sitting on the couch next to each other, each with your own tub of ice cream, watching silly shows on tv, and literally crying from laughter. yes, there were real tears, my friends. and i wouldn’t have changed that for anything.
(also, we happened to be watching teen mom, and at one point the tears were from actually crying because i cannot get through a scene with catelynn and tyler without crying. who’s with me? side note: i’m really sad that teen mom is over now.)
I wish i could say i do the same thing w my bf! except he wouldnt be caught dead eating more than a spoon of ice cream once in a blue moon!
there are pluses and minuses to having a boyfriend whos a personal trainer…:/
xoxo Inna
haha well, it’s not like we do this on a nightly basis or anything, but little indulgences every now and then are definitely the spice of life ;)
oh, and for the record, we absolutely did not eat the entire cartons!! not even close!
I’m so sad that it’s over. Nothing will be the original cast. I also adore that they are the cutest couple. But can we also agree that Farrah is the ugliest cryer??
hahaha YES! she really is, poor girl. i always can tell when the tears are coming, and i’m just like “no, no, no, come on girl, hold it together…” but it’s useless. every time.
This is too cute! I could totally see me and my hubby doing this. :)
:) and you should!
i think we speak the same language :) we loveeee doing this!!!
this is what marriage and husbands are best at :)!
aww yayy!!
absolutely. :)
You guys are so cute together! I love that kind of night as well :)
thank you, C!!
So i’m just catching up on some of your older posts and I love this one! So true and sounds just like the hubby and I! I swear we would be bffs if we lived by each other! OH great news too… today I read that Maci is FOR SURE getting her own spin off show and they have already started to film!
OMG YES, we would definitely be bffs!! love you, girl! and omgomgomg soooo excited for maci’s spin off show!!!! you totes made my day (haha, pathetic, much?)