dress: shabby apple (“I’m Late! I’m Late!”)
boots: steve madden
Happy Friday, loves! What a week it’s been, let me tell you. But now it’s the weeeekend, and I’m thinking you might like a little giveaway, yes? Love that lace dress pictured? It can be yours, too! I’ve officially reached 500 followers, whoa!! I figured it would only be right to have a little celebratory giveaway for this monumental milestone! So, one lucky reader will be winning a $50 gift card to Shabby Apple, one of my faaaavorite online stores! They have the cutest selection of retro dresses, vintage dresses, shirtdresses, and casual dresses and adorably flattering clothing that I have ever seen!
To enter, just visit Shabby Apple and leave a comment below telling me which dress is your favorite. Easy peasey!
Bonus entries (please leave a separate comment for each entry):
1. Follow Katie Did What via GFC or Bloglovin
2. Like Shabby Apple on Facebook
3. Tweet about this giveaway! (Be sure to include @ShabbyApple and @katiedid_what in your tweet, as well as a link to this post!) then leave the link below in a comment
4. Blog about this giveaway and leave the link to the blog post in a comment!
Plus, Shabby Apple has gratiously offered 10% off all purchases for an entire month to all Katie Did What readers with code katiedidwhat10off
I’ll announce the winner of this giveaway on Wednesday, 1/16!
Good luck, girls!
p.s. This outfit would look amazing with mustard tights, too!
EDIT: And the winner is…
Congrats Amanda! :) Please send me an email at [email protected]
My favorite on is Joyful!
I like Shabby Apple on facebook!
tcrowley122 at hotmail dot com
OOoh the Rodeo Drive dress is super pretty!!
P.S. How do you make your photos so AMAZING?? I know you have that fancy new camera now, but they seriously look super professional. Ok I’ll stop before I give you a big head. Happy Friday!
Follow you on GFC
This is by far my favorite Sabby Apple dress! Ever!! I love it, and this is the one I would pick!
I like Shabby Apple on FB
Congrats on 500 Followers! I love the overboard dress, so cute.
I follow you on BlogLovin!
And I follow you on GFC:)
I follow Shabby Apple on FB!
I love the Champs Elysees!
A also I love the dress you picked — and follow you via GFC.
Girl, you look SO cute in that dress! I love the el capitan dress :)
And I obviously follow your awesome blog via GFC. :)
There are SO many beauties on there! I think I’m going to have to stick with the first one that I saw and loved- the Bellissima- the dress AND the background of the Trevi fountain are amazing! I follow you on Google and you crack me up- love your blog!
loving the Serenade dress!
I love the Champs Elysees!
And I follow you!
I love the Aintree dress!
I follow you on GFC!
Great giveaway. Beautiful stuff, think I’d go with the Nantucket dress. Thanks so much for the chance.
I love Admiral!!
https://twitter.com/icitea/status/289838892264333312 my tweet~
my post! http://ateacupofwhimsy.blogspot.com/2013/01/katie-did-what-for-shabby-apple.html
following on gfc at icitea
I already like them on Facebook at Itsuko Tea!
LOVE the North Shore dress!
Wait, you seriously expect me to choose a favorite?! :D I totally love the Pina Colada dress :)
I follow you on GFC :)
So many cute dresses! Nothin’ Like a Dame is my favorite, so far.
One for my baby. I’ve always wanted it. LOVE.
I follow you on GFC. That dress is perfect on you.
I’ve liked Shabby Apple on Facebook.
I am following you on Bloglovin
And I liked Shabby Apples on facebook
Here is my tweet:
I love all the yosemite dresses, especially black oak :)
Love the racepoint skirt in red stripes!