We were out and about running some errands this week, and decided on a whim to stop by a neighborhood park. Our little guy had been so good the whole day, but he had also been trapped in a car seat/ stroller, so this was our opportunity to all get some fresh air and also let him run off all of his energy (of which he has a lot these days)! And of course we snapped a few photos, because he was just so darn cute in his new little jogger outfit, and we were all having so much fun. PLUS, BONUS. We had the playground to ourselves. Don’t you just love when that happens?! AND AND, the weather was absolutely perfect. November in California, I ain’t mad at you one bit.
Happy weekend friends! I hope you spend it with those you love, enjoying every minute. :)
Any fun plans?
Ooh, you’re so lucky to be able to wear a poncho and booties! Here in Florida its still in the 90’s!
Ughhhh that is HOT! Hopefully it cools down a bit for you soon!
your family makes my heart melt every time! Sam is the cutest little thing, you’re so lucky ;) have a great weekend friend!
Aww you’re so sweet!! :) Happy weekend girl!
You and your family are absolutely adorable! I’m jealous of the beautiful weather you’re having in California! It unfortunately is getting too chilly to just wear ponchos where I am in Vancouver. I hope you continue to enjoy the sunshine!
I’m soaking up the weather before it gets really chilly, which it’s juuuust starting to! :)