Dear Zack, whoa, this past week has been CRAZY for the website! We were seriously working 18 hour days and posting deals non-stop! But it has definitely paid off! And this comment you posted on my fb? “If every day were like this, we’d be rich! Thanks for being the best co-worker I could ask for! ;)” Um, yes. I love you.
Dear Christmas decorations, this little house of ours is full of you, and I. LOVE. IT. Lights and trees and glitter everything everywhere?! Sign me up! Christmas decorating, I don’t know if you know, but it is sort of MY thing. Like, it’s just my thing, okay. I love it. It puts me in this very calm state, where it’s just me and the Christmas music and the boxes and boxes of glittery goodness, and I just start going and there is no stopping me. It’s great, really. I don’t think Zack minds too much.
Dear TSO, that was the craziest thing I’ve ever seen. It was a really fun outing with my parents-in-law and definitely got me even more into the Christmas spirit (if that’s even possible?!)
Dear weekend, we’re headed up the hill on sunday to pick out my parent’s tree and decorate it! I’m so excited, I just love this tradition every year! We go to an actual tree lot (as opposed to the grocery store parking lot, not that there’s anything wrong with that! It’s where we are going to get ours) and everything just feels extra Christmas-y. :) I’ll be decorating the tree all by myself again (unless Santa’s little helpers decide to pitch in), and I am perfectly okay with that. It’s kind of a spiritual experience, you know? Just me, and the tree, and a box full of ornaments, and of course a mug of hot chocolate (with maybe a side of good ol’ jack to help me out) and some Perry Como on the speakers. Ahh, yes. Zen.
Dear Christmas movies, I love you so so so much. Way better than Halloween movies. So far, we’ve watched Home Alone and The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. “His heart grew three sizes that day” had my own heart all warm and fuzzy. Both got me slightly emotional. I’m such a girl. But really, don’t you just love Christmas movies? I’m so excited to watch lots more, including my personal favorites “It’s a Wonderful Life,” “A Christmas Story,” and DUH, “Christmas Vacation.” What’s your favorite?
Dear Batman (the cat), you are REALLY good at creeping in the background of photos. Just sayin’. It does make for quite a bit of entertainment once I load the photos to my computer and am perusing them. Case in point:
Hopefully you have more busy days on the site then :)
My husband harassed me until I told him we could put it up, which was last Monday. If it was up to me, it would go up like next weekend lol.
haha sounds like your husband has the same mentality as me when it comes to Christmas decorating!!! :)
Sounds like you got a great guy! Have fun decorating the tree! I love decorating and baking for Christmas. It’s therapeutic! Have a great weekend!
Aww I really did! ;) YES, you are so right: it’s totes therapeutic!
Haha! I love the picture with Batman :D
We are putting our Christmas tree up today–so excited! :)
Blessings! <3
Aww yayyyy for putting your tree up today!! :) I’m sure you had so much fun!
Such a cute post! Glad to hear things are going so well!
Sarah :: Your Plucky Picaroon
Aw thanks, miss Sarah!! :)
YaY for busy days with the website! That’s exciting.
I’ve stopped over at your website a time or two…lots of good deals!!
Aw you are too sweet!! Thank you, and it means so much that you’ve checked out our website!!! :) Don’t be a stranger, girl!
Haha omg I love your Christmas spirit…almost every letter mentions something to do with Christmas. You kill me girl!
haha omg I didn’t notice that…. juuust call me miss Christmas over here!!! ;)
Oh Batman, he’s such a little stud!! Just tryin’ to get him some picture time in! And I neeeeed more Christmas movies in my life. Might have to make that happen this weekend!
haha Batman is SUCH a stud. It’s a constant thing. And yes, you really need to be watching Christmas movies. They are the BEST!
I can’t wait to start decorating for christmas! I’m much more of a holiday person than my boyfriend, who has to be convinced to decorate… which, of course, is why he was wrapped in christmas lights and other decorations in his sleep last night… to teach him it would be easier to let me go get the tree
hahahah omg you are hilarious!!! LOVE that! I’m definitely on board with you, girl!
All of those Christmas movies are my favs too! Actually, I don’t think there is a Christmas movie that I don’t like!
I’d have to agree with you! They are all so good!!
I know! I am super excited about the christmas movies! Happy Holidays babe <33
Yay Christmas movies!! Right back at you, girl! :)
We bought a bunch of Christmas movies at Target last night. Yay for $5 movies!!
Omg loooove Target!! Which movies did you buy?!
I’m watching home alone tonight!! woohoo!
Happy weekend lovely!
Awww yayyy Home Alone is the BEST!! :) I kinda want to watch it again… haha!
I just spent a week near an Ultra store and picked up a few Elf savers!
I’m definitely going to take advantage of this offer! thank you!
Aww yay!! :) Glad to help, girl!
Haha, yay! I’m so happy to hear someone else is as fanatic about all things Christmas decor as I am! If I don’t get myself under control I could just keep adding, and adding and adding until probably New Years Eve. It’s just wonderful :)
Aw yay, glad to not feel totally crazy over here!! ;) haha it’s just too much fun!! And makes the whole house so pretty!
I’ve never tried elf cosmetics lol i should defiantly look into it.
how funny, your cat is always creeping in your pictures
OMG you need to try elf!! Seriously, get the right products, and it’s amazing, especially since everything is like $1 or $3! LOVE.
The Family Stone is high up on my Christmas movie list, along with Love Actually, and When Harry Met Sally (sorta Christmas-like…they go through christmas/new years!) :)
I’m hoping we get our tree this sunday! Can’t wait! Have a fun (and festive) weekend!
I adore Love Actually! And yes, you are so right, When Harry Met Sally totally counts as a Christmas movie! LOVE it!! :) As does Sleepless in Seattle! ;)
congrats u guys on all the success for ur website!! :)
oh my gosh, i adore xmas movies! the last two on ur list of course and then the little claymation style rudolf!! oh, i could watch them forever, and always hit the TBS A Christmas Story marathon. :)
Aw thanks so much, girl!!! :) And helll yes, love that tbs marathon! So classic!
I hate paying money for shipping too! I’m always a sucker when it’s free. Christmas movies are just the best. I’m so ready to decorate my apartment this weekend (hopefully), watch Christmas movies, and really get into the spirit even more!
YES, definitely a sucker for free shipping!! Yay I hope you have a very festive weekend, girl! :)
Adorable letters! I’m with you on the Christmas movies- they never get old, I can watch them over and over again. My all time favorite– “Love Actually”. Happy December 1st! xo
Ahhh I just adore Love, Actually! :) I’ll hopefully be watching it tomorrow night! Either that or Elf… Haven’t decided yet! ;)
I can’t wait to see your tree! We used to go to a tree farm in the states but since the Koreans don’t like real trees we hike up the mountain and cut one down shhhhh! PS also so stoked about all the Christmas movies! I’ll be watching them in my classes this month!
haha I love that- don’t worry, I won’t tell the Koreans on you!! ;)
Love this post! Adore your white coat in that photo. I know exactly what you mean about Christmas decorating. So calming and fun. I am the main person who decorates our tree and it has been that way for years due to family not wanting to help and now I must admit that when they try to help I get all OCD and want to yell don’t touch the tree cause I’m afraid they will do it wrong. This girl is a bit crazay haha.
Oh and is that E.L.F deal still going on? Cause that is awesome.
hahaha omg YES, I did that when I was decorating! It’s just better if no one else touches it- I just end up moving things around to how I want them anyway. ;) Umm that e.l.f. deal is over, but right now they have this one going on:
Oh and I LOVE CHRISTMAS MOVIES. notice the all caps. That is how large my love is. I am making an ultimate Christmas movie list of all my favorites, we try to watch at least one a day, and I am going to share it on the blog. I’ve been putting it off for weeks though cause it is so much work aka I’m lazy but I’ll try to post it soon.
ha I love the caps! My love for them is that large, too. Christmas movies are the best! Can’t wait to see your list! :)