So it’s Thursday. Thursdays have never really excited me too much, you know? I mean, I don’t know. Thursday. Jeudi (en francais). The next day’s Friday, so that always overshadows the fact that it’s Thursday, I think. Poor Thursday. Anyway, here’s a quote from what I’m reading lately, because that’s all I’ve got for you. I mean, it IS Thursday, after all.
I’m currently taking a little break from the world of HP and owls and Hogwarts (and still mourning the loss of D) and have delved into the world of “The Hobbit,” and it’s quite pleasant. I mean, I had to read this book before the movie comes out, you know? Plus, Tolkien is awesome. And his sense of humor! I love it! I find myself chuckling to myself at those silly Hobbitses and their aversion to adventures and their love for food. And their little hairy feet. And Bilbo Baggins is the coolest Hobbit around. So. Yeah. Have you read “The Hobbit” or any of the “Lord of the Rings” books? Are you a fan? Let’s nerd out together, maybe?
/end nerd post.
Thursday should just be removed from the week!!! And I have never read the hobbit but always wanted to :) Especially since the movie is coming out soon!!!
I never read it either, until now, and I am loving it!! It’s so charming. :)
Eee! I am SUCH a huge fan of Tolkien’s writing :) I love LOTR, and the Hobbit! Isn’t The Hobbit just the sweetest book? Can’t wait for the movies!
Mel <3
Yayy! Yes, it is so sweet! :) Meeee too! Crazy that there’s going to be 3 of them!!
Aren’t Hobbits the best?? I’ve read all the books and seen the movies more times than I can count – they’re just the best. I threw a quote at my boyfriend today from the Two Towers and he completely didn’t get it. I may need to find a new boyfriend.
YES, I love me some Hobbits! Haha you may need to reconsider the boyfriend, that’s for sure. ;)
You are too cute! Thursday has now redeemed itself now that Vampire Diaries as started back up again.
And that last quote is absolutely beautiful! And is it bad that I have never read Harry Potter OR The Hobbit?!?
xo TJ
Aww thank you, girl!! And, oh my, you have some homework to do, girl! Start to readin’! ;)
love tolkien! My freshman English class was on Tolkien’s books and poems
OMG I would have loooooved that!! So cool! He is just so good with words.
This is the best. I love all your quotes! They just make me smile!!
Awww you’re so sweet, Meg! Thank you!! :) Glad they made you smile! They did that to me, too.
I love that last quote!!
Isn’t it pretty?? Tolkien has quite the way with words! :)
hahaha…i luv the hobbity words of wisdom, they always make me laugh. i like the first because, let’s be honest, meal times are wat most important. ;)
I knowwww, me too! Hobbits are just too cute :) And they have their priorities straight, that’s for sure! ;)
I LOVE your glasses
Haha oh, girl, funny you say that. I got them at a thrift store, and I’m pretty sure they’re like, safety goggles. You know, what people wear while operating heavy machinery? Yeah. Pretyyyy awesome, I know ;)
oh boy, i think i just found the first thing that we do not have in common. ;) not really a fan of The Hobbit – just cannot get into it!
but i must say those glasses are mighty fine – i LOVE nerd glasses! you are too cute. i thought i told you to stop it.
Haha, awww it was bound to happen sometime, right?! We can’t have EVERYTHING in common! Just…. almost everything! ;) And I’ll stop with the cuteness when you do!
these books are on my “to read” list.
Yessss, do it! Highly recommend the Hobbit :) Plus, the movies are coming out soon, and we have to have read them first!
I will totally nerd out with you. I’ve read all the HP books…twice:/ And I’ve read all the LOTR books/The Hobbit. Total nerd.
They’re amazing though! You’ll love them:)
YAYYYY. You’re awesome! I know I will be reading the HP books all over again probably in a year or so!! :) I know I’ll catch more things I didn’t the first time, and it might even be more enjoyable the second time around? Who knows. I do know I’m going to be so sad when they’re all over (I’m about to start the last one!) And The Hobbit is the cutest little thing in the world. I am LOVING it!
I have never read any of the LOTR books but I’ve seen all the movies and love them! Maybe I should add these to my “Books To Read” list.
I’ve seen all of the LOTR movies, too, but I’m not sure if I’m going to read those books… At least not for a while… But The Hobbit? LOVE it so much, and highly recommend!