talk smack about another girl and he’s sending her home immediately. Well done.
Ben: “I’m praying for some light in this.”
Zack: Time to have a heart-to-heart with Chris Harrison.
Ben: “It’s really hard for me to keep a smile on my face knowing…”
Katie: How windy it is.
Zack: He looked scared when she said she was in love with him. Like, scared for his safety.
Zack: He should just take the rose, throw it in the water and walk away.
Ben: “The weather wasn’t ideal.”
Katie: Neither was the company.
Zack: I love that he brought the rose with him and still broke up with her!!! He’s my favorite.
Zack: The old cancelled cocktail party trick.
Did you watch the Super Bowl? Who were you rooting for?
I’m also happy the Broncos won! Cam Newton isn’t the most gracious person…
I’m loving the Bachelor! I was so pumped when Olivia got left on that random island… I was thinking- is this a spin off show!? Bachelor Survivor!? haha
Hahaha! Oh my gosh, your comment about Bachelor Survivor! YESSSS. That would be amazing.
Love your black top in the first photo … Perfect for the Super Bowl!! lol :)
Haha right?! Because, let’s be honest, the food is most definitely the best part of the Super Bowl parties. ;)
Like you, the Super Bowl is all about the food for me. I didn’t think any of it was interesting – the game or the commercials or Halftime. I will say, though, that Lady Gaga did a rockin’ job with the National Anthem.
YES, Lady Gaga KILLED IT. She is amazing.
I love Sophie’s little headband. It’s so cute! The flowers! She is so pretty! Just like you. Where is it from?
Aww you’re so sweet! Thank you! The headband is from this etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/bowsareherthingshop
It looks like Zack relay got into this one huh?
This man quotes was amazing. The episode as well.
Can’t wait until next week!
and the drama continues…
Hahaha he toootally did get into this one! So funny.
Haha I haven’t been keeping up with the bachelor but these quotes were fantastic! Precious photos of your cutie family and loving those white nails, girl!
Aw thanks girly girl!!