I have this fortune that I got in a fortune cookie years ago that I haven’t been able to get rid of. You know, those things that no matter how often you clean out your desk and you organize your life, some things just stick with you. You can’t get yourself to throw them out. This is one of those things. The fortune says, “Happiness is a state of mind.” And it has it’s spot on my desk right in my eye’s view, so that I can see it whenever I need to. It’s always there, a constant reminder. And you know, a lot has happened in my life, a lot of sadness and confusion and anger and a lot of tears and pain and it’s never going away, none of it. I’ll carry it with me forever, until the end of my days. That’s just the way life goes, I guess. But from all of it, I always go back, after the sadness and anger and fear and questions of “why?” and declarations that “life isn’t fair,” I am constantly going back to that fortune, sitting there peacefully on my desk: Happiness is a state of mind. Well, okay, then. So it is. And me? I choose to be happy. I think that’s a much better mindset than the millions of alternatives, don’t you?
Christina Steward
I do agree. We have to choose every day to be happy. Yes, acknowledge the events in our lives that have caused us hurt, sadness, etc. They’ve marked us and changed us, but they don’t have to rule our daily lives. I think it is important to remember them and to take out of them what we can – hopefully strength in some form, but we can choose joy. Every. Single. Day. I love your heart, girl. And i think your ability to choose joy over pain shows a deeper strength in you.
Katie Did What
You are the sweetest, Christina. I just loved what you had to say. I love YOUR heart. Thanks so much for your words- they lifted me up! <3
I’m definitely going to agree with the fortune cookie, happiness really is a state or mine. I wish more people would realize it, maybe it would change prespective on life a little bit for some people
Katie Did What
Amen to that! It most certainly would change a lot of people’s perspective on life! And perspective is everything :)
Carrie Harr
I really needed to see this today. Thank you for sharing Katie!
Katie Did What
Aw I’m so glad :)
Amber Solis
Wow I definitely agree. And to think, I almost threw out an old fortune from a cookie today!! Great timing Katie =)
It’s nice to see you being real, yet thinking positively. Love it girl!!!
Katie Did What
Thanks so much, girl. That was such a nice thing to say :) I gotta keep it real, always! ;)
Asking why is a great way to really think about what is actually going on. Taking that time to reflect and see if this problem is really worth being angry and upset about. I love that you have it right there on our desk for you to see all the time. It is a great reminder that everyone should have. Choosing to be happy is great. & I think I am going to choose that with you :)
xo. Kailagh
Katie Did What
Yay, I think it’s an excellent choice :) And yes, asking why is a good way to think about the situation, but wallowing in the why’s that will never have an answer is when it becomes detrimental to happiness.
choose to be happy blog
choose to be happy! i couldn’t agree more! and you are soo right, its a CHOICE! and sometimes, in sad ugly times, you have to choose it.
Katie Did What
Awww I love that it is your blog name! Too perfect!! :) Amen to having to choose happiness, otherwise life becomes way too hard!
Remembering to choose happiness can sometimes be challenging. We can get bogged down with our day to day lives, drudgery and and focus to much on the negative happening in our lives. Surrounding yourself with people who make you happy and don’t always expect you to be the supply of their happiness can really help. Choosing to be happy all week…
Katie Did What
I love that: it’s so important to surround yourself with positive, happy people! They tend to rub off on you!! :)
I adore you and your constant positivity. A wonderful way to be.
Katie Did What
Oh, sweet girl. I am nowhere near being constantly positive, but I do try to let it shine through me more than any other state of being… if that makes sense. Anyway, I wish I was constantly positive, but that’s just not possible. You are, however, very kind. <3