Okay, so I thought the perfect way to introduce this season’s first installment of Man Quotes would be with a little romantic story, because hi, that’s what The Bachelor franchise is all about, right??? Right. SO. Here we go…
On our anniversary a few days ago, Zack and I were sitting on the couch. The kids were both in bed (praise hands!!!) and we were just hanging out, chatting about life and relaxing. And he looks at me, pulls out a little ring box and says, “Katie, I have a question. Will you marry me again?”
And look at that beautiful ring! I’ve been obsessed with morganite lately, and he did SUH GOOD. It’s the perfect right hand ring. :) I loves it. I loves him.
And in case you’re curious, I totally said yes. ;)
Okay! Now on to Man Quotes! If you’re new around here, I watch The Bachelorette each week with my hubby and record our commentary here, for your viewing (and laughing- and hopefully sometimes cry laughing) pleasure! Enjoy!
Caitlyn to JoJo: Do you feel like ready to get engaged?
Zack: Welp, that’s what I told the producers!
Zack: OMG Chris Harrison. It’s been too long.
Aaron Rodgers’ brother: I’m in a position now where I’m ready to make love…
Zack and Katie: LOL
Katie: “Bachelor Superfan” is not an occupation.
Zack: I beg to differ.
Random Guy: Since then I’ve just kinda been doing my own thing.
Zack: (quoting Office Space) What exactly, do you do here?
Katie: Aaron Rodgers’ brother all the way.
Guy: “I’m not going to do what Ben did last season. I’m not going to fall in love with two girls.”
Katie: Well duh, there’s only one girl in the house!
Other guy: I didn’t come for a rose, I came for a relationship.
Zack: Now HE’S here for the right reasons!
Katie: Daniel’s occupation says “Canadian?”
Katie: Is that the douche talking?
Zack: There are multiple douches, so that’s a trick question.
Katie: Wait, Hipster is a job?!
Zack & Katie both: Aaron Rodgers’ brother is my favorite. This guy is amazing.
JoJo: “Are you nervous?”
Guy: “Well I was until I had a few drinks.”
Zack: That’s awesome.
Katie: Oooh! Aaron Rodgers coming in for the kiss!
JoJo (after kissing Aaron Rodgers aka Jordan): Now THAT is a kiss.
Katie: Helllll yeah girl. Get it.
Katie: OMG ALL-4-ONE. Yessssss. And Orlando Bloom. There are so many celebrities!
The Canadian (literally what he called his “occupation”): “Have you not been following the internet?”
Zack: How does one “follow the internet?”
Zack: The fact that Aaron Rodgers’ brother is on this show makes it so much better!
Zack: These guys are literally ten times more dramatic and catty than girls are.
Katie: Ew. I’m so mad that JoJo is close to Jake. He sucks. It makes me like her less. Which sucks.
My conclusion: I LOVE JoJo. Like, I think she’s going to be a good one. I’ll even look past her friendship with Jake. ;) Also, I loooove Jordan and he is my top pick all the wayyyy! And if he doesn’t win? He should DEFINITELY be the next Bachelor. Already calling it.
Okay, guys, please share your own commentary in the comments- that’s the best part! Also. Share with your Bachelor-loving friends!!! The more the merrier!
I’m loving JoJo! So excited for this season!
YES!! Me too, girl! JoJo is awesome! I think this is going to be a good season!
Gorgeous ring, Zack did good!! I’m already obsessed with this season and Jojo! I’m team Jordan all the way! He’s from my hometown, grew up in a house less than 5 minutes from mine and we went to the same high school! I don’t know him but after watching last night I wish I did!
WHATTTT that is crazy!! I freaking love Aaron Rodgers, so clearly I am team Jordan too!
What a sweet surprise!!! The ring is beautiful! :)
I was so shocked! :) I love it!
This is too stinkin’ funny. And way too accurate. And congrats on the “proposal!” Absolutely beautiful ring!
Emma | Seeking the South
Haha right?! More to come, all season long!!
okay that ring!!! the sweetest ever! that is pretty stinkin romantic. you guys are so sweet. and ahhh jordan seems to be everyone’s favorite!! i didn’t know who he was, but apparently i have a few friends that know him through crossfit. and then i told steven that and he said he has done crossfit with him, too. oh okay? haha. guess i should do crossfit. #not. AND!! wells, who brought all 4 one, he’s been a radio DJ here for years. i was pretty impressed with that move. definitely made for good tv huh!!! and barf, jake was THE worst. who is he to give advice on this?!?! he’s horrible at it! haha!!! ok i think that’s all i got. ;)
Jake: go with your gut
Me: and how did that work out for you?
OMGOSH!!!! Does your hubby have anything to say about Jordan?? Is he nice? He seems super normal and really nice, which is surprising when your brother is a hugely famous pro quarterback and all haha ;) I was so impressed by the DJ too! Heck yes, if you have connections, use ’em! All for that! I am so excited for this season- it’s going to be so good!
Haha! This post was so funny! I watched the premiere with my boyfriend and I’m pretty sure we had at least half of those same reactions. Jordan was one of my top 3 picks too!
Haha yesssss I love that you watch with your guy! It’s pretty much the best, isn’t it?
When she gave the Canadian the final rose I was like “Did the producers make her do that?” Out of all the guys, she just so happened to pick all three that do not have real careers. The Hipster, The Bachelor Fan, and The Canadian. I expected better from you, Jojo, so much better.
Seeing some of these guys makes me remember how great of a hubby I snatched up. All the drunken guys and a few references to their “packages” right away made me cringe. I mean, let’s class it up, boys.
Overall, though, super stoked for this season!
YES. I said the same thing!!! Like, really, she picked the “Canadian?” ABC DEFINITELY told her to do that!! And I am really excited for this season, too- it’s going to be good. I can feel it.
You totally tricked me. I thought to myself, “Wait, Orlando Bloom was on the show? How did I miss that??”
Ahhhh yep, then it hit me..that DJ definitely looked like him! So there’s that. Super excited for the season and all the boy-drama to come!
PS Major kudos to your hubby for the gorgeous ring!!
A) YOUR RING!!!!!!! ???????????????? I think I’m falling for morganite also!!! Beautiful :)
B) ugh. the Canadian. ????
I get so embarrassed for him and his actions, like cover-my-eyes, can’t-watch-you, embarrassed.
C) Jordan, FOR SURE, all the way.
can’t wait for next Monday’s Man Quotes :)