I received a bassinet and swaddle for review, but all opinions are 100% my own.
One thing that I was certain of about our babies, is that they would sleep in our room with us. Since I’m nursing, and also because those first few months are so new and precious for us all, it just makes everything easier. Sam stayed in our room for 5 months, and I plan on doing the same with Sophie. Like I said, I’m nursing, so having my baby right next to my bed for those (frequent!) late night feedings is the best scenario for us. Plus, I think having Baby in the room with us creates a closeness and a bond that is that much stronger. There’s something about being able to look over and see my sweet babe’s chest rise and fall whenever I please that is both comforting and oh so sweet. It makes the fogginess of these months and the sleep deprivation a bit more bearable.
With all this being said, it’s time to share my new favorite bassinet, the HALO Bassinest, and the reasons why I love it. Because it is something that I truly and genuinely LOVE.
1. It’s totally adjustable, so you can raise it to whatever level your bed is. No more bending down to pick up Baby from her bassinet.
2. It fits perfectly right on TOP of the bed, if you so choose, to make it more like a co-sleeper, but one that is totally safe and worry-free. She is in her own little space, and yet is still right next to me. This is probably my very favorite part.
3. IT SWIVELS, making it easy for me to get in and out of my bed, and also for when she isn’t sleeping, I can push it out of the way easily.
4. The side pushes down, for easy and quick removal. This is such a game changer! When she wakes in the night to feed, I just roll over and push down the side with my arms and bring her over to me. Such a genius idea!
5. It has a few white noise options, and the most beautiful music. Now, we have a few baby items with music built in, and I have to say the music on this particular item is by far my favorite. It plays pretty, soothing lullabies that Sophie likes, too. It also has a vibration option, which is cool.
6. The mesh siding makes it 100% breathable and also easy to see your baby through the sides. If you’re like me and just like to stare at your baby as she sleeps, this is ideal. ;)
Another thing we have been loving is the HALO SleepSack Swaddle. It’s kind of the king of all swaddles, I think, as Sophie has yet to break out of it- and it’s the only one that this is the case for! I also love that it’s a 3-way swaddle, meaning you can have arms in, arms out or hands-to-face (we personally do hands in for the time being), to grow with Baby’s needs. It’s also a great quality material and super simple to use. This is the most important thing, especially during those late night diaper changes. I don’t want to perform rocket science at 3 in the morning.
And there you go! Sophie has gotten on a pretty regular routine now, where she wakes, eats and goes down for a nap an hour after waking. Repeat all the day long, and then at night she’s gotten pretty good at waking to eat and then going right back down. Knock on wood this lasts! Although, we all know how unpredictable baby sleep is. It’s like, the most unpredictable thing in the world, I’m convinced.
Buy the bassinet HERE!
If you have a baby, what are some of your favorite techniques for getting them to sleep?
You are the second person to mention they really like this particular bassinet. We just used a pack-n-play with Ayden but might have to look into this Halo for this one!
It is such a great bassinet- definitely recommend!
This looks awesome! I’ve never been a fan of traditional co-sleepers, but this one really looks cool! I love that it is closed all the way around by the mesh and that it swivels! It looks so convenient!
It is SO great!! I love it!
I wonder if I can transition Cammi from my bed into this bassinet … haha
hahaha! YESSSS you totally could do it! :) Well… mayyyyybe ;)
I’m pretty much convinced that swaddling is the best thing ever since it was the only way my girl slept in those first few months. Now that she’s older (just turned one!) we still use the Halo sleep sacks to keep her cozy at night. I like the idea of a bassinet that vibrates – so much easier than lying in bed half-asleep, one leg out of bed, rocking the bassinet, haha!
YES, swaddling is the BEST!! I don’t know what I’d do without it- probably get a lot less sleep ha! ;) Also, love the sleep sacks, too.
besides this swaddle sleep sack do you have anymore that you would recommend?
Does it sway, rock or vibrate!
It vibrates!