Sponsored by Zappos. All opinions are 100% my own.
Me and my fall babies, at our favorite place to be: the park. I feel like my life is an episode of “Cheers” and instead of the bar, we frequent the playground. Although to be honest, I have never in my life watched even one episode of “Cheers,” but that’s beside the point. It remains: we spend an awful lot of time at the park. Fresh air and playgrounds and moving our bodies, it’s all just really good for the soul. So that’s what we do when we’re feeling cooped up, or wanting to expend all of that energy (p.s. two year olds have a lottttt of energy).
Sophie’s a fan of the park, too. Promise.
I wore my new SOREL boots from Zappos on this particular park adventure. The weather is finally feeling like FALL (praise hands!) and they were just the perfect addition to my outfit. I love anything that I can wear that make me feel cute and confident, but also let me play freely with my little ones and run around and not worry about getting dirty. These boots are PERFECT for just that! To add a feminine touch to a masculine pair of boots like these, layer a pretty ruffled tank under a casual off-the-shoulder sweater. Easy. And don’t forget the boot socks! My favorite addition.
And we all know how awesome Zappos is, right? Great customer service and free shipping, plus a 365 day return policy! Stress-free shopping. My favorite kind. ;)
Kisses from my boy are the best!
And obviously I had to twin with Sophie girl. EVERY CHANCE I GET. Every chance.
What’s your fave pair of boots for fall?
Umm.. WHERE are Sophie’s boots from?! I think Lucy needs those!!!
So cute, right?! They’re hand-me-downs from her big bro. :) They’re by Carter’s! I found a similar pair here: http://bit.ly/2emXlhg
Target has a cute pair for little girls too in pink and navy. Also, Gap.
Where did you get your daughter’s hat?
From Wild Lily’s Mama on Etsy! Here’s the link: https://www.etsy.com/listing/250907574/patterned-knitted-pompom-hat-the-hart?ref=shop_home_active_2
Thank you! I figured and I was looking but didn’t find this one. It’s adorable!
I agree with previous comment. Where are your littles boots from? My Alice needs them to match me!!
Ps I LOVE your style. I wish we lived closer so you could dress me lol. I don’t know why but my little girl is always dressed better than I am.
I love all boots. I live in Wisconsin so boots are necessary for many months. I have many styles ;).
Aww you are SO sweet!! :) And yes, it’s so much more fun to dress little ones, isn’t it? The boots are hand-me-downs from Sam! They’re by Carter’s and can’t find the exact ones, but these are very similar: http://bit.ly/2emXlhg
You guys look so cute and fall-themed! I know what you mean about spending all your time in the park with your babies, we have no park near where we live but a big open space with a ginormous statue in the middle (the African version of the statue of liberty!) and it’s right by our house so we go there every.single.day. But my daughter loves it so that’s what counts…anything to keep her happy ;)
YES. I love that- anything to make our babies happy!! :) You’re such a good mama!
Your style is adorable! I love it! I wish my kids would stay clean enough to be fashionable!
omg, haha. i’m watching cheers right now. i watch it every night!! that is so funny!! you guys are sooo cute. i love your boots! i want some like that asap!!!
hahaha OMG this is why I love you.