It’s really feeling like summer around these parts, and i l-o-v-e it! To take full advantage of the glorious weather (highs in the low 80’s! yesssss!) the hubster and i have been frequenting our new favorite park, which is about a 3 minute drive/10 minute bike ride from our humble abode. plus, we have our big “year after” photo shoot coming up this thursday (!!!) and i want us not look too much like vampires in it, ifyouknowwhatimean. hashtag pale.
so i took my current book (finally reading “the help!” and it is SO GOOD! serious page turner. i knocked out 100 pages just the other day! in one day! i never do that!) and we had a picnic lunch of paninis and chips and basked in the glory of the sun on our little blanket.
and then we did the exact same thing the next day (yesterday), only we played catch, too! i impressed him with my catching and throwing a ball skills. yes, that’s right, i played softball when i was 12. i’m pretty much profesh.
last night, i kind of found and shortly fell in love with a bathing suit at topshop. and the hubs politely (and quite generously!) gave me the green light to go ahead and order it. i mean, shipping was free! ending last night! the pressure was on.
(it’s right here on the topshop website, if you want to be twins and get it too! oh, how fun!)
i had to throw this in here, too, because i mean, come on. look at his wittow feet! we have one fancy cat.
and i started the crest white strips for our shoot coming up, and i know they deliver great results and all, but dang. my teeth be hurtin’! ahh well, you know what they say. pain is beauty, princess. xo
Adorable bathing suit! Love your blog, new follower from:
eek! yay, i love new followers :) isn’t it adorbs? just got it in the mail yesterday, and it. is. perfection. xo