Here’s our impromptu Monterey trip, in photo form: (yes, beaucoup de photos!!)
I let him borrow my sunnies, since he got the bad side in the car :)
We stopped at Pea Soup Andersen’s on the way there for, what else, some pea soup!
My mom and I, just relaxing in the hotel room. :)
Yummy dinner on the wharf. The waiter gave my mom and I each a rose at the end! Loved it!
The biggest mocha I’ve ever had!
Aren’t my parents the cutest?!
Great white shark! (baby, though, so it wasn’t really all that “great”)
We ended our trip with a stop at the John Steinbeck Museum in Salinas.
Zack was obviously extremely excited.
The end!
loved looking at all you photos from your trip! looks like you guys had loads of fun. oh & you and your huge cup of mocha are so adorable!
@Jessie Awww thank you for the sweet comment :) It was almost bigger than my head!!! That little cafe was so cute. They served the water in mason jars, thus inspiring me to get ahold of some mason jars for my house :)