Okay, so we found this out about a few weeks ago, but I just realized with all of the craziness of Christmas, etc, I never actually shared here on the blog! But, it’s true! We are having another baby BOY! And we couldn’t be more excited!
I mean, thank goodness it’s a boy, really, because honestly, I don’t think we could handle another Sophie! Ha!
We were both fully convinced it was a girl! Since this pregnancy has been so similar to Sophie’s (lots of nausea, up until very recently actually- and I’m 19 weeks now). But nope. There’s a little dude in there! So much for “mother’s intuition”- I have been wrong every single time.
I’m so excited for Sam to have a brother and for Sophie to still be the only girl. Also, when we found out, Sophie immediately started crying and got super upset, saying “I don’t want baby to come.” So. There’s that. But she’s slowly warming up to the idea. And we couldn’t be more thrilled!!!
Baby Boy, you are so loved already. Now? To come up with a name… WHY IS THIS SO HARD?! Gimme your favorite boy names in the comments!
Congrats on the boy! I love being a boy mom. My son’s name is Jacob Logan and we always get complimented on the names!
My cousin is a Jacob! And that was going to be my name if I was a boy! ;) Such a good name!
Our baby is Beckett Lane!
Love it!!
I am also 19 weeks with my second and if we have a boy we are going with Micah. My daughter is Sophie’s age and her name is Ezra, also an awesome name. I also love the names Caleb, Luke and Matthew. Congratulations!
I love Luke!! And Micah is such a nice name, too! Congrats!
Shane, Stephen, Shawn :) are you wanting to continue the S trend? It’s hard to come up with some haha
Haha nah the letter isn’t important to us! ;) Although we get that a lot!
If the letter isn’t important, then definitely Myles! That’s our son’s name ;)
Gah I’m 18 weeks with a boy and I’m also having a hard time finding a name! Best of luck! Naming our girl seemed so much easier. ????
My two boys are Finn and Emmett so those are my favs. I really wanted my Emmett to be Sullivan (that would fit well with the S’s ;) ), but my hubs just wasn’t onboard. My BIL and his wife ended up naming their little guy Sullivan, so at least we still have one in the family ;) Good luck with this pregnancy, so exciting. We also have a girl and two boys (in that order though).
You guys are so cute! congrats.
Aw thanks!!