shorts: american eagle via thredup (my fave place to find awesome deals on name brands! LOVE! first timers get a free $10 credit when you sign up!)
bracelet: c/o windsor
So it’s August. Just let that sink in for a second. It’s August and that means that I automatically go into slight panic mode, because August means the next month is September which means basically summer is over and you know what, I’m just not ready for summer to be over. I want to soak in every single minute of this season. I want to take advantage of the long nights and warm breeze and I want to go on the lake again and have BBQ’s and go on more family walks in the evening, while we still can. So that’s exactly what I am dedicating this weekend to. Embracing the rest of summer, while it’s still here. I suggest you do the same. Cheers to a summer-filled weekend!
p.s. have you entered the Lärabar giveaway yet?
You are so lucky you live in California where you can enjoy summer! We are in Texas….where 108 days are not rare!
Well, we’ve definitely had a few of those 100+ days, too! I feel you!
What do you know, time flies! We’re more than halfway into the year and the daylight is getting shorter as autumn approaches. Soon, it’ll be Christmas all over again!
Ahhhh don’t say that! Too soon! lol ;)
I seriously can’t believe it’s already August! Last night I realized it and was “What?!”. Crazy! Love that bracelet btw :). And if it’s already August, Fall is right around the corner :)
Right?! I was like, no wayyyyy is it already August?! But you’re right, fall is always nice :)
WAHHH summer cannot be over. i cannot handle it!
I’m not ready for summer to be over because I am so not ready for my October wedding yet so I need summer to slow down a little!
Ahhhh but that is SO EXCITING!!!!! I want to re-live my wedding day again. It’s the best. Enjoy every single second of it. :)
ohhh my gosh, cute cute cute!! i seriously love everything riffraff has, i need to place an order asap!!
YES, you do!!! I’m obsessed with Riffraff!
Isn’t it crazy how quickly these last couple months have gone by?! I cannot believe it’s already August! To be honest though, I’m ready for summer to be over around here. It’s just too darn hot to do anything fun outdoors. We’ll be getting outside more for walks, hikes, and BBQs just as everyone else in the country is getting too cold. Haha. But yes, embrace it while you can!!!
Ha! Hey, better late than never? ;) It’s been H-O-T here too! That’s why sometimes we just have to wait until later in the evening to enjoy being outside!
Such a pretty look! Love these denim shorts!
Thanks Sabina!! :)
absolutely agree!!! it’s going to be an absolutely great summer weekend (and rest of the month) hot dang! but seriously….august!?
RIGHT?! Craaaazy that it’s already August! I can’t handle it!
That is a gorgeous pic of you!!!! Also: can’t believe it’s august. Yup, that’s just not even okay… have an AWESOME summer-filled weekend!!!
Haha agreed- this summer is flying by, it seems!! At least it stays feeling like summer here well into October, so I guess that’s a plus! ;)
I’m freaking out too, baby month! I have more anxiety about the second than I did the first delivery:( but yes, cheers to the last month of fun summer activities!!!:)
OMG BABY MONTH!!! You are looking fab, mama! I’m so excited for you!!! Don’t be nervous. You GOT this. :)
Beautiful smile!! I’m all about keeping the summer rollin’
Aw thanks :) And amen to that, sister. Let’s keep the summer rollin’ as long as humanly possible, I say!
isn’t this year just flying by! i swear it feels like it was just christmas!
Haha it totally does!! If time could just slow down, a liiiiittle bit, that’d be great. ;)
This photo of you is perfect. Rockin’ the red lips!
I seriously can’t believe that it is already August. But I’m excited for fall and that means my birthday is soon and that is always exciting too.
You are so stinking cute! I love that picture. No one wears shorts like you!
aww why thank you :)